
World-Class Fitness in 100 Words

Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.*Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast.*Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense.*Regularly learn and play new sports.—
Greg Glassman, founder of CrossFit "What is Fitness?"

Friday, July 31, 2009

WU: (1) 10 Min Basketball (2) 10 Min Gymnastics Work - Handstands, Rolls etc

5 Rounds: For Time
10 Pull Ups (Used Kipping style)
5 Dips (w/ holding 45lb DB in legs)
25 Box Jumps (was at least 24' High, maybe bit higher. Picture below)

Total Time: 15:06

(2)5 Rounds - No Rest
Close Grip Bench Press (Hands narrower than shoulders)
Reverse Curl (Curved Bar)
CGBP - 95lb x 2 Sets 135lb x 2 Sets - 1st 2, 8-10 Reps. 2nd 2, 5-7 Reps
Reverse Curl - 50lb x X

Notes: Main WOD killed me... Did some close grip Bench Press...Going to start incorporating this exercise. Will help strengthen my ELBOWS IN push for JJ.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thursday = REST DAY !


...well from weights etc.

Jiu Jitsu - tonight, tomorrow night, and Saturday morning.

WOD: reconvenes on Friday =)

Wed July 29th Workout - Snatch Grip Deadlifts!

WU: 3 Rounds of "Cindy" - Slow Pace

WOD: Snatch Grip Deadlifts - on 4 Inch Step up.
WU:95lb for few sets, to get movement down a bit.
135x8 155x5 185x5 205x3 (None were MR)
***WoW - GREAT movement! Used a Step Up..I'd say approx 4 inches.
***Set up after each rep. Not a fast paced, