WU: 5 Min Jog
w/ some Bar Power Snatches
WOD: 5 Rounds - For Time
95lb Power Snatch x 12 Reps
400M Run
***Watch time reset!!! Last I looked it was around 30min, and i believe that was around finish of the 4th Round. So was def over 30 Min. This was a tough one!!! Will have to do it again, and try to get under 30 min AT LEAST. On Treadmill for run, was at 9mph, then 10 mph for few rounds, then 11mph for last two.
World-Class Fitness in 100 Words
*Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.*Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast.*Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense.*Regularly learn and play new sports.— Greg Glassman, founder of CrossFit "What is Fitness?"
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29th
WU: 10 Min Basketball
Shoulder-Rotator Exercises..w/ Red Band
WOD 1: 4 Rounds - Reps listed Below - For Time
Med Ball Pushups w/ feet up on Box (each hand one a med ball, wide)
Pullups -Wide Grip, Semi Sup Grip
Time = 3:13
WOD 2: 5 Rounds
Pushups - X-plode off floor, up onto DB's, then back down x 5 Reps
Pullups - Legs Tucker, Semi L
Time = 5:27
Post WOD:
1.BW Rows off Smith Machine Bar
a. Play around with some one arm stuff...
b. 3 Sets of 10 Reps - 45 Second Rest between Sets
2. Dips - 3 Sets of 10 - 30 Sec Rest in Between
Shoulder-Rotator Exercises..w/ Red Band
WOD 1: 4 Rounds - Reps listed Below - For Time
Med Ball Pushups w/ feet up on Box (each hand one a med ball, wide)
Pullups -Wide Grip, Semi Sup Grip
Time = 3:13
WOD 2: 5 Rounds
Pushups - X-plode off floor, up onto DB's, then back down x 5 Reps
Pullups - Legs Tucker, Semi L
Time = 5:27
Post WOD:
1.BW Rows off Smith Machine Bar
a. Play around with some one arm stuff...
b. 3 Sets of 10 Reps - 45 Second Rest between Sets
2. Dips - 3 Sets of 10 - 30 Sec Rest in Between
Friday, August 28, 2009
(1)5 Min Stair Stepper
(2)3 Rounds -
*45lb Good Mornings
*5 PullUps
(3) Hand Stands- Few minutes of longest holds possible, and playing around.
WOD (1): Back Squat 5x5
wu: 95 x 10 135 x 10 155 x 5 185 x 5 (3 Min Rest)
195 x 5 195 x 5 195 x 5 195 x 5 200 x 5 (5 Min Rest)
WOD(2): Overhead Press 5x5
wu: 45lb x 10R x 2 S 65 x 8
95 x 5 105 x 5 115 x 5 115 x 5 115 x 4***Missed on 5th
Post WOD:
(1) L Pullups - 3 Sets x 5 Reps - Very slow
(2) 5 Minutes of Footwork Drills
Notes: Diet hasn't been on point the last few days...Haven't eating enough calories..energy has been semi low. Going to pick it up this weekend, and hit Metcon style workouts Sat and Sun.
(1)5 Min Stair Stepper
(2)3 Rounds -
*45lb Good Mornings
*5 PullUps
(3) Hand Stands- Few minutes of longest holds possible, and playing around.
WOD (1): Back Squat 5x5
wu: 95 x 10 135 x 10 155 x 5 185 x 5 (3 Min Rest)
195 x 5 195 x 5 195 x 5 195 x 5 200 x 5 (5 Min Rest)
WOD(2): Overhead Press 5x5
wu: 45lb x 10R x 2 S 65 x 8
95 x 5 105 x 5 115 x 5 115 x 5 115 x 4***Missed on 5th
Post WOD:
(1) L Pullups - 3 Sets x 5 Reps - Very slow
(2) 5 Minutes of Footwork Drills
Notes: Diet hasn't been on point the last few days...Haven't eating enough calories..energy has been semi low. Going to pick it up this weekend, and hit Metcon style workouts Sat and Sun.
