
World-Class Fitness in 100 Words

Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.*Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast.*Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense.*Regularly learn and play new sports.—
Greg Glassman, founder of CrossFit "What is Fitness?"

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Sat, 083113

12 cal Ad
400m Run
400m Run
Score:  finished my 5th rd almost on the buzzer 

Holy shit. After the last few days am dominating dodgeball last night, I am smoked.  Was happy with my runs and row today. 1:55 pace on rower each time was goal. Maintained it with like 22-23 stroke count. Run seemed to stay about same also.  AD again, no legs. Realizing I think hips more so than quads. The burn is high and almost seizes my legs. 

Really looking forward to getting caught up on things this weekend resting. Need to roll out a lot for sure. 

Friday, August 30, 2013

Friday, 083013

Sleep: 1-8a
Body: shoulder/arm not greet but to be expected yesterday. Literally feel like dog shit today.  Super sore and drained. Yest was fun but for some reason really taxed me. Didnt eat enough yest which doesn't help.  

A.  Power Snatch work - 12 minutes - completed. Only worked at 133. Save shoulder
B.  Power Clean; 5 @ 85%; 3 @ 90%, 1-3 @ 95% (if you are hitting it good go for 3)
232x5 - 252x3 - 264x2 (f the third)
30 sec. amrap power clean @ 135#
30 sec. am rap box jump @ 24"
30 sec. amrap AD for max calories
-rest 6 minutes x 4 rounds
All scores below. Had zero legs once to airdyne. 

Breakfast: 10a - black ice with SFH coconut + FFF

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thursday, 08292013

Sleep:  2a - 8a
Body:  shoulder / bicep still not good 

A. Back Squat Wave
went 140x5  150x2 (failed on 3rd) and 155x1
then went 140x5 again 150x2(failed on 3rd again. 2nd rep is one for the record books)  then went 160kg and failed

rest 5 min

B. EMOM x 14
Odd: Muscle Ups
Even: :30 of wall balls
Score: all 5 mu unbroken, even though shoulder killed.   wall balls, 15-17 each time it seemed. have to count video

rest 10 min

Front Squat 225 (from floor)
40 Double Unders
Time : 7:30 i believe. approx   failed on the 3 coming back down on sqt Clean, twice. Had zero core from earlier stuff.

Breakfast 8a: eggs + apple with Peanut butter + bacon + OJ

Snack:  SFH Coconut w/ black coffee

pre wod  ^ same as above again...was limited today

Post wod:  SFH recovery + oats + blonyx


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tuesday, 08272013

Back is still upset from yesterday. So didnt do snatches or cleans. Wanted to at least give today / tomorrow so hopefully not losing more time. 

5 sets of,
A1. Strict Press 2-3 @155# , rest :30
A2. HSPU 15 reps , rest 3 min 

Struggled today. Left side noticably weaker than my route. 155# was hard for 3!  Only got 2 on last set :-(
Hspu were mess. Kip felt horrible, back pinching, shoulder dead. Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh
Set 5 I did 2 at 155 and got my 15 hspu. But they weren't easy. At all. Entire time 

Break to run kids class

10 min 
:30 on @90
:30 on @50-60

Rest 10 or so 


Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday, 08262013

A. FS - Triple
***tweaked back a bit on last set
B. Cleans
100-105-110x1 (back) then went 120 and failed back wasn't feeling great 
1 mile run
3 rds 
20 Back Squats (135)
20 C2B

*did run in 7:27. 
Did first sets unbroken and back was done. Unsure what I did. 
Second set, could barely clean let alone squats.  Low low back, middle. Hoping loosens up. Will roll out a lot today. Stretch etc.  massage hopefully wed. 


2k Row body warmup 

Back feeling rough 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday, 08242013

Sleep night prior: 1:30a - 8:30a 

Body condition: shoulder bicep tight but not bad today. Feeling ok. Quad right 

Body weight: 175

Done @ Yankee
A. Clean to Heavy Single 
225-242-272-292-307(Fx3) :-(
B1. CG Bench 3-3-3-3
B2. Clean DL 3-3-3-3 
^ rest :90 between 
Weights: ended at  245/365
***bench killed shoulder and arm. Wrist also. So stopped , but not tremendously heavy just uncomfortable. 
C. 3 rds
400m run
15 PC 155#
30 BJ (24)
Calves. Wind

Snack: 9a - shot pro strength

11a : breakfast meal : eggs + bacon + home fires and toast + OJ

Snack: 12:15p - black coffee with SFH endurance 

2:30p - turkey wrap

Post workout shake 8p

Dinner :  bison + sweet potato fries 

Snack : hagan Daz ice cream :-)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thurs, 082213

Sleep night prior: 2a - 8a
^ not great night. Tossed turned. 

Morning weight : 175

A.  FS @ 70% of 1 RM; 2 reps rest 60 seconds x 10 sets
rest 10 min
Last set is below. something stopped on video   might have missed a set or two, unsure when it shut off above. 
B.  Clean; every 60 seconds do 1 rep starting @ 185# and increase by 20# until max
rest 10 min
C.  6 minute am rap of 1-3 unbroken thruster ladder @ 135#   - Score = 39 reps 
rest 10 min   
12 minutes on the clock
2K row
amrap double unders
*if you row a 7 minute or less 2K start automatically @ 50 reps
Score: 2k Row was 7:37...i was dying...then completed approx 213 double unders. was kinda lazy. took like 45 second break, back was ON FIRE. then started double unders. def was tired at this point. bit lazy though it seemed. Was kinda disappointed.

Breakfast : didnt eat Til 9:30 ish.  Eggs + peanut butter on English muffin & OJ

Pre : 1130-12 ish. black coffee + SFH endurance coconut.  + FFF right before and in between wods 

Post: 3:30p SFH recovery + bcaas + oats + blonyx 

Lunch: 445p -  tuna + mayo + pickles + real sweet potato chips + apple 

9:30 dinner - chipotle. Brown rice + steak   & chicken  + hot sauce and lettuce

1p - small amount of ice cream and some Peanut Butter

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wed, 08212013

Sleep Might Prior: 1:15 ish - 8:30a

Morning weight:

Rest Day , but will mobilize possibly practice some technique stuff and added core. 

9a : eggs + strawberries + OJ w/ blonyx

Snack :11a. Black coffee w/ SFH endurance coconut 

Lunch: 1:30p - chipotle.  Double steak + rice + got sauce 

Snack. : 5p. Tuna w mayo  pickles and cashews and apple 

Dinner. 7:45p. Ground grasses need peppers small amount of cheese shavings and salsa + FFF pack 

Snack 10:30p. Some ice cream + PB + shot of pro strength.  (Small amount of ice cream). :-)

Monday, August 19, 2013

Tuesday, 082013

Sleep night Prior: 11:45p - 8a
***first time in bed before 12 in many years. Working my way to 10pm. 
*woke up like 6:30a. And in and out, got ou of bed at 8a. 

Body weight am:

A.  Power Snatch - build to a tough triple TnG - went to 155. Easing shoulder back in. Then went down worked some technique 

B.  Power clean @ 90% of 1 Rm; 2 reps on the 30 seconds x 5 minutes
- used 114kg (252) and was disaster.  Didnt make all 2 reps each :30 seconds. Struggling today strength wise. 

Tire flip
bupree box jump @ 30"
wall walk
core work for 10 minutes here

8:45 - eggs + bacon + strawberries + OJ w/ Blonyx

11a - fuel for fire  - pre wod

Post wod : SFH recovery + bcaas + blonyx + oats 

Lunch :  3:30p.  Burger with bacon + steak tips + apple + cashews 

Snack 4:30-530p. Black coffee with scoop of endurance SFH coconut.  

Meal: 6:30. Tuna with mayo + cashews 

Dinner: 9:30p. Taco Tuesday! Grass fed ground beef with salsa an little bit of cheese on hard taco shell (only 3 sells)

Snack: midnight - FFF. Trying carbs prior to sleep.  This was handy as trying to get to bed early, just not working tonight.  

Monday, 08192013

Clean eating starts today!

Sleep night prior: 2a - 8:30a - last night of this bs. Trying early tonight.

A. Front Squat - Double in 10 min or so @22X1
100 - 110 - 120 - 125 x1 (almost passed out think I had 2). Ran out of time
B. Clean & Jerk Ladder - starting 155 ; every :90 seconds = 1 rep
Missed on 266 on jerk.  Nothing felt good. Clean felt bad, jerk felt horrible. Not proper warmup maybe or just one of those days. Shoulder still not great either.
081913FS 125 from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.
C. 3 rds
25 thruster (95)
25 Burpees
Time: 12:38
08192013 3rds from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.
Was dying. Wind was gone but more so shoulder throbbing.
D. 4 sets of 6 reps DB Row :30 between arms  - performed with 60lb DB. Slow and focused. 

