
World-Class Fitness in 100 Words

Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.*Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast.*Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense.*Regularly learn and play new sports.—
Greg Glassman, founder of CrossFit "What is Fitness?"

Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday, 092814

A. Snatch - bar work 
B. SqT @80% x 2 rep x 3 sets

A. Strict Press - 3RM
* think last two sets were PR's. Unsure. 
B. 5 rds 
25 wall balls 
20 pullups 
15 GHD sit-ups
10 tng SqT Cleans (135)
End time: 27:44 
Breakdown 2:27-2:51-3:00-3:17-4:09
** died on last rd

Late PM
A. Back SqT - 5RM
Hit 157kg - 1kg PR
Tried 159 got 3 only. Legs were smoked. 

Sat, 092614

Friday, 092514

Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday, 091614

Aleep night prior : 12-8

A. Back SqT - up to 120kg for 3x1 with 3-5 second pause in hole. 
B. Row 
1:30 hard, :30 off x 10 
Maintained 1:52-1:54 on all on. 

A. 1rM bS - 5 sec pause in hole 
* no miss. Stopped there. Tired today 
B. Drop set @85% 2x3 of A - 5 sec paiE between 
C. eMOM x 15
1. 8 muscle ups 
2. 2x through triple jump bounding 
3. 10 cal HARD effort on AB 
Completed. 8 MU were hard come 4th and 5th rd, but got al UB all rds. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wed, 092414

Sleep night prior : 11p-6:30p

A. Clean + FS + Jerk ; double. Not TnG brough second series.  
B. CLean Pull from high blocks 
Went heavy for 3x5 
C. Front SqT cycle - am work - 
Up to 130 for 3 singles 
50 pistols 
30 hang power clean 
10 muscle ups 
30 cal AB
50 T2B
Time : 9:45

A, SqT cycle 
Front SqT - 3RM w/ 3 sec pause in hole 
+ 95% + 90%
119 - 112 
C. Deadlift off2-3" block. Used a double + single piece of wood. 
390 x 3 reps x 5 sets. Not TnG
190kg (418lbs) x 3

*** exhausted from today. 

Tuesday, 092314

A. Snatch - worked SqT snatch technique at 60kg. Shoulder neck bad so taking easy 

Amrap 12 
5 burpees 
5 bar muscle up 
5 box jumps (30) step down 
5 power Smatch (135)
Score: 5+13
Rest 6
250m row
20 DU
15 air squats 
10m HS Walk 
Score: forget 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Monday, September 22, 2014

Sat, 092014

A. SqT Clean + Hang Powerb Clean + Frint SqT
B. Wod 

C. Team wod 

Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday, 091914

A. Push press - heavy 3 
Hot 105.  110 wasn't having it. Shoulder in rough shape and nerve issue, def playing. 2 drop sets at 95kg x 3
B. Snatch Pull- 3 position pause x 2 reps 
Worked with 100kg here 
C. EMOm x 21
1. 7 strict hspu
2. 50 Double UNders (unbroken is goal)
3. 15 t2b
Completed all 

Rest bit 

D. Back SqT - climb heavy single 
Failed on 175 which would have been PR
E. Front SqT - heavy single 

Wed 091714

amrap 10 @80% - 10 burpees , 15 C2B pullups, 40 double unders
score 5+11
rest 4 min 
amrap 10@80% - 200m Run, 10 hang SqT Cleans (95/63), 30' OH Walking Lunge (same barbell)
Score 3+200 + 10
rest 4 min 
10 min on bike :30 on hard :30 on easy  
Didn't do

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday, 091614

Sleep night prior : 11p - 8a

Breakfast: eggs , bacon, English muffin pb&j, balls, Oj + all 3 adaptagens 

Mid workout : FFF

Post protein dextrose oats

Snack:  balls + FFF 

Pre: Crossfit symmetry 
A. Complex: power clean + TnG power Clean + Hang Power clean 
120kg - missed hang clean and 125. Only tried once. Body not in it from week off almost.  
B. Strict Press 
Climbed to 65kg x 5 only 
Taking easy on shoulder / neck 
C. Rest for a bit.  Stretch.  
Back SqT (getting body back going)
*nanos. No belt no wraps 
50x5 70x5. 80x5 90x5 100x5
D. Emom x 14
Odd: 3-5 strict hspu - 3 25kg + 1 10kg plate high 
Even: 100m shuttle sandbag sprint (80)

A. Complex from this am. Re - did 
For 125kg. Went to 295lbs to beat chaE. He got 290. For 2 power cleans which is Pr double. Missed hang power clean and 295

Monday, September 15, 2014

Thursday - Sunday @ Granite Games

No work. Hopes shoulder neck felt better but nothing. 
Going to train this week, see if can push through. It's a disaster as of now. Like a pinched nerve I guess but painful and achy all day. Very uncomfortable when sitting or laying. Standing up only relief right now. 