Boston Trapeze School - Thursday August 27th
WOD: Rest
Fun of the Day: TRAPEZE SCHOOL
2 Hrs of Flying!!! Worked the jump off, the hang, feet up, hang with legs, arch back..then the backflip release...Ended the night with "the catch"...basically everything the same, but on the swing down arch back, hands out, and grab onto the guy swinging from other swing, release legs etc...
Great time!!!
Their site: BOSTON TRAPEZE SCHOOL - Pics to come!!!
A Message from Jonathon
Building your team for a happy life.
Most of us believe that it is dishonorable to abandon relationships and may maintain connections with a few for our entire lives. This is fine if the connections are productive or at least healthy. It is not fine if they are destructive.
I know a number of folks who hover just above a dark pool of utter despair simply because the people they keep around them seem committed to keeping them there.
So what separates them from the few that won’t let anyone keep them down and, where do you fall in this spectrum?
If you suspect in any way that you have inherited or created relationships that are anything less that amazingly supportive, it’s time to do a serious inventory and get clear on how to best position yourself for a happy life.
Of course, there are some difficult connections that you can’t just walk away from, but, if you suddenly realized that what people are saying to you has a lot to do with what you feel about yourself, wouldn’t you want to have people saying really lovely things?
When a stranger on the street calls you a jerk, you may let it go but, more likely, it stings right? Imagine what impact the words of those closest to you may be having on you day after day.
Of course you need to grow and learn like everyone else. Surely this can be accomplished in a loving environment as easily as a critical one.
But it’s you that has to commit to having the loving voices near. You that has to look at each connection and assure that you have done the best for your happiness. You that may need to compassionately withdraw from connections that don’t serve your health and you that will suffer if you come up with rationalizations why you should continue to invest your life energy into connections that don’t make you strong.
As your teachers, we must be firm, but kind. If we are ever cruel, you must abandon us completely. You deserve the most loving, supportive learning environment that you can possibly imagine. Anyone who fails in this simply does not belong.
Take your time and build yourself a team that is committed to success. It may take years, but even if it takes a lifetime, the moment you feel all that love behind you is the moment you will truly start to fly.
Make sure all your friends….. are, and we’ll see you in the sky. Jonathon
Fun of the Day: TRAPEZE SCHOOL
2 Hrs of Flying!!! Worked the jump off, the hang, feet up, hang with legs, arch back..then the backflip release...Ended the night with "the catch"...basically everything the same, but on the swing down arch back, hands out, and grab onto the guy swinging from other swing, release legs etc...
Great time!!!
Their site: BOSTON TRAPEZE SCHOOL - Pics to come!!!
A Message from Jonathon
Building your team for a happy life.
Most of us believe that it is dishonorable to abandon relationships and may maintain connections with a few for our entire lives. This is fine if the connections are productive or at least healthy. It is not fine if they are destructive.
I know a number of folks who hover just above a dark pool of utter despair simply because the people they keep around them seem committed to keeping them there.
So what separates them from the few that won’t let anyone keep them down and, where do you fall in this spectrum?
If you suspect in any way that you have inherited or created relationships that are anything less that amazingly supportive, it’s time to do a serious inventory and get clear on how to best position yourself for a happy life.
Of course, there are some difficult connections that you can’t just walk away from, but, if you suddenly realized that what people are saying to you has a lot to do with what you feel about yourself, wouldn’t you want to have people saying really lovely things?
When a stranger on the street calls you a jerk, you may let it go but, more likely, it stings right? Imagine what impact the words of those closest to you may be having on you day after day.
Of course you need to grow and learn like everyone else. Surely this can be accomplished in a loving environment as easily as a critical one.
But it’s you that has to commit to having the loving voices near. You that has to look at each connection and assure that you have done the best for your happiness. You that may need to compassionately withdraw from connections that don’t serve your health and you that will suffer if you come up with rationalizations why you should continue to invest your life energy into connections that don’t make you strong.
