
World-Class Fitness in 100 Words

Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.*Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast.*Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense.*Regularly learn and play new sports.—
Greg Glassman, founder of CrossFit "What is Fitness?"

Friday, November 29, 2013

Friday , 112913

A.  Power Snatch work - 12 minutes
Skipped - did last night. Went up to 155 for some reps was easy. 166 for ugly. 176 wasn't happening. Frustrated there. I know we have done much so. But def gonna work on this a bit. Since can't full snatch, NEED to be able to power snatch 100kg dammit. 
B.  Clean pull x 1 + pc x 1 + clean pull x 1 + HPC x 1 x 5 sets
Got 255 on bumpers. 265 missed HPC. Hands super sensitive and nothing in legs today though. 4th day on so body feeling it. 
C.  Heaving snatch balance - 6 minutes of work and positioning
Didn't do
For time:
1K row - hold 1:45 pace
25 HPC @ 225#
25 burpee box jumps, 30”
25 T2B
Time: 12:04
* row was 3:37. 
HPC were some sets of 5, 4,3 etc. ended with 4's 
Burpee box jumps, legs were gone and breathing heavy. T2B was grip and hips. 
Can't wait til Sunday day off hahaha

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thursday, 112813


Hit the 1:38-1:40 pace for 9 put of the 10 rows. The one I didn't totally mental and shut down. The D on floor was when my legs said f u to me. 
I was really happy to be able to keep it on the row. Cause 3 in I thought no way. 
Calories dropped off a bit. Shitty AD so need sure accuracy. We are waiting on arrival of the assault bikes. 
Wind was ok. Legs burning a lot. Still having quad issue in left leg. Down near knee. Hoping just aggravated gonna keep pushing through. 

3 rounds of
20 pull ups
20 back rack reverse lunge steps @ 135#
20 cal on AD
-rest 90 seconds-
Score 10:15 
Video below. 
Holy legs!  Like upper leg, hip flexor. Ben rd 1 ; had NOTHING on AD. Schedule been off this week as haven't rested cause was sick Monday. So, prob didn't help. Fun workout, rough on legs. Breathing was ok. Recovered fairly well. Third round def felt the lunges. 

Wed, 112713

A.  Power Clean Cluster; x 3, rest 10 sec.,r est 2 minutes @ 85% of 1 RM
completed at 115kg  - was fine throughout sets. but developing a random "jump back few inches" issue...curious to see if this stems int he squat clean also, and will develope to an issue. Will keep close eye on this at start cleaning (sqt) again. 
112713 115kg x Final set from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

B.  SJ x 2 singles @ 83% x 5 sets, rat 60 seconds
climbed to 110kg x 2...went 120, only got 1. Jerk felt horrible today. NO shoulders. 
C.  Snatch pull @ 90% x 4 x 3 sets
D.  TGU - 8 minutes of work
did few, shoulder was killing. Did hs practice instead, freestanding. 

30 sec. amrap DL @ 155
30 sec. am rap box jump, 24”
30 sec. AD for max calories
rest 6 minutes x 4
20 sec. amrap PC @ 115
20 sec. amrap S2O @ 115
20 sec. amrap burpee
200m row in max effort
rest 6 minutes x4 rounds
completed. Scores below. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Tuesday, 112613

A.  Clean - 10 minutes here.. just working on positioning and feel with your wrist
Worked up to 110kg. Working some technical stuff. 
B.  back squat; 2 x 2 @ 80%, 2 x 2 @ 85%, 1 x 2 @ 90%
130x2. 140x2. 150x2. 155x2 160x1
112513 155kg x 2 BS from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.
C.  RDL x 3 x 3, rest 60 seconds @ 75% of 1rM bs
Didn't do
10 minute EMOM
odd = 20 UB wall balls
even = 15 cal on AD
Completed. All unbroken 
112513 EMOM x 10 WB/AD from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

A. Back Squat - to heavy single 
140-145-150-155-160-165-170(Pr)- 172 (fail)
112513 170kg BackSquat from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

4 rounds @ 80-90% effort
400m row
15 CTB pull ups
15 db thrusters @ 40#
15 T2B
20 cal on AD
rest 4 minutes
Videos below 

112513 WOD rd1 from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

rd 3
Untitled from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

rd 4 
112513 WOD rd4 from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday, 112513

body:   feeling ok....VERY tired, bit run down.
am:  went to meet Dan in Manchester, for supposedly some hill sprints.
what really happened. . .
Torture for about an hour.
Hill sprints, were very steeep, about 30-:40 of work, then a trot / walk down hill and around to starting line again. we did 8 total hill runs here. Was mile jog to get there, we jogged up ski hill which sucked; then light jog back.
Back and shins/calves ON FIRE!
literally instantly sick. I have had this happen for years now. Sprint stride formats. .  even on rower, :30 on max etc...i get sick like instantly following the workout. Congester, runny nose, feel like shit. Going to look into why this happen.
Recovering now, ultragen + shake + food.
Hitting my am ./ pm stuff later today in prob two other sessions.
*UCK I hate running!

