EMOM x 7 min x 3 reps
HSPU - w/ 10# vest
Using 45# plates, head to floor - so deficit- completed all
Rest 2 min
EMOM - 7 min x 3 reps
Muscle ups w/ 10# Vest
Completed all.
20 ring dips
100 double under
15 ring dips
75 du
10 ring dips
50 du
5 ring dips
25 du
time 5:44
Cash Out: 4x10-15 Rear Band Squeezes
World-Class Fitness in 100 Words
*Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.*Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast.*Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense.*Regularly learn and play new sports.— Greg Glassman, founder of CrossFit "What is Fitness?"
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
I BELIEVE in CrossFit. I love CrossFit. I am an advocate for
CrossFit and share my love for it with everyone who comes through our doors. Do
I agree with all CrossFit does? No. Hell, I probably disagree with more than I
agree with. This blog is not about CrossFit, what I believe in or don’t believe
in; but more about people and their own beliefs, passions, hobbies etc. I still fight for the CrossFit I first fell in
love with several years ago. That’s the
beauty of CrossFit; that the individual gyms are run their own way. Despite a
lot of other gyms doing things ass backwards (in my opinion), that’s not us…and
that’s not OUR CrossFit.
It baffles me (and I see/hear it daily, especially with
social media being so prevalent these days) when people don’t stand up or hold
their ground for what they believe in. These people seem to be so easily
influenced, that when confronted regarding their own beliefs, products,
choices…They quickly cower and take flight.
What?! Maybe it’s just me and my argumentative personality, but *uck
that! Many, probably most, don’t agree with me on numerous things, but I will
stand behind my beliefs, thoughts and passions until I can’t speak anymore (or
I get deleted on Facebook). The majority of what I do and the information I attempt
to relay, stems from my passion for those individual things; whether it be
CrossFit, business stuff or the color of the shirt of the person who just drove
by (joking). Am I saying everyone should be argumentative over everything?
Absolutely not. BUT COME ON, have a damn backbone and fight for what you
believe! Have some passion, follow it, don’t back down and be ready to battle
for what you believe. If you’re not
willing to fight, why are you doing it? Quick buck? Self Image? If that’s the case, you don’t have an
argument, so keep jumping trend to trend and good luck in life.
If you preach a product, sell a system or a belief, have
your own “way” about something; whatever!… you better believe in it 100%! You
better know everything about that damn product/way/system etc, and be able to defend it when questioned.
That’s my main issue with the “fads” of the world. They come they go, but even
in between, there is a very small percentage of the people involved that truly
believe in what they are preaching. They simply jump on the band wagon for
whatever selfish reason they have, or because some were sold into “The
Dream”. The same could be said for
CrossFit. A lot of gyms open up these
days from a per business stand point; not from the passion of CrossFit. They
then hope to learn and grow from it once opened; this in itself is a problem in
my opinion, but, that’s not what this post is about. Stand up, speak up, and NEVER back down… to no
“A successful person is one
who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or
her.” ~David Brinkley
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Wed, 09262012
Push Press:
185 - 195 - 205 - 215 - 225 - 235 - 245 (pr). Failed on first two, got on third attempt.
Strict Press:
Dropped after push press
155x5. I think this is a PR also.
Worked technique. Shoulder not doing well. Knee/ quad on other hand feeling better.
Clean & Jerk:
155-185-205-215-225-235- failed on 245. Knee was getting achy and from not squatting in a while was rough. Glad to be back on the barbell though.
185 - 195 - 205 - 215 - 225 - 235 - 245 (pr). Failed on first two, got on third attempt.
Strict Press:
Dropped after push press
155x5. I think this is a PR also.
Worked technique. Shoulder not doing well. Knee/ quad on other hand feeling better.
Clean & Jerk:
155-185-205-215-225-235- failed on 245. Knee was getting achy and from not squatting in a while was rough. Glad to be back on the barbell though.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Tuesday, 09252012
Weighted Strict Muscle Ups
15#x2. 20#x2. 20#x2. 25#x2. 25#x2
*used DB between legs
Weighted Strict Pull-ups
15# x 10 x 2 sets
^ used DB between legs
5 Burpees
10 KB (70)
20 Abmat Sit-ups
8rds + 5 reps
Today was a gas'r. Definitely Gould have warmed up prior ; more so.
Was happy with the Strict Muscle Ups. Strict Pull-ups, I think I could have done more but just got lazy.
Workout was rough. Happy with score but was really gas'd and slowing down.
With how little have been doing wods, I am happy with the results.
Will hopefully Row later tonight, my 500 intervals.