As your teachers, we must be firm, but kind. If we are ever cruel, you must abandon us completely. You deserve the most loving, supportive learning environment that you can possibly imagine. Anyone who fails in this simply does not belong.
Take your time and build yourself a team that is committed to success. It may take years, but even if it takes a lifetime, the moment you feel all that love behind you is the moment you will truly start to fly.
Make sure all your friends….. are, and we’ll see you in the sky. Jonathon
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
WU: 10 Min Bike
Some OverHead Squat work, and Snatch catches with Bar + Clean work with Bar
All Of The Above
Abs - 1oolb Rope Pull Down x 5 Reps x 3 Sets
Superset - Med Ball Twists / Pushups
400M Sprints x 2 @ 10mph on Treadmill
3 Sets of Ab Wheel
5 Minutes Stretch in Sauna
Notes: $hitty day, did not want to be at the gym...
7:30p-9p - MMA
9p-10p - JIU JITSU
Some OverHead Squat work, and Snatch catches with Bar + Clean work with Bar
All Of The Above
Abs - 1oolb Rope Pull Down x 5 Reps x 3 Sets
Superset - Med Ball Twists / Pushups
400M Sprints x 2 @ 10mph on Treadmill
3 Sets of Ab Wheel
5 Minutes Stretch in Sauna
Notes: $hitty day, did not want to be at the gym...
7:30p-9p - MMA
9p-10p - JIU JITSU
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
WU: WOD light weight...Bent Over Rows, Barbell Inc Bench 135lbx 5 Reps WU
WOD: 5 Rounds - 2 Min Rest Between Rounds
Bodyweight Inc Bench Press (155lb)
Bent Over Barbell Rows - Shoulder width Grip (135lb)
3 Rounds for Time:
10 Dips
5 Pullups
Machine Weighted - 5 Sets, then Drop Set 3 Times
Planks - 2 Holds - 2+ Minutes Each (Arms on half med ball, feet on balance board)
Note: Messed up knee last night at MMA. Very sensitive, so stayed away from any leg exercises. Hurts to even bend my knee. Going to ice rest of the day and tonight, hope to feel a lot better tomorrow...we'll see.
WOD: 5 Rounds - 2 Min Rest Between Rounds
Bodyweight Inc Bench Press (155lb)
Bent Over Barbell Rows - Shoulder width Grip (135lb)
3 Rounds for Time:
10 Dips
5 Pullups
Machine Weighted - 5 Sets, then Drop Set 3 Times
Planks - 2 Holds - 2+ Minutes Each (Arms on half med ball, feet on balance board)
Note: Messed up knee last night at MMA. Very sensitive, so stayed away from any leg exercises. Hurts to even bend my knee. Going to ice rest of the day and tonight, hope to feel a lot better tomorrow...we'll see.
Bent over Row,
Inc Bench Press,
Sunday, August 23, 2009
WU: 10 Min Basketball + Some HSPU, Pullups and Squats
WOD: "Modified Mary"
As many Rounds , in 20 Minutes
5 HandStandPushups
20 Squats
15 Pullups
Total : 7 Rounds
WOD: "Modified Karen"
100 Wall Ball Shots for Time
- 15 lb Ball - 10 ft High Throw
Time: 6:58
P-WOD: Core - 3 Rounds
10 Swiss Ball Roll Outs
50 Sit Ups
P-WOD: 5 Min of Foot Work
Ladder drills - Using 5lb Plates
Speed Work
Notes: Pullups slowed me down on Mary BAD! Back still very sore and taxed from Deadlifts other day, not sure how much that affected this.
