A. Power Snatch work - 12 minutes
Skipped - did last night. Went up to 155 for some reps was easy. 166 for ugly. 176 wasn't happening. Frustrated there. I know we have done much so. But def gonna work on this a bit. Since can't full snatch, NEED to be able to power snatch 100kg dammit.
B. Clean pull x 1 + pc x 1 + clean pull x 1 + HPC x 1 x 5 sets
Got 255 on bumpers. 265 missed HPC. Hands super sensitive and nothing in legs today though. 4th day on so body feeling it.
C. Heaving snatch balance - 6 minutes of work and positioning
Didn't do
For time:
1K row - hold 1:45 pace
25 HPC @ 225#
25 burpee box jumps, 30”
25 T2B
Time: 12:04
* row was 3:37.
HPC were some sets of 5, 4,3 etc. ended with 4's
Burpee box jumps, legs were gone and breathing heavy. T2B was grip and hips.
Can't wait til Sunday day off hahaha