15#x2. 20#x2. 20#x2. 25#x2. 25#x2
*used DB between legs
Weighted Strict Pull-ups
15# x 10 x 2 sets
^ used DB between legs
5 Burpees
10 KB (70)
20 Abmat Sit-ups
8rds + 5 reps
Today was a gas'r. Definitely Gould have warmed up prior ; more so.
Was happy with the Strict Muscle Ups. Strict Pull-ups, I think I could have done more but just got lazy.
Workout was rough. Happy with score but was really gas'd and slowing down.
With how little have been doing wods, I am happy with the results.
Will hopefully Row later tonight, my 500 intervals.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Monday, 09242012
Today's Training
Box Squat:
(4x45's, 1 piece of wood)
Picture below.
185x5 225x5. 275x3. 315x3. 335x2 355x1
Safety Bar Good Mornings: 5x5
70x5. 120x5 160x5. 210x5.
* wow, these are tough. Holy Crap.
WOD: 3 rounds
15 T2B
25 Wall Balls (20)
400m Run
Time : 10:12
* unbroken all sets except last wall ball. Was a baby. Missed catch and slowed down.
***knee/quad felt ok today. See how they feel tomorrow after everything
4x15 - rear band squeezes (red band)
Most Box Squatted prior was 355x2 and 365x1 - but this was a higher height. I below right at parallel, versus tiny below.
Good day of training. Excited to get back into it an start putting some weight on the bar.
Box Squat:
(4x45's, 1 piece of wood)
Picture below.
185x5 225x5. 275x3. 315x3. 335x2 355x1
Safety Bar Good Mornings: 5x5
70x5. 120x5 160x5. 210x5.
* wow, these are tough. Holy Crap.
WOD: 3 rounds
15 T2B
25 Wall Balls (20)
400m Run
Time : 10:12
* unbroken all sets except last wall ball. Was a baby. Missed catch and slowed down.
***knee/quad felt ok today. See how they feel tomorrow after everything
4x15 - rear band squeezes (red band)
Most Box Squatted prior was 355x2 and 365x1 - but this was a higher height. I below right at parallel, versus tiny below.
Good day of training. Excited to get back into it an start putting some weight on the bar.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Sunday, 09232012
Back at it today. Finally back under a barbell. Quad still feels like shit, tons of pressure. But, stuck light today, get things moving.
AM Session
1. Front Squat:
135# x 12 Sets of 5-7 Reps
*some pauses at bottom, small bounces, feeling knee / quad out.
2. 15 Minutes
:30 On / :30 on Rower. Trying to keep total Meters each :30 above 150m
3. Split Jerk (behind neck) - Doubles
155x2. 185x2. 205x2. 215x2. 225x2. 235x2. 255x1. 255xF
* still not very comfortable jerking from behind the neck. But know once comfortable with shoulder again I will be much stronger behind neck. Positioning feels nice.
New Shirt coming to CFF
AM Session
1. Front Squat:
135# x 12 Sets of 5-7 Reps
*some pauses at bottom, small bounces, feeling knee / quad out.
2. 15 Minutes
:30 On / :30 on Rower. Trying to keep total Meters each :30 above 150m
3. Split Jerk (behind neck) - Doubles
155x2. 185x2. 205x2. 215x2. 225x2. 235x2. 255x1. 255xF
* still not very comfortable jerking from behind the neck. But know once comfortable with shoulder again I will be much stronger behind neck. Positioning feels nice.
New Shirt coming to CFF
What happened to caring about your people?
I can’t seem to not write and delete, when writing this.
Which direction to go, hhhhmmmmmm. Let’s
just run with it and hope it somehow comes together by the end.
Hey you, “coach”, yeah you. . . get your head out of your
ass and start caring about your Athletes, Members, whatever you want to call
them. It baffles me how many people come
into our place, with quite a bit of time under their belt, knowing absolute dog
$hit and a few sessions away from hurting themselves! Hell, they are lucky they
haven’t already. And don’t give me that
bs about certain people, I know those certain people, who simply take it upon
themselves to be assholes, not learn, not listen and do as they please; these
are NOT the people I am referring to, so save it.
I am not directing this to ONLY the CrossFit community here
either. While it’s a shame a lot these guys/girls are 3 weeks out of their
level 1, 50+ Journal Articles deep and think because they have the “CrossFit”
name on their business card and building, that they are the shit in the coaching
world. . . I am directing this at coaches everywhere. From CrossFit, to
Strength & Conditioning facilities, Weightlifting Clubs, Bootcamps, Sports
Teams etc.