Normal Programming:
MondayAMA.  Clean - 10 minutes here.. just working on positioning and feel with your wristB.  back squat; 2 x 2 @ 80%, 2 x 2 @ 85%, 1 x 2 @ 90%C.  RDL x 3 x 3, rest 60 seconds @ 75% of 1rM bs+10 minute EMOModd = 20 UB wall ballseven = 15 cal on ADPM4 rounds @ 80-90% effort400m row15 CTB pull ups15 db thrusters @ 40#15 T2B20 cal on ADrest 4 minutes

***UPDATE did nothing. Felt like crap all day. Heading to bed now, sleeping late. hoping to feel better then and do todays tomorrow and so on.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Saturday, 112313

Body:  felt good this was a bit rough. Shoulder acting up again, sore. Overall was sore, but feeling ok.  taking tomorrow, off, have LuLu lemon event in the am, then going to mobilize and loosen up in afternoon for a while. Back at it on Monday.

A. 3 position clean pull
used 130kg for 5 sets. 
B. Snatch RDL + Mid Pull
used 90kg for sets; stayed there. Back was feeling it
amrap 10
10 wall ball
10 russian kb (70)
10 T2B
Score: below
112313 1st AMRAP 10 from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

rest 4 min

20m down and back x 2
10 pullups
10 pushups
10 cal Row
Score: 5 rds + Run i believe   video below 
112313 2nd AMRAP 10 from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday, 112213

Today's programming be pushed til tomorrow.

Today, have Dr's and meetings all day and then CF Earned tonight with bunch of competitors, getting gyms together.

Friday PM:

A. Power Clean Ladder
205-225-245-265-285-295-305(miss x 2)
B. Team of 2, guy girl , opposing Gyms
150 Wall Balls
100 Pullups
100 Burpees
150 Double Unders
Time: 12:20
*i started on wall balls, did 55. . . then sets of 20 or so...then unsure. 
She was first on pullups, did like 16....i think i did 55-57 my first set....we won the wod. Burpees we did 10/10 at first, then 5/5 for while through...double unders, my shoulders were dead...wind wasnt bad, just shoulders, dead come the burpees. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thursday, 112113


A.  front squat - 4 reps EMOM x 6 minutes *each one w/ a 1 sec. pause in bottom
112113 EMOM FS from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

B.  Power Clean Cluster; 1.1.1 x 3, rest 10 sec., rest 2 minutes
didn't do, still not skin on thumbs..healing though 

C.  Weighted CTB pull up x 5 x 3 sets, rest 60 seconds
completed ; just used 26# 

D.  Back rack reverse lunge step x 5/leg x 3 sets @ *tough weight
completed 80-85-90-95-100kg

30 DU
5 20m Shuttle Runs (10m down and back)
Completed with Lynn, help get her moving with shoulder issue. 


12 minute grinder effort

50m sled push @ bwt

100m FW @ 100#/h

35 double unders

completed. think was on double unders in 4th calves were on fire!!! from earlier today also, but the sled and DU, wow...breathing was ok. Grip on farmers carry sucked. used 100 DB's ...sled and DB outside, DU was inside. 

Wed, 112013

A. Bring Sally Up (got talked into,but was for good cause)   =)

B. Max Lever Holds
112013 Lever Hold - building back up from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

C. Mobility

Tuesday, 111913


A.  DL @ 80% x 3 x  5 sets, rest 3 minutes

B.  Snatch pulls (2 position - floor and mid hang) @ 90% x 2 x 3 sets

C.  DB strict shoulder press x 3-5 x 5 sets, rest 60 seconds

D.  Reverse hyper x 8-10 x 3 sets @ 50% of 1 RM back squat


8 TnG DL @ 275

20 Tng box jumps, 24"

25 sec. aD sprint @ max effort

rest 5 minutes x 3


12 kb swings @ 88#

20 sec. am rap 10 meter shuttle sprint

20 sec. row @ max effort

rest 5 minutes x 3


40 sec. row @ max effort

rest 3 minutes x 3

Tuesday, 111913


A.  DL @ 80% x 3 x  5 sets, rest 3 minutes

B.  Snatch pulls (2 position - floor and mid hang) @ 90% x 2 x 3 sets

C.  DB strict shoulder press x 3-5 x 5 sets, rest 60 seconds

D.  Reverse hyper x 8-10 x 3 sets @ 50% of 1 RM back squat


8 TnG DL @ 275

20 Tng box jumps, 24"

25 sec. aD sprint @ max effort

rest 5 minutes x 3


12 kb swings @ 88#

20 sec. am rap 10 meter shuttle sprint

20 sec. row @ max effort

rest 5 minutes x 3


40 sec. row @ max effort

rest 3 minutes x 3

Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday, 111813

*only had time for 1 session today. Been pretty sick since saturday night, trying to fight through the cold. 