WOD: "Modified Mary"
As many Rounds , in 20 Minutes
5 HandStandPushups
20 Squats
15 Pullups
Total : 7 Rounds
WOD: "Modified Karen"
100 Wall Ball Shots for Time
- 15 lb Ball - 10 ft High Throw
Time: 6:58
P-WOD: Core - 3 Rounds
10 Swiss Ball Roll Outs
50 Sit Ups
P-WOD: 5 Min of Foot Work
Ladder drills - Using 5lb Plates
Speed Work
Notes: Pullups slowed me down on Mary BAD! Back still very sore and taxed from Deadlifts other day, not sure how much that affected this.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Friday 08 -22 - 09 Workout
WU: 5 Min Bike
"3 Rounds" - Good Mornings
DB Shrugs
WOD: Deadlift 5 x 3 Reps
wu: 135 x 5R x 2S, 185 x 5
225 x 3 255 x 3 265 x 3 275 x 3 285 x 3(PR)
METCON - "3 Rounds"
Hang Power Clean 135lb x 5 R
7 Dead Hang Pullups
10 Dips
Time: 6:01
Weighted Machine - 5S x 10R - Pryamid'n weight UP
Note: Metcon Workout - Grips died on the Hang Cleans...had to re-rack at end, gain grip, for last few reps. Deadlifts felt good...Again, its just the decline which i feel i need to address witch the heavier weights. Also, i tried to switch grip, one palm in, one palm out...Grip felt good with this, but it did through me a little off.
"3 Rounds" - Good Mornings
DB Shrugs
WOD: Deadlift 5 x 3 Reps
wu: 135 x 5R x 2S, 185 x 5
225 x 3 255 x 3 265 x 3 275 x 3 285 x 3(PR)
METCON - "3 Rounds"
Hang Power Clean 135lb x 5 R
7 Dead Hang Pullups
10 Dips
Time: 6:01
Weighted Machine - 5S x 10R - Pryamid'n weight UP
Note: Metcon Workout - Grips died on the Hang Cleans...had to re-rack at end, gain grip, for last few reps. Deadlifts felt good...Again, its just the decline which i feel i need to address witch the heavier weights. Also, i tried to switch grip, one palm in, one palm out...Grip felt good with this, but it did through me a little off.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Easy Going Day...WU for Heavy Deadlift Tomorrow
WU: 5 Min Bike + Some Good Mornings, Pullups and DB Shrugs.
1 Mile Run (Treadmill) (8 Min)
5 Min Row
10 Minute Swim (All sorts of ways + Running in Pool)
7-9:30p - JIU JITSU
This guy is Unbelievable!!!!
1 Mile Run (Treadmill) (8 Min)
5 Min Row
10 Minute Swim (All sorts of ways + Running in Pool)
7-9:30p - JIU JITSU
This guy is Unbelievable!!!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
WU: 5 Min Bike
Good Mornings + Front Squats with just 45lb Bar - 3-4 Sets of 10R
Front Squats
wu; 95lb x 15 Reps
135 x 8 155 x 6 165 x 3 ***Messed up grip on this from start
Rest 1 Minute after last set then... 135lb x 10 Reps
Overhead Press
45lb x 10 Reps x 3 Sets - Slow, lock out at top, hold for second
95lb x 5 Reps x 3 Sets
Core - 3 Rounds
-Leg Raises - w/ 15lb DB x 10 Reps
-25lb Plate - Standing Twists - 1 Minute
Notes: Stretched between each set of shoulders...by the end, shoulders felt good, a lot looser. Going to stretch tonight also, and try and keep them loosening up. Squats felt good. Only issue is the grip, and wrist with Front Squats (which i normally have). Have to get wrists a little more flexible for that motion.
TENNIS!!! =) - Had me covering nearly 3 courts on my side, so def got in a good session and broke a good sweat!
Good Mornings + Front Squats with just 45lb Bar - 3-4 Sets of 10R
Front Squats
wu; 95lb x 15 Reps
135 x 8 155 x 6 165 x 3 ***Messed up grip on this from start
Rest 1 Minute after last set then... 135lb x 10 Reps
Overhead Press
45lb x 10 Reps x 3 Sets - Slow, lock out at top, hold for second
95lb x 5 Reps x 3 Sets
Core - 3 Rounds
-Leg Raises - w/ 15lb DB x 10 Reps
-25lb Plate - Standing Twists - 1 Minute
Notes: Stretched between each set of shoulders...by the end, shoulders felt good, a lot looser. Going to stretch tonight also, and try and keep them loosening up. Squats felt good. Only issue is the grip, and wrist with Front Squats (which i normally have). Have to get wrists a little more flexible for that motion.
