
World-Class Fitness in 100 Words

Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.*Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast.*Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense.*Regularly learn and play new sports.—
Greg Glassman, founder of CrossFit "What is Fitness?"

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Tuesday, 07302013

A. Snatch Work - 15 min Split / Power 
Worked up to 80 kilos
***split snatch feels terrible. Maybe cause never really done it, bar bar path feels horrible. Have to keep trying maybe. 
B. Hang Power Clean - 3RM
235x3 242x3 251x3 255x3 then went 265 x 1 for a 1Rep Pr also.
255x 3 = below
07302013 3RM HPC from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.
265 x 1  below
07292013 Hang Power Clean from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

C1. 315# DL x -(-2) , rest :30
C2: 20 HSPU, rest 3 min
Score: 1: 15 / 21 unbroken * did one extra cause can't count.  2: 11 or 12 / 22 unbroken ** again I'm a retard and can't count.  3:  12 / 20
Rd 1
07292013 rd 1 of DL/HSPU from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.
Rd 2
07302013 Rd2 DL/HSPU from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Monday, 07292013

A. Clean 3-4 reps @ 80-85% x 5 sets
Went, 110x4, 112x4, 114x2 with 2 misses (got lazy), 116x3, 119x3

B. x 8 @65% FS x 3 reps every every :45
- used 200lbs.  Completed 

Thrusters (155)
Burpee Bar Hops
Time 16:35

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Left for nationals on Thursday.  

Shoulder : worst shape it's been in long time. Really limited and throbbing daily. 

Was able to PC at globo gym here and set a PR of 280#. In nanos and dress shorts since delta sucks and lost our luggage.  

Was also able to Front Squat on Friday. Front Squatted 305#. Not an all time PR but a PR in a long time and since recently higher I have front squated was 295. Other than the 300 sqT clean.  

Yesterday went for C&J PR of 285.... Missed Jerk. Hadn't jerked In long time so was off. Bar wasn't heavy just path wasn't there.  Went for 305 clean PR following, no go... Spits me out.  

Today is off.  Last day of Nationals. Off to watch the 94's. then flights home tonight. Big lay over in Baltimore ... Try to get all programming done  

Other than last night binging with the elves, been pretty good. 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Thurs, 07252013

Travel Day. 

Left this am at 7a to wad to Ohio for nationals.  With layovers, didn't get to Ohio Til 3:30p. Worst travel experience of my life. It now 1a. Just got back to hotel after hour drive back to airport to pick up our lost luggage.  

We did hit globo gym earlier for them to loosen up. I did power Clean 1RM in nanos (all I had), no belt an Pr'd with 280# power clean .... 5# pr

Pretty good eating all day. Except for chips and salsa at Applebee's. 

I think why was killing me wasn't so much bad quality, as lack of quantity. 

Shoulder r throbbing. Both honestly, but one more. Very tight traps, biceps etc.
Going to spend tomorrow - Sunday hiring the gym down here once day just aerobic stuff. Stay loose, swim etc

In hopes of starting Monday on the right foot. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Wed, 07242013

A. 10 RM TnG Squat Clean
185 & 200
I think 185 was prob old PR. Idk. 
Legs were burning. Again, not feeling great this week.
07242013 10RM TnG SqT Clean from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

20 Thrusters (135)
20 Pull-ups
20 Burpees 
^this was supposed to be tomorrow, but leaving town for nationals.well another melt down. Had nothing in me from sart. Stopped at 15 min. Thought was going to die. Unsure if bug. Nutrition. Idk. Annoyed. 

Rested 15-20

Thrusters from Rack 
185x2 200x2 215x2 220x2 225x2
07242013 Thruster - double from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

Then went to cleans 
225-243-265-287-313 (failed x 3)

Plank Hold w/ 45 lb plate.  2:10 I think. Feel like could go lot longer. Legs were cramping. Core was fine. Shoulder semi bugs me in plank hold
07252013 Plank Hold from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

Called it a night.  