Wed, 091014

A. SqT Clean + Hang SqT Clean ; build in this complex 
Missed hang on 130kg
Shoulder / neck bugging bad, played big roll on grip 
B. Front Sqt - 3RM + 3x3@90%
Skipped - neck 
C. 3 rds @80%
10 Strict HSPU
400m Run 
10 Thrusters (115/83)
15 T2B
Time: 9:44
All UB other than last set of hspu. Did two sets. 
* thrusters were tough for sure. 
D. 30 min on Bike @Z1
Didn't do
Stretch a lot 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, 090814

Breakfast :  eggs + bacon + balls * orange juice. 

Pre Wod - aminos 

A. Hatch week 2 day 1 
230 x 10
247 x 8
266 x 6 (121)
286 x 6 (130)
308 x 6 (140)
B. Power clean + push press + split jerk 
Climbed to 100kg. Kept light. Body not happy 
C. 4 rds 
400m row
30 double Unders
20 pullups 
10 box jumps (30)
Rest 4 min btwn rds
Rd Times:
2:52 * no rebound 

Monday, 090714

Not much sleep night prior. 
Played 18 today, got new clubs this weekend and excited to get out. 

Slept like 2-6:45a

Breakfast, FFF - coffee etc ate light 

Played 18 @ green meadow. Shot 5 over for 18. Was pleased being first time out in years but, played bad, and seemed to find the whole dam course. 

Lunch @2p. Steak tip Caesar wrap 

Pre wod - aminos 

Programming : 
Warmup; rowing + biking and bb work 
A. Power Snatch Work: 
Hit 60-70kg for some triples. Speed being focus and position
B. Front SqT work 
Sets bottom left in blue

C. EMOM x 21
1. 5 muscle ups 
2. 10 Burpee touches 
3. :30 of box jumps (30) step down hot like 9-11 

Post wod - aminos ; kept light today. + FFF 

Dinner :  steak + rice + those oatmeal balls (just few)

Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday, 090514

A. SqT clean Thruster + split Jerk
*no misses but nerve in neck bothering me so stopped there. 
B.comp wod 
15 muscle ups 
30 thrusters (95)
10 muscle ups 
20 thrusters (145)
5 muscle ups 
10 thrusters (195)
20 Burpee box jump overs (24)
Time: 16:57

Thursday, 090414

Team if 2 w/ Chase 

50 power clean (225) all each rep 
50 pullups 
50 dips 
100 DU each 
25 power cleans (same as above)
25 pullups 
25 dips 
50 DU each 

Rest 5 min 

Climb to heavy single in few reps 

Wed, 090314

A. Muscle Snatch; build to heavy triple in 12-15 min 
Built to 75x3
80x2; missed third
B. Power Snatch; climb to heavy single in 12 min; form key here, deviate and stop
Built to 85kg - no misses just stopped 
C. Deficit Snatch High Pull
@100% + to start and ascending through wave above 
Did sets at 100-105kg for this for 2
D. 500m Row x 5 @ (pace per athlete) but think sustainable pace throughout ; rest 1:30

Monday, September 1, 2014

Monday, 090114 back on track

Sleep night prior: 2:30a-7:45a
Hrv / HR : 
Body:  sore lats and shoulder. Legs also 

Programming : 
A. Team hero wod 
Teams of 2 - chipper style 
4 rds 
200' oh walking lunge (45 plate)
60 box jumps 
40 wall balls 
20 hspu 
Time :


Came back after good afternoon but walked into shit storm of stress. Sucked life out of me so went through motions rest of night.  

A. Slower snatch wave 
60x3 65x2 70x1
65x3 70x2 75x1
70x3 75x2 80x1 
B. Heavy Triple SqT C&J - not tnG 
Built to 111kg
C. 1 + 1/4 squat - built to 130kg. 
* kept getting dizzy almost passing out 
D. 10 min AB @60%
E. Scap band work

Breakfast - pre wod essentially.  - FFF + Paleo Cookies & large water 

Post - 3 scoops Ultragen + blonyx