TENNIS!!! =) - Had me covering nearly 3 courts on my side, so def got in a good session and broke a good sweat!
Monday, August 17, 2009
WU: 3 Rounds of Cindy
WOD: DB Flat Bench (Semi Sup)
Pullups x 10 Reps
***Super Sets. Approx 1:30 rest after Pullups, before start of next SuperSet.
60 x 10 70 x 8 80 x 7 90 x 5
***lb per each DB
Some Isolated Shoulder Holds
5-10lb DB's - Bent over, rear flys, while holding and bringing arms forward, aligned with ears, HOLD etc
Cable Single Low Fly's , with Hip Twist
1 x 10R 1 x 5R
() Superset - 3 Rounds
Swiss Ball Situps
45lb Plate Side Raise
1 x 20 (each side)
Notes: As you can see below, this weekend diet wasn't to Paleo safe =).
7:30 - 9 = MMA
9 - 10p = Jiu Jitsu
WOD: DB Flat Bench (Semi Sup)
Pullups x 10 Reps
***Super Sets. Approx 1:30 rest after Pullups, before start of next SuperSet.
60 x 10 70 x 8 80 x 7 90 x 5
***lb per each DB
Some Isolated Shoulder Holds
5-10lb DB's - Bent over, rear flys, while holding and bringing arms forward, aligned with ears, HOLD etc
Cable Single Low Fly's , with Hip Twist
1 x 10R 1 x 5R
() Superset - 3 Rounds
Swiss Ball Situps
45lb Plate Side Raise
1 x 20 (each side)
Notes: As you can see below, this weekend diet wasn't to Paleo safe =).
7:30 - 9 = MMA
9 - 10p = Jiu Jitsu
Friday - Sunday - WoW
My Friday - Sunday... consisted of 0 exercise!! Watching Homsey and Grant win the ADCC (their divisions), and lots of food and sleep.
Breakfast Saturday Morning - 4 eggs, 6 bacon, 3 Pancakes, LOTS of Hashbrowns, some fruit, Orange Juice and Coffee...
Lunch on Saturday at Burger King - 2 Double cheeseburgers, Large Onion Ring, Large Fries, Large Diet Coke + Almonds in the car afterwards :-)
I went unconscious after this meal for the entire ride back to NH.
I am still feeling like crap today, and literally it's uncomfortable just to sit down!!!
Back to the Grind today...
My Friday - Sunday... consisted of 0 exercise!! Watching Homsey and Grant win the ADCC (their divisions), and lots of food and sleep.
Breakfast Saturday Morning - 4 eggs, 6 bacon, 3 Pancakes, LOTS of Hashbrowns, some fruit, Orange Juice and Coffee...
Lunch on Saturday at Burger King - 2 Double cheeseburgers, Large Onion Ring, Large Fries, Large Diet Coke + Almonds in the car afterwards :-)
I went unconscious after this meal for the entire ride back to NH.
I am still feeling like crap today, and literally it's uncomfortable just to sit down!!!
Back to the Grind today...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
WU: 5 Min Bike + Good Mornings
WOD: SUPERSET > Deadlift / Pullups (Max Reps)
deadlift weight: 135 x 10 155 x 10 165 x 8 175 x 8 185 x 8
***Not Max Reps on Deadlifts...Just Higher reps. First 3 sets were continuous movements, last 2 were resetting quick for grip before the pull.
4 Rounds:
Seated Calf Raises
MR Pullups
Machine Abs
Leg Raises
Finisher: 10 Min Bike
Notes: Unbelievably sore...Shoulder is killing me from Jiu Jitsu last night...Very sore, very weak today at gym. Took everything just to get through workout. Looking forward to next two days off, and heading to Jersey for Abu Dhabi Northeast Qualifiers.