Breakfast : Eggs + bacon + OJ w/ beta alanine + apples w/ PB

Pre Wod: Coffee + blonyx + fuel for fire 

Post : SFH recovery scoop an half + bcaas + oats + blonyx

Lunch :  steak tip salad

Snack: Fuel for Fire

Dinner:   burger with bacon + salad + tuna with mayo pickles and cashews

Pre Bed - shot of Pro Strength 

Sat , 08/17


30 min clock:
:60 sec AD (hard)
200m Run

* stayed consistent. Holy leg burner!  Was too though. AD broke as usual so no clue calories just kept a pace. Prob not as hard as I should, but felt good. 5 new Assaults on order so. Should help. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Friday , 081613


A. EMOM x 16
Odd: 2 TnG Power Cleans @235 
Used 107kg
Even: 12 HSPU
***got all PC TnG.  HSPU had 1 min where didnt get 12. Got 8. Few minutes where did 8/4. Shoulder def played roll in this. Got tired quick and I'm uneven when pressing. Not to mention Lynn was next to me, fucking me up the entire workout. 

:30 KB Swings (70)
:30 Burpees
:30 Box Jumps (24)
:30 sprint (did suicides inside)
Rest 7 min x 3

Scores : 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Thursday, 081513

Body: train wreck. Went to ortho, said bicep about to rupture was so tight. Compensating. Taken few days off from the pull, OH stuff. Hoping inflammation comes down. Keeping me up all night. Stupid arm.

:30 on 90%
:30 on @60%
X 12 min 

A. EMOM x 10 @67% x 2 reps 
*used 205lb -  93kg
B. Climbed to Single on FS
105-110-120-130-140(PR) 308#
:30 ON @90
:30 On @60
X 10 on AD
D. Team WOD with Amy 
2000m Row - (swapping every 250m)
Partner does Double Unders 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wed, 081413

Body:  is a mess. Shoulder is very bad. Going to roll out a lot today. Going to see the PT, see if can give me some stuff to do to get through this. Just need to last Til after opens next year. 

Rest Day. 
Will make up the rows from yesterday along with some shoulder strengthening stuff and isolated movements. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tuesday, 081313

A.  Power Snatch; @ 80-85% of 1 RM; 2-3 reps x 5 sets *not TnG, rest 2 minutes
#.  Did 155 x 3 across. Hands ripped, shoulder killing just stayed. 

B.  Power Clean Cluster, 2.2.2 x 3, rest 15 sec., rest 3 minutes *TnG for the doubles *try to work @ 75-85% of 1 RM
C.  unbroken HSpU; 27/21/15/12/9 - for time - rest as is needed
Completed in 17:50. All unbroken. 
27/21/15 was pretty hard. Rest was prob right. Then 12/9 were fast not bad so could have shortened rest. 

D.  335 meter row sprint (60 sec. of work or less) rest 5 minutes x 4
accumulate 5 minute L-sit hold

Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday , 081213

Back on track today

Sleep, Weight, Programming, Nutrition - full log back on track 

Sleep - night prior - 2:30a -9a
AM Weight: 175
Body: Shoulder is really bad. Worst been in a while. Constant aggravation. Driving any motion what's so ever it seems. Little frustrated with it at this point. 

A.  Front Squat ; 2 reps x 8 sets, rest 3 minutes
No belt :
kg's 90-100-110-120
W/ belt
kg's 125-130-132x1 ; failed on 2nd. Pinched nerve in neck once I unpacked it before first rep. Sucked. 
B.  Squat clean x 1 + split jerk x 3 x 5 sets, rest 2-3 minutes - didnt get to because of neck. 
50 unbroken wall balls
30 CTb pull ups
40 unbroken wall balls
25 CtB pull ups
30 unbroken wall balls
20 CTB pull ups
20 unbroken wall balls
15 CTB pull ups
10 unbroken wall balls
10 CTB pull ups


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunday, 081114

Recovery Day

1 mike Trail Run
Rest few min 
2K Row - 7:50
Rest few min 
400m run
Rest few 
5 rds of "Cindy"

Then stretch. Also going to try and stretch / mobilize tonight. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Friday, 08092013


