Team of 2
10 mile bike (each)
1 mile - 80# sandbag and 70# KB farmers carry. One does one. One does the other. Can swap as needed.
100 burpees over sandbag
10k row - swap every 250m
Time: 1 hr 29 min
2nd: 1pm
Back squat Cycle @20X0
102 x 10
119 x 8
128 x 8
136 x 8
3rd : 4:30p - high aerobic efforts here
AMRAP 10 w/ 20# vest
15 cal AB
10 box jumps (24)
5 strict hspu. (Same height but pbars for wrist)
Score : 4+28
* hspu started not going UB at rd 4 and were slower. Was tough here
Rest prob 10 for set up
10 KB power cleans (53's)
20 double under
3 tough power snatch - singles. (Performed at 165)
Score: 5+10
Done for day. Holy shit I'm dead.