WOD: SUPERSET > Deadlift / Pullups (Max Reps)
deadlift weight: 135 x 10 155 x 10 165 x 8 175 x 8 185 x 8
***Not Max Reps on Deadlifts...Just Higher reps. First 3 sets were continuous movements, last 2 were resetting quick for grip before the pull.
4 Rounds:
Seated Calf Raises
MR Pullups
Machine Abs
Leg Raises
Finisher: 10 Min Bike
Notes: Unbelievably sore...Shoulder is killing me from Jiu Jitsu last night...Very sore, very weak today at gym. Took everything just to get through workout. Looking forward to next two days off, and heading to Jersey for Abu Dhabi Northeast Qualifiers.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
WU: 5 Min Bike
Shoulder Stretch/Workout - Rotator Cuff - Using 5lb on Pullies
WOD: Squats / Weight Dips - Super Sets
wu: for both...lighter weights, higher Reps
135 x 10 145 x 10 155 x 10 165 x 10 185 x 5 (Not Max, just one heavier, lower Reps)
25lb x 10 45 x 8 55 x 8 70 x 5 (PR)
Note: Rest was fairly short between each exercise. Enough to catch breath...I would say 1 Minute max between Squats, Dips etc...
Link that was sent to me today... ICECREAM - Looks Paleo Safe, YUMMY!
7:45-9p - MMA
9p-10p- Jiu Jitsu
***Super Sore from this day...All over. Def looking forward to a few days off (Friday, Saturday), while heading to NJ for AbuDhabi.
Shoulder Stretch/Workout - Rotator Cuff - Using 5lb on Pullies
WOD: Squats / Weight Dips - Super Sets
wu: for both...lighter weights, higher Reps
135 x 10 145 x 10 155 x 10 165 x 10 185 x 5 (Not Max, just one heavier, lower Reps)
25lb x 10 45 x 8 55 x 8 70 x 5 (PR)
Note: Rest was fairly short between each exercise. Enough to catch breath...I would say 1 Minute max between Squats, Dips etc...
Link that was sent to me today... ICECREAM - Looks Paleo Safe, YUMMY!
7:45-9p - MMA
9p-10p- Jiu Jitsu
***Super Sore from this day...All over. Def looking forward to a few days off (Friday, Saturday), while heading to NJ for AbuDhabi.
Back Squat,
Weighted Dip PR,
Weighted Dips
Monday / Tuesday
Sunday, August 9, 2009
WU: 5 Min Jog on Treadmill
Shoulder exercises - Rotator cough work WU
WOD: Bent Over Barbell Rows 5x5
wu: 95lb x 10 135 x 10
155 x 6 165 x 5 165 x 5 170 x 5 175 x 5 (was NOT max)
Inc Bench Press 3R
wu: 135 x 8
155 x 5 185 x 3 190 x 3 195 x 3 (NOT max)
4 Rounds -
Leg Raises w/ 15lb DB x15 x10 x8 x7
Machine Abs 100lbx8 "x8 "x7 "x6
4 Rounds -
Ab Wheel - 12 Reps
10lb Med Ball Twists - 1 Min of Twists
Row: 5 Minutes
Meters = 1145m - Just a steady pace, wasn't going for a PR or anything.
Notes: I am super sore still!!! AAAHHH. My shoulders are VERY sore...possibly from rotator work in the beginning of the week, and the stretching. I need to loosen up these shoulders! Only had one meal in me prior to this workout.
Shoulder exercises - Rotator cough work WU
WOD: Bent Over Barbell Rows 5x5
wu: 95lb x 10 135 x 10
155 x 6 165 x 5 165 x 5 170 x 5 175 x 5 (was NOT max)
Inc Bench Press 3R
wu: 135 x 8
155 x 5 185 x 3 190 x 3 195 x 3 (NOT max)
4 Rounds -
Leg Raises w/ 15lb DB x15 x10 x8 x7
Machine Abs 100lbx8 "x8 "x7 "x6
4 Rounds -
Ab Wheel - 12 Reps
10lb Med Ball Twists - 1 Min of Twists
Row: 5 Minutes
Meters = 1145m - Just a steady pace, wasn't going for a PR or anything.