Here's to next week.  :(

Tuesday , 07232013

A. Split / Power Snatch - worked technique on both. Nothing felt great though. Will continue to play with split. Out front a lot on split.  Worked up to 85kg

B. Book End Tester - 250/15/25/15/250
4:17 on round 1. With rower mal function; wouldn't turn on. So I think realistically had low 4's. 
2nd round- got back to 200m. Crazy stomach an headache instantly; followed by projectile vomiting for 15 min. Then felt fine. Maybe a stomach bug, idk

Later that evening :::: did some running and GHD 
800m run @60%
1 mile @80%
800m @85-90%

GHD 3x15

Monday, July 22, 2013

Monday 07222013

Sleep night prior : 1-9a

Body:  shoulder 

Programming: ***using all comp kg plates from here on out. So that alone could be 3-5lbs different any given day. Bar auto 1 lb being 44 and not 45. + plates etc. 

A. Front Squat - test
***super frustrated. Strength hasn't budged, possibly even down.... Along with my gymnastics stuff feeling terrible. Video below

Rest 10-15

Front Squat (225) floor
Muscle Up
^ couldn't breathe at all after 10/10. Gasping. No fucking clue. 
^ did 10/10 and quit. Couldn't front squat 225 x 1 second time around. 
Unsure what's going on with me but beyond frustrated. Gains aren't there. Actually feel worse in a lot of instances. Did this workout before and was looking fwd to it again. Couldn't come close to old time. Hell, could barely clean the 225 , let alone front squat it. Fucking ridiculous.

Meltdown video first
Second attempt is below this
07222013 FS/MU Meltdown from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.
07222013 FS/MU from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

Repeat B 
Front Squat 225 (floor)
Muscle Ups 
Time: 17:41
Approx 5 min slower than last time. All unbroken muscle ups, FS i forget. Unreal. Had no legs. Lost core entire time, from first set. Following workout huge headache and stomach killing me. 

Today was a roller coaster. Came into this week excited for testing. ESP today and the dreaded max front squat. Felt like i was going to put up a good nunber, instead, bombed on everything today. 
Breakfast: eggs + Bacon + strawberries + hmb in OJ

Per:  Gatorade + bcaas + beta alanine 

Post: sfh recovery + oats + glutamine 

Lunch: chicken Caesar wheat wrap 

Snack: builder bar + coffee

Dinner: 9:45p - grasses burger + bacon + broccoli with cheese 
***this dinner starts. No more Chet's unhealthy shit. Today beyond annoyed me.

11p - 3 eggs scrambled. + cranberry juice with hmb + beta alanine 

Front Squat Fail
22013 FS Fail from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Sat, 07202013

Sleep:  3:30 -8:30
* went to sleep before mid night. Tossed and turned all night. Sucked!

25 Cal AD
500m Row
Rest 3-4x, x 3 rds
Times: 2:55,2:52,3:02

Hasn't been good all weekend. As we have been packing and furniture shopping for the move. August 1st is right around the corner. 

Friday, July 19, 2013

Friday, 07193013

Sleep: 12-8

Body: Shoulder - shitbox

10 TnG DL (225)
5 Burpees 
:20 AD Sprint
Rest 5 min x 3
***Rd 3 below
071913 DL/Burp/AD RD 3 from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.
10 TnG Power Cleans (185) * this got very heavy. Third round was tough feet were all over place. Legs back were feeling it. 
200m Sprint
Rest 5 min x 3
*rd 3 below
07192013 PC/Run rd 3 from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.
Strict T2B
5 sets of 10
Last set of 10 below
Strict T2B - set 5 of 10 rep from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

^ messed up programming because in middle of workout, our new gear showed up and Justin was swamped with class. 
Going to hit shoulder strengthen stuff later and maybe the rows.  Going to add in lot of scap / rotator stuff whenever possible try and get holder feeling better. Pecs and bicep super tight ; need to spend time on this. 

