
World-Class Fitness in 100 Words

Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.*Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast.*Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense.*Regularly learn and play new sports.—
Greg Glassman, founder of CrossFit "What is Fitness?"

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Tuesday, Dec 22nd


Hour and Half worth of Games. . .

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Last 3 Days

Bench Press up to 225lb...sets of 5

Bent Over Rows - 135 x Sets of 8

DB Lunges


Pushups - Up to DB's



Back Extensions

Lots of Core

Friday, December 18, 2009

Thursday, December 17th

3 Rounds of Cindy
Knees to Elbows - 2 Sets
15 Min of Basketball

WOD: Back Squat
135 x 8 155 x 8 - Warmups
185 x 5 185 x 5 205 x 5 225 x 3

WOD2: Overhead Press
45lb x 8-10R x 2 Sets - Warmups
95 x 5 95 x 5 105 x 5 115 x 5 45lb x 10 Reps - Finisher

WOD3: 3 Rounds - Supersets
DB Curls - Twist
Pullups - 5 reps
Upright Rows

WOD4: Bungees
3 Rounds - 3 Minute Rounds - 1 Minute Rest
1st Round= Shots 2nd / 3rd Round = Sprints

Cash-Out: NOTHING, I was DEAD

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

3 Rounds of Slow Cindy
10 Minutes on Treadmill - Walk/Run

WOD1: Bench Press (w/Pullups in between sets)
135lb - WarmUp x 10 Reps
185 x 5 205 x 5 215 x 4 225 x 3

WOD2: 3 Rounds
Dips - MR
50 Sit ups

Pushups - Xplode up onto Dumbells
Superset with Hanging Knees to elbows

3 Rounds - 3 Minute Rounds - 1 Minute Rest
(1st Round= Shots, 2nd and 3rd Round = Sprints)

Monday, December 14th

Buy-In: Some Warm Up Stuff

WOD1: Deadlift
135x5-10 Warm Ups
185 x 5 225 x 5 245 x 5 255 x 5

WOD2: Bent Over Rows
135lb x 8 Reps x 5 Sets

Cash-Out: 5 Rounds of Cindy

Sunday, December 6, 2009

5 Min Jump Rope
HSPU - 5 Sets of 3-5 Reps

WOD1: Weighted Dips
45lb x 8 45lb x 8 70lb x 5 70lb x 5 70lb x 5

WOD2: 5 Rounds
DB Inc Press (Alternating) 45lb DB's
Walking Lunges (With Bar on Back) 50lb Bar
Reps: 16/24 16/24 12/24 14/24 14/20

(1) 3 Rounds - High Reps
Tricep Press Downs - (Straight Bar)
Superset w/
Pushups - Shoulder Width

(2) 4 Rounds
DB Hammer Curls
Superset w/
Reverse Curls

(3) Core
Ab Machine
Leg Raises
Plate Side Raise

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Crossfit Main Page WOD
Saturday 091205

WOD: "Lumberjack 20"

20 Deadlifts (135lbs)
Run 400m
20 DB swings (40lb)
Run 400m
20 Overhead Squats (25lb Plate)
Run 400m
20 Burpees
Run 400m
20 Pullups (Chest to Bar)
Run 400m
20 Box jumps (24")
Run 400m

Post time to comments.

Time: 25:41

Friday, December 4, 2009

Quarter Mile Jog
Pull ups- 3 Sets x 5 Reps

WOD1: 2 Rounds
800m Run
135lb Power Clean x 10 R

WOD2: 1000M Row

Back Extensions - 3 Sets x 15 Reps

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Buy-In: 30-45 Minutes of Basketball, 4 on 4

WOD: 15-12-9
40lb Thruster (Single Arm, then alt to other for 15 etc)
Time: 9:57

Tuesday, Dec 1st


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Monday, November 30th

Buy In:
Good Mornings

WOD: Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3
wu: 95lbx8
135lbx5 155x5 165x5 175x5 175x5
(lower back def feeling these)

Cashout: Hanging Feet to Bar - 3 Sets

Last Week

One Day:
Squat 135 x 8 155 x 8 165 x 8 165 x 7
OHP - 45 x 12R x 2S
95 x 5R x 5S
Bungees - 3 x 2 Min Rounds

One Day:
Dead lifts

185 x 5 205 x 5 215 x 5 225 x 5 235 x 5

5 Rounds:
Pushups - xplode up to Dumbells - MR
MR Pullups