Notes: I am super sore still!!! AAAHHH. My shoulders are VERY sore...possibly from rotator work in the beginning of the week, and the stretching. I need to loosen up these shoulders! Only had one meal in me prior to this workout.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Fridays - WOD
WU: 3 Rounds of "Cindy"
Good Mornings
Light STRICT Day
Back Squats 3 S x 8 R
135lb - - Very Deep squats, working on Form
Snatch Grip Deadlifts
135lb x 3 Sets x 5-7 Reps
Bar Walking Lunges (Bar on Shoulder)
3 Rounds -
1 Round equals back and forth across basketball court at Golds
Good Mornings
Light STRICT Day
Back Squats 3 S x 8 R
135lb - - Very Deep squats, working on Form
Snatch Grip Deadlifts
135lb x 3 Sets x 5-7 Reps
Bar Walking Lunges (Bar on Shoulder)
3 Rounds -
1 Round equals back and forth across basketball court at Golds
Back Squat,
Snatch Grip Deadlift,
Walking Lunge
Friday, August 7, 2009
Thursday's Fun
This was a day off from the gym, but hit Jiu Jitsu class from 7-9p.
Good rolling. Knee completely sucks at this point, but seeing the specialist very soon for final answer. Great Workout....
Note: SUUUUUUPER SORE TODAY. Mainly my shoulders. Did some stretching movements yesterday, and rotater cuff exercises (Thanx Lindsay) to try and loosen them up a bit; it def hit the spot because I am feeling it today.
WOD Tonight, but unsure as of yet what that will be as of yet.
WORD FOR THE DAY: VEGGIES (and will experience and assortment at dinner tonight with Tucker & Dave)
Good rolling. Knee completely sucks at this point, but seeing the specialist very soon for final answer. Great Workout....
Note: SUUUUUUPER SORE TODAY. Mainly my shoulders. Did some stretching movements yesterday, and rotater cuff exercises (Thanx Lindsay) to try and loosen them up a bit; it def hit the spot because I am feeling it today.
WOD Tonight, but unsure as of yet what that will be as of yet.
WORD FOR THE DAY: VEGGIES (and will experience and assortment at dinner tonight with Tucker & Dave)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Check Point - 1 Month Paleo - Focus
Today's WOD: Move Ryan, and Jiu Jitsu 7:30P-10:00p
So 1 Month Clean Paleo Eating thus far... dabbled in many times before, but first time following, and now i am 110% on board...
Lifts are increasing...Energy is better...Overall, life is just better! HA HA HA
Current Stats:
Weight = 155lb
Focus: O Lifts
Nutrition: Ratios 50%Fat/30%Protein/20%Carbs
(some days carbs were bumped to 25% ish)
***Knee has been garbage, so Jiu Jitsu training has suffered immensely :-(
Here are a few pics from training. . .
Deadlifts, Bungees, Ab Wheel...
Here's to another month, a year, a lifetime...
(Now onto those overhead Squats!!!)

So 1 Month Clean Paleo Eating thus far... dabbled in many times before, but first time following, and now i am 110% on board...
Lifts are increasing...Energy is better...Overall, life is just better! HA HA HA
Current Stats:
Weight = 155lb
Focus: O Lifts
Nutrition: Ratios 50%Fat/30%Protein/20%Carbs
(some days carbs were bumped to 25% ish)
***Knee has been garbage, so Jiu Jitsu training has suffered immensely :-(
Here are a few pics from training. . .
Deadlifts, Bungees, Ab Wheel...
Here's to another month, a year, a lifetime...
(Now onto those overhead Squats!!!)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
WU: 5 Min Jog on Treadmill
Good Mornings - 45lb 65lb 8-10 Reps
WOD: Deadlift 4x3
Warmup...135x8Rx2S 155x5 185x5
225x3 245x3 255x3 265x3
DB Shoulder Press (Standing Up)
Just to get some blood going, and loosen up shoulders.