Breakfast : pro strength + water

Pre: hmb + creatine + beta alanine + bcaas

Post: sfh recovery + glutamine + bcaas +oats 

Lunch: chicken Caesar wrap + chips 

Snack: coffee 

Dinner: turkey sandwich from chills + chips and salsa 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thursday, 07182013

A. Complex: PC + Hang Squat Clean + Front Squat x 3 -  5 sets climbing 
07182013 Clean Complex from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.
B. Power Snatch - 15 reps from 135-165#
50 cal Ad
50 SqT Clean (115)
50 cal AD
07182013 WOD from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tuesday, 07162013

A. Power Snatch - EMOM x 7 - 2 reps @ %..used 145# for weight cause was to lazy to make 140
07162013 Snatch EMOM from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.
B. Power Clean  - Triple , not to max.   Climbed to 245 x 3
15 KB Swings (106) , rest:10
4 rounds total, resting 2 min between rds.
Times were:
071613 KB/HSPU from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

D. powell raise 3x8
*** did right arm, no problem. Couldnt do 1 on left shoulder. Holy shit, very bad pain. So whatever has developed in shoulder, this motion brings out the worst in it. Wonder if can ease way into this somehow. Was using 15lb db, cause lightest we have. Might try with light bands tomorrow, so if can help with shoulder issue.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Monday, 07152013

Sleep Night Prior:   2a - 8:30a

Body: Shoulder is driving me nuts. Super achy, feel liked jammed up. Need to figure this out and relieve it. ART on Wed with Gina; hopefully helps.

A. EMOM x 10 min x 3 reps at 200# (63%)
B. 4x12 Front Rack Walking Lunges
185-205-215-225 x 7   Failed on 225#
5 Thrusters (175)
8 MU
10 TH @155
8 mu
15 TH @135
8 MU
20 TH @115
8 MU
Time: 16:00
***Literally felt like was going to die. Breathing, muscle fatigue, dying!  Rough on. Paying for the lack of sleep and poor nutrition this weekend.

Breakfast -   HMB in Cranberry juice + Dark Chocolate + Pure strength

Pre wod  -   gatorade + beta alanine

Post WOD- SFH Recovery + oats + bcaas + gluatmine

Lunch:  Tuna on Wheat w/ provolone and pickles. + Chips


Dinner: beef + rice + salad 

Sunday , 07142013

Had complete weekend off. Hosting a 2 day comp back to back; different divisions at our place.  
Sleep was Terrible this weekend and diet potentially worse. Should be an interesting week. Going to sleep in tomorrow, up so late programming tonight and marketing out August event. 

Shoulder.  Don't know what's up with it but killings since week or two ago.  Feels jammed up.  Going to spend time in  on mobility. Have an am warmup session before WOD late am or afternoon etc. super tight from weekend. 

Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday, 07122014

:30 on @90%
:30 on @50%
X 10 min on AD

Rest 5

:30 on @90%
:30 on @50%
X 10 min Row

B. TnG - didn't to. Swamped setting for comp this weekend. Also wrist killing me. This weekend "off" will be a nice rest. Looking forward to getting after it on Monday. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thurs, 07112013

Sleep:  1:30a - 8:30a.  In ct heading to CFM

Body:  shoulder (left) and back. 

A. Back Squat 2-3 x 6, rest 2 min
275x3 300x3 315x3 330x2 330x2 330x2 
^ they were heavy today. Very. Hips from runs the other night. Ouch. And back. 
B. Power Snatch - singles , low %
Worked up to 187x1. Little press out so stopped. Reps below 176 felt smooth and fast. 
Works with Jay an suggested working the split Snatch.  Going to start working on this. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Tuesday, 07092013



A. Power Clean 5x3 @ 80% 
*220 lbs.  completed. No misses. Wasn't issue on any. 
B. Rack Pull - (@ knee cap) * think should have been a little lower.
30 Hspu 
60 KB swings (53)
30 hspu 
Time : 
*had no shoulders. 30 row shouldn't be tough. Died quickly. Strange. Maybe muse ups yesterday? Shoulder achy and upper back super tight. Unsure , but def crahes on this WOD.  Did 37/23 on KB swings. 