I question why people get into the “coaching” field
anymore. It seems these days, it’s all business
for most; especially the newer coaches. I am not saying all, so let me be clear
on that. There are far more great people out there than there are not; I will
continue to believe this. The issue is the ones who simply get into it for the
business and truly do not care. In some cases, they only hurt their own name.
In others, they can tarnish the reputation of a community. More importantly,
they aren’t bettering people at all, the community which has grown for them is
the one bettering people day to day…while these coaches from within their own
facility just sit back, take the credit and continue in a lot of cases lead
people in the wrong direction. Flip this, in a lot of cases the coaches are in
fact knowledgeable, but simply don’t give a shit about their people. They just
sit back, collect the monthly dues and continue on. This is ridiculous. Granted, I don’t believe there is a fix to
this. I guess it will just take its toll. The strong will survive, while others
will dig their own hole.
Your athletes deserve more. They deserve your attention.
They deserve your actual *ucking heart!
Our members, from the competitors all the way down to the newly
graduated on-rampers, CARE. And I can whole heartedly say we care in
return! For those who know me or
sometimes even know of me, I’m not always the best with words. Sometimes, the “no
filter” or “blunt” approach doesn’t settle well. I understand that. But I believe
our athletes know I care about them, in and outside our gym. Do we want to be
competitive? Absolutely! Do we want to push our athletes to be the best they
possibly can be? Absolutely! But I would
rather tell someone they are being an a$$hole by not listening to us, versus
letting them continue on with their butterfly pullups 3 weeks into the program,
because they saw that shit on ESPN over the weekend. Want to get coddled and
your ass kissed, told to race the clock and go faster your 2nd week
out of On-Ramp? Well then, my apologies, you probably won’t view me as a good “coach”.
But no worries, there will be a gym popping up near you in no time, just
awaiting your athletic ability and ready to shove you into the deep end with
fingers crossed and a new 30 min sweat fest awaiting you daily.
We have made a ton of friends in the CrossFit community and
others fitness communities here in New England.
There are so many doing things right. They wake up in the morning and
ask themselves, “how can I better my community today”. They care about each and every person who
comes through their doors daily. The
make their facility and members a priority, sometimes even over their own
family and friends; simply because they understand that is their duty! They
signed on for this shit and they are going to do it right and make sure the
longevity of their athletes is always the #1 priority. To those who still care and continue to learn,
evolve and grow the community (whichever community that is you are a part of),
thank you! You motivate us daily, continue to help us grow and learn; while
always fueling our fire whenever we need a kick start through some of the tough
Current #'s Update
Some Current Figures
*Somethings haven't been attempted in a while, but will track from here on out and update.
Back Squat
1RM 340#
3RM 320#
5RM 295#
20 Rep Max Back Squat
*need to redo @ 245-255#
Box Squat
1RM 365#
2RM 355#
Front Squat
1RM 300#
2RM 285#
Strict Press
1RM 175#
3RM 165#
Push Press
1RM 235#
Bench Press
1RM 295#
1RM 465#
2RM 435# (no touch n go)
Sumo Deadlift
2RM 425# (no touch n go)
1RM 235#
1RM 185#
1RM 265#
Clean & Jerk
1RM 260#
1RM 285#
Muscle Ups
Max Pullups
2 Min Double Under Test
Shankle Complex
Fresh Start
This blog has been on/off for a while now.
Going to revamp it, spice it up and be posting daily. All of my personal training will be on here, each and everyday. Along with my personal posts and blurbs etc.
I will be hitting that 1000 goal very soon! It started as my main goal and I've come along way since the beginning. . .BUT, my goals have changed quite a bit over time, focused more on Weightlifting currently, some of these lifts have been put to the back burner. No worries though, I will continue to work the Strength as that is always our main priority and I will hit the 1000 Total!
Going to revamp it, spice it up and be posting daily. All of my personal training will be on here, each and everyday. Along with my personal posts and blurbs etc.
I will be hitting that 1000 goal very soon! It started as my main goal and I've come along way since the beginning. . .BUT, my goals have changed quite a bit over time, focused more on Weightlifting currently, some of these lifts have been put to the back burner. No worries though, I will continue to work the Strength as that is always our main priority and I will hit the 1000 Total!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Jon North Seminar
Worked lots of Technique.
Caught 165 at bottom of snatch. Still working above pubic bone.
Clean and Jerk. Wasn't going for Mac clean with knee but Ended attempting a 260# C & J. Missed the jerk but had locked.
Will get it soon
Caught 165 at bottom of snatch. Still working above pubic bone.
Clean and Jerk. Wasn't going for Mac clean with knee but Ended attempting a 260# C & J. Missed the jerk but had locked.
Will get it soon
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