30 lb DB's x 5-10 Reps x 4-5 Sets
Ab Wheel
5 Sets - 8-10 Reps
Bear Crawl - 3 Minutes
1 Min Rest
Sprints - 3 Minutes
Notes: Deadlifts felt GREAT! Recorded these...sending to Byers for review. Going to hit the Snatch Grip DL's later in the week also. Eating was good today, ratio's seemed good. Little light on the calories. 3 Min Rounds on Bungee fn killed me!
Good Mornings - 45lb 65lb 8-10 Reps
WOD: Deadlift 4x3
Warmup...135x8Rx2S 155x5 185x5
225x3 245x3 255x3 265x3
DB Shoulder Press (Standing Up)
Just to get some blood going, and loosen up shoulders.
30 lb DB's x 5-10 Reps x 4-5 Sets
Ab Wheel
5 Sets - 8-10 Reps
Bear Crawl - 3 Minutes
1 Min Rest
Sprints - 3 Minutes
Notes: Deadlifts felt GREAT! Recorded these...sending to Byers for review. Going to hit the Snatch Grip DL's later in the week also. Eating was good today, ratio's seemed good. Little light on the calories. 3 Min Rounds on Bungee fn killed me!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Sunday Funday @ The Beach...
Rest Day.....Turned into a 4 Mile Run on the beach.
Great run...
The 7 HRS I spent driving today...now that simply sucked! Calories were up today, near 4000. Problem was, a lot of them were consumed through fake food, ie; BARS! I know I know...
Great run...
The 7 HRS I spent driving today...now that simply sucked! Calories were up today, near 4000. Problem was, a lot of them were consumed through fake food, ie; BARS! I know I know...
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Satuday Hell....Before Sunday Funday @ The Beach
WU: 10 Minutes of Basketball
WOD: Squats 5x5
WU: Bar, 135x10 155x5
185 x 5 R x 5 S
***Focused on Form. Didn't up the weight...Took it easy on my knee, while focusing on form, and keeping weight consistent, while maintaining the 5 Reps through the workout. Going to up this next week, and just keep upping it. Not going for PR for a while etc.
Post WOD - WOD (hahahaha)
(2) 3 Rounds
Hand stand Push Ups - x 5 Reps
Abs (machine with legs straight out) x 10 Reps, while up'n the Weight
(3) 4 Rounds
Barbell Shrugs - 135lb x 2S 185 x 2S
Plate Front Raise - 25lb x 2S x 10R 45lb x 2S x 7R
(4) 5 Rounds
Low Rope Pull Rows
Press Down - Tri's
(5) 3 Rounds - 1 Minute Rest in between
50 Sit Ups
Leg Raises - 15lb x 10 Reps
Notes: Squats - Focused on Form. Going to up the lb per week. Keep strict form. Kept it easy on the knees also.
WOD: Squats 5x5
WU: Bar, 135x10 155x5
185 x 5 R x 5 S
***Focused on Form. Didn't up the weight...Took it easy on my knee, while focusing on form, and keeping weight consistent, while maintaining the 5 Reps through the workout. Going to up this next week, and just keep upping it. Not going for PR for a while etc.
Post WOD - WOD (hahahaha)
(2) 3 Rounds
Hand stand Push Ups - x 5 Reps
Abs (machine with legs straight out) x 10 Reps, while up'n the Weight
(3) 4 Rounds
Barbell Shrugs - 135lb x 2S 185 x 2S
Plate Front Raise - 25lb x 2S x 10R 45lb x 2S x 7R
(4) 5 Rounds
Low Rope Pull Rows
Press Down - Tri's
(5) 3 Rounds - 1 Minute Rest in between
50 Sit Ups
Leg Raises - 15lb x 10 Reps
Notes: Squats - Focused on Form. Going to up the lb per week. Keep strict form. Kept it easy on the knees also.
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