Run Work
A. ME 400m
B. Split 400, working tempo. 
C. 5 x 200m @ Z5
Rest 1/1 with partner 

Nutrition :

Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday , 07082013

Sleep night before: 1:30-8:30
Up with town stuff. Getting ready for board meeting. 

Body: just shoulder feeling it

A. EMOM x 10min x 2 reps. Front Squats at 190lbs ; % of max training.  
B. Front Rack Lunge 3x16, 
C. EMOM x 20
Odd: 2 SqT cleans 
Even: 5 muscle ups 
***used 185-215 for squat cleans. 1 failed set free hand ripped and just doesn't pull properly. 
****after few muscle ups, went to old way, limited dip ... Felt better on shoulder and apparently it's ok rep so. Will do this more. Save shoulder rotation. 

Breakfast : eggs + bacon + strawberries + OJ w/ beta alanine. 
+ coffee at gym 

Pre:  Gatorade + hmb creatine + beta alanine + bcaas 

Post: SFH recovery + bcaas + glutamine + oats

Lunch: tuna on wrap. Provolone and pickles 

Snack:  coffee + builder bar

Dinner: burger w/ cheese and bacon plus salad 


Sunday, 07072013

BayState Games all day. Coached.  
4 people competed. 2 golds, 1 silver and bob took top ten out of 30 lifters in a stacked 85kg class. 

Great day. 

Kellie and TJ start lowering volume for nationals this week. 

Heading to CFM for Thursday; looking forward to that. 

For today not great, but quantity was there. Cheats at dinner.  Back on track tomorrow.  

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Sat, 07062013

Sleep night prior:  1:30a - 8a 

Body:  just shoulder. Legs also sore from yest and all wall ball. 

:30 max effort AD 
Rest 2:30

Rest 5 

10 min row @Z1

Rest 5

:30 max effort AD
Rest 2:30

Scores below for calories 
***lega on fire. Wow. Trie to push through for those extra calories but I'm some cases felt like had nothing left. Definitely main issue with the legs. Have to work on this.  
Once I layed after this, I stayed laying for 30 min +. 

Breakfast:  cliff builder bar + coffee + KiNd bar 

Pre wod: hmb + Gatorade + bcaas + beta alanine

Post wod: SFH recovery + bcaas + oats + glutamine 

Lunch: chipotle bowl. Steak and white rice. Not double. Normal serving. 

Dinner: burger

Snack: 9p. Another Burger 

Late : 11p

Friday, July 5, 2013

Friday, 07052013

Night sleep prior: 12:30-8a

Body: shoulder banged up. 

A. 30 Power Cleans @90%
Used 247lbs.  

Rest 15 min or so

1k Row
200 Wall Balls
300 Double Unders
*shoulders. Holy shit. Were dead so fast. Left one was hurting but eventually pain went away and shoulders were just very fatigued. Not happy with performance on this one. Hopes to do better.  Even double Unders , shoulders on fire. Every time I stopped was choice, never Meade up; would simply
stop. Should have dug deeper.  Maybe should have rested longer, seemed to still be bit taxes from Power cleans.
07052013 WOD from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

Breakfast: eggs + strawberries + OJ

Snack: cliff builder bar + coffee

Pre wod: Gatorade + bcaas + hmb 

Post WOD: SFH pure + creative + bcaas + glutamine + oats

Dinner :  tuna on wheat + provolone an pickles 

At movies: other half of tuna.  Some chips and cheese. 

Snack: coffee 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Thurs, 07042013

Sleep night prior: 12:30-8:30

Body:  all good minus shoulder and wrist. 