A.  Power Clean @ 225#, 2 TnG reps EMOM x 12 minutes - completed
080913 2 TnG PC EMOM from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.
10 minute amrap
10 meter handstand walk
40 double unders
10 TnG power cleans @ 95#
Score : 5 rds + 10m HS walk
08092013 AMRAP 10 from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

^ shoulder on fire, fast!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Thurs, 080813

Sleep night prior:  3a - 9a
* rough night 

A. 10 min AD 
- shitbox AD. But felt better than last time. Sucked, but felt like i would have had a lot more calories :-(

A.  Front Squat @ 65% of 1RM; 2 reps, rest 45 seconds x 10 - completed at 200lbs - all good 
080813 FS every :45 from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

B.  EMOM =10 double unders + 2 TnG snatch (power or split) @ 70-75% of 1 RM x 8 minutes - completed at 150lbs. All good. Shoulder killing me. Did this in nanos also. Ankle flexibility has been improving and overall. Felt good as time went on. 
080813 DU + Snatch EMOM from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

C.  EMOM x 8 minutes = 3 TnG cleans @ 135 + 5 CTB pull ups - completed. Shoulder bugging me a bit so didn't so much of butterfly. Messed up on DU cause crammed In corner kept hitting stuff. But not bad felt like could honestly do this for an hour. Felt good. 
080813 PC + C2B EMOM from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.
1k row - 
rest 10 minutes x 3
Score - 3:31 /3:41/3:41
Had zero legs. Wow 

9am - English muffin with peanut butter + piece of bacon & OJ

10:30a - eggs + bacon + home fries and wheat toast + OJ 

AD at 1p

2p - lunch : 

Wed , 080713

Rest / Recovery Day

Ended up lifting at WLW

Clean & Jerk
133-155-176-180-208-220-242-264-276-286 (fail on jerk) here.  
Then jumped to 140kg (308) for clean PR. 0 for 2. 
Then some HS holds and L-Sit to HS work on pbars. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tuesday, 08062103

A.  Snatch grip DL x 1 + snatch high pull x 1 + power snatch x 1 x 5 sets - 
- climbed up to 176..missed 180, was missing the power Snatch..something off, will work on this. 

B.  Power Clean @ 85% of 1 RM; 3 reps x 5 sets, rest 2 minutes *does not have to be TnG
Performed these at 108kb, which is 85%. Hit all sets, no missed. Set 1 and set 5 below. 
Set 5 

C.1  225# deficit DL (2-4" platform) x 12 reps x 4 sets, rest 20 seconds
C.2  P-bar HSPU x amrap x 4, rest 2 minutes *depth that allows minimum of 5 reps
Round 1. 
Round 2
Round 3
D.  45 sec. row sprint @ max effort, rest 3 minutes x 3
^ didn't get to this. Will add some sprint stuff tomorrow with my recovery. 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Monday, 08052013


A.  Front Squat @22X1; 3-4 x 7 sets, 
110x4, 114x4, 120x3, 130x1, 133xF

B.  Clean x 1 + split jerk x 3 x 4 sets - rest 2-3 minutes
90 / 95 / 100 / 105x2 jerks / 110x1
5 rope climbs
10 meter lunge step @ 155# in front rack position
4 rope climbs
10 meter lunge step
3 rope climbs
10 meter lunge step
2 rope climbs
10 meter lunge step
1 rope climb
10 meter lunge step
080513 Rope/Front lunge from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.
-rest 3 minutes-
3 minute am rap wall ball @ 30#

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Friday , 08022013

Moved yesterday, so been a hectic couple of days. 

Today, only got 1st part of training done. Going to make up for it tomorrow after the competition.  

10 Deadlifts (225)
10 Burpees
50m Run (25m down and 25 back)
Rest 5 min x 3

Times: :55, :50, :46

^ transition out the door to outside for smoother and running back up stakes inside.  Maybe DL faster, idk

Friday, August 2, 2013

Thursday , 08012013

A. Back Squat 3rm 
B. SqT Clean- every :30 for 10 min @80%
Only had 1 miss. Happy about that

Rest 5

400m Run
50 hang squat cleans (95)
Time : 6:13

Rest 3 

No push up burpee box jump (20)
Score : 18

Rest 3 

400m Run @85%

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Wed , 07312013

Rest Day

Did 2500m light light Row. 35 unbroken pull-ups. Stretched a bit etc. 

Ready for tomorrow. 

Shoulder, in rough shape.