A.  Back Squat - 2 x 3 @ 80%, 1 x 3 @ 350#, 10 reps x 1 @ 75%135kg for 2 x 3. . . 155 x 1, 160 x 1, 165x1 . . . 125 x 10 

B.  OHS work - 8 minutes on positioning and feel didnt get to - will work a lot this week, with my mobility 

C.  High Box jump x 2 reps x 5 sets, rest 60 seconds
built up to 54" x 2 reps. 

D.  Weighted plank holds x 60 sec., 30 se.c off x 2180lb for :60, then 205lbs for :60 
11813 205lb :60 sec plank hold from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.


400m run

20 db hand squat cleans @ 40#

15 burpees

10 ghd sit ups

-rest 4 minutes bt. rounds x 5 rounds @ 90% effort
PERFORMED TWO ROUNDS. . . no wind, still very congested. 1st round was 4:23, unbroken reps. second was 5:10, unbroken also for the sqT cleans, but slow reps and cycle time; but never put them down. 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Sat , 111613

McCauley Seminar today 

Filled in what I could. 

A. 4 rds
5 Bar muscle up
10 S to OH (155)
10 cal Row
5 HnG SqT Cleans (155)
Score: 13 something 


:30 on HARD
:30 on EASY
X 12 on Rower 


5 burpee touches AFAP
Rest :10 sec x 5

B. Power Clean + Split Jerk
Went to power clean. 
Got 290 - 295 - miss 305 2x
- stopped there 

Friday, 111513

didn't get to my workouts today.
Had McCauley and Szela in town today so was going over a lot of stuff plus setting up for tomorrow.

A. Step 1 - Hang Sqt Clean
*so Pendlay step one clean, and 225-245-255-265-275 on this. Went 285 and just didnt get under fast enough
B. Power Clean  + Split Jerk
went 300, powered cleaned it 6x (with bumpers, not comp plates, so prob not really 300, but oh well)...went 6 for 6 with power cleans.... 0-6 with jerks.
Having not jerked in quite a while though, sure i can't really complain. Timing was off ; back foot split WAY TO MUCH, to long of a split, just hips to go straight down, back foot down driving chest through; versus throwing back foot back, hips retreating with it. Bastard.
happy with the power clean...none were that difficult. I want 3 plates power clean dammit!

Thursday, 111413


A.  Zombie squat - got 130kg for pause in hole for single ....previous got to 100 x 5 with 2 second pause
111413 130kg Zombie w/ pause from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

B. Front Squatted - up to 140kg 
111415 140kg x 1 FS from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.


12 minute @ 90% effort

3 stone to shoulder

3 burpee MU

3 strict HSPU

111413 AMRAP 12 3/3/3 from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

am session:
A.  Clean pull x 3 x 3 - rest 60 seconds
performed 3x3 at 140kg
111213 Clean Pulls 3x3 @140kg from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.
3 rds of ,
400m Run
30 Cal Row
20 Cal AD
10 Deadlifts (275)
rest 5 minutes between rounds
did this with Lynn, so paced throughout, just worked extra aerobic stuff; didn't go nuts. 5-5:30 per round.  

pm session: 6p

5 TnG DL (clean grip)

7 no push up burpee box jump, 24”

20 sec. AD sprint @ max effort

rest 5 minutes x 3
completed - rounds below..first two rounds at 170kg...then dropped to 150kg, hands were super sensitive; struggling holding on. 

111213 WOD 1 rd 1 from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.
11213 WOD 1 rd 3 from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

8 kb swings @ 100#

8 burpees

25 sec. AD sprint @ max effort

rest 5 minutes x 3
completed - rounds below
rd 2
111213 WOD 2 rd 2 from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

rd 3 
111213 WOD 2 rd 3 from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

Monday, 111113

A.  Back Squat; 8 @ 75%, 5 @ 80%, 3 @ 85%, 10 @ 70%
Did 126x 10 (accidentally did two extra reps.  Then did 135 x 5.  Then went 145kg x 3. Then 120kg x 10. 

B.  EMOM x 8 minutes = 1 FS @ 275#
Completed at 125kg EMOM x 8. No failed attempts 


4 rounds @ 90% effort

400m run

20 kb swings @ 55#

15 pull ups

30 double unders

300m row (holding sub 1:40)

rest 4 minutes bt. rounds.. keep same times each round… breathing work

Completed only 2 rds. 7:30p class I had. Time got away from me. 

Round 1: 4:44 - felt decent. Run was good pace or me. All unbroken just stations not ideal with class going. Signing people. 
Round 2: 5:12 - was breathing hard and had tough time rowing in 30'a here. 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Sat, 110913

In House Comp

A. Complex :
Hang Clean + Front Squat + TnG Clean
255-275-287 *got hang power clean and front Squat. Missed the tng squat clean twice. Caught couldn't stand up. Second time missed it 
Rest 5 min (approx)
 Max effort 500m Row 
Score: 127.6. - believe this is a PR. Legs were destroyed. Not crazy breathing which was happy with. Recovery was good 

B. Teams of 3
4k row (scored separately) 
100 Wall Balls
50 Power Cleans 
100 Double unders
50 burpee BJ
400m Buddy Carry Run

I was on row for first 2200. Then did all DU + 35 of the Burpee BJ. 
Carries Maureen the whole 400m. And then jumped on and finished the last 350 row. 

C. :45 on , :15 off stations - 3 rds through each person 
1. 1 arm KB Thruster (swap every 5)
Used 70# KB. Got 10 each time and stopped 
2. Burpee Plate Hops 
Stayed 15-18 each rd
3. AbMat Sit-ups 
28-32 each round 

Test 30-45 min or so 

4 rds 
5 strict C2B with 18#
15 Ring Push ups 
NFT - rested in between rounds 
*treate more strength isolated focus. 

Thursday, 110713

12 minute amrap @ 80%
10 back squats @ 135
10 CTB pull ups
10 push ups
30 cal on aD
-rest 6 minutes-
12 minute amrap @ 85%
200m run
15 T2B
15 db power snatch r arm @ 50#
15 db power snatch l arm @ 50#
-rest 6 minutes-
12 minute amrap
60 sec. amrap double unders
60 sec. ghd sit ups
60 sec. row @ 1:48/500 pace

A.  Box Squat 
Did wrong and climbed in heavy 3 rep 
135-140-145-150-155-160 - all completed x 3 reps - to just below parallel
B.  OHS positional work - 10 minutes
Felt like shit
C.  Squat clean work - 10 minutes 
Also felt like shit 

Head not in it much this week with all going on. In house competition on Saturday then will do Friday stuff later in day on Saturday. 
Videos on Vimeo also

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Wed, 110613

Worked some Light barbell Clean stuff; just holding positions...nothing felt good though.
Lack of Mobility starting to erk me as of late.

Had Krista up as I was working with JP tonight and she worked on ton of mobility stuff with me. She is coming up every Wed and we are spending time; also will be traveling down each Sunday to them as much as i can for mobility class.

need to start making point to hit this stuff numerous times a day.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tuesday 110513

1st session
A. Snatch Grip DL x 2 + Snatch High Pull x 2 - climbed to 105 last 2 sets
B. CG RDL @22X1 x 3 x 3
Last set at 110
100513 110kg x 3 RDL from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

C. Strict Press 5x5
55-60-65-70-73 * maybe Pr. 160lbs x 5. Unsure have done on strict press.  
Few hours later 

D. :30 Sprint on Rower 
Rest 4 min x 10 
Scores below 

E. 3x 15-20 GHD Sit-ups 

Monday , 110413

A. Back Squat - hit 275 x 20. Def a 20 rep Pr. As haven't done in long time. Prob not max reps as mentally not really with it. I'd like to get 285-295 x 20
110413 275# x20 rep from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

Rest 10 min
B. Max Wall Balls 
Score - 81
- arms literally going numb lol. Could barely hold ball. I stopped cauSe was barely making target
110413 81 WallBalls from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

Rest 10 min
C. 10 sets of 10 unbroken C2B pullups AFAP
Time :  5:47 
Got all unbroken. Ripped hand so made butterfly tough. Did few normal lips but got it 10 unbroken each time. 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Saturday, 110213

At Earned 

"Helen meets Grace"
Partner wod with Chase. 
8:42 total time 

Rest 15

Back Squats Singles 
315-325-335-345 (w/ bumpers)

Rest 5-10

3 muscle ups
6 hspu
12 cal row
24 DU
Score: 7 + 9

Rest 5

3 x PC + PJ @185 - not TnG

Friday, 110113