A.Clean every :30 for 8 min - building each time 
^ was every :30 til prob last 3-4 reps. Couldn't change weights fast enough it seemed. Was prob more like :40-:45 seconds then.
07042013 from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

B. OHS - failure. Couldn't event OHS the barbell.  Realizing how much need to focus lower body flexibility. New routine daily. Morning afternoon and night stretching. 

C. SA DB Row - used 80# DB.  5 reps each side at , alternating. 

Breakfast:  eggs + strawberries + OJ

Pre wod: hmb + Gatorade + bcaas 

Post wod: SFH recovery + bcaas + glutamate + oats

Lunch: tuna with mayo + pickles + some fishy's. :-)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wed, 07032013

Sleep night prior : 1a - 9a 

Body:  back right but ok. Shoulder shitty, alway from dips though. 

Rest Day

Breakfast: eggs + bacon + strawberries + OJ 

Lunch:  tuna on wrap provolone + pickles + chips 

Snack: builder bar + coffee

Dinner: steak tip salad 

Dinner : 10p.  2 grasses burgers. Some salad with cut up cheese 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tuesday, 07022013

ISleep night prior : 2a - 7:45a

Body: shoulder isn't great. Back is very tight sore from yest 

A. Power Clean 6x2 @85-90% (235-250)
235-235-240-245-245-250 - all makes 
***dont know what it is but I have zero legs!!! Even off floor this feels heavy. Pull feels like I got nothing. Made all, but harder than should be at this weight. 
B. Power Clean + Push Jerk - Tng 3 rm. 
did 225# and got it but shoulder instantly acted up.  Third jerk wasn't pretty.  So called it there to do workout.  
400m run @90%
Then, 21-15-9 of,
Power cleans (135)
Ring Dips
Time- quit at like 5 minutes. I don't WTF is going on but I can breathe. Came in from run, started PC and was dying!!!  Couldn't even get first 21 straight RIDICULOUS!  Been like this since last; I don't understand. Haven't eaten much different. Unsure if its the heat. It's like an anxiety type "can't breathe". Couldn't even so ring dips based on breathing!  This is bafflingly and tremendously pissing me off. 
Goin to cool down and give this a go after kids class.  
Did "Elizabeth" before kids.  Pouring rain and tornado warnings, go figure. Time was 4 something. Minutes slower than PR. Not sure what's up with me these last few weeks. 

Breakfast :  eggs + bacon + strawberries + OJ w/ hmb + beta alanine 

Snack: builder bar + cashews 

Pre WOD: hmb + cytoblast + bcaas 

Post WOD: sfh recovery + oats + bcaas + glut amine

Snack: builder bar + egg sandwich. 

Dinner: grassed beef on taco shell

Pre bed: pro strength. 

Nutrition has sucked. Sleeping has sucked. Business is going well but losing focus and track of other things. Individual programming is going awesome and gaining athletes. People seeing results and loving it. The obsession with gaining knowledge, learning is negatively affecting me now and hurting my performance and gains. Need to get a balance on this before it sets me way back. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday, 07012013

Sleep night prior:  1:30 - 8:30a

Body: back super sore. Legs still and shoulder not doing great but ok.  

A. BACK SqT Cluster 2.2.2 x 4 rest :20, rest 3 
B. Power Snatch - not TnG. 3 @ 75% 3 @ 80% 3 @ 85%
155-160-170 - COMPLETE
***no pull today. Had no legs. Completed but nothing felt great. 
50 CtB Pull-ups
25 Hang Squat Cleans (205)
50 Burpee Box Jumps (24)
Time: 21:44
***felt like shit!  No grip with ripped hands and slippery bars.  Come the H SqT Clean, had no legs, felt horrible. Bad nutrition this weekend. Idk. But felt like shit whole time through this. 


Breakfast : eggs + bacon + strawberries + OJ with beta alanine 

Pre WOD: hmm + cytoblast + bcaas

Post WOD : sfh recovery + oats + bcaas + glut amine

Lunch: tuna on wheat wrap. Provolone + pickles

Snack: bar + coffee

Dinner: turkey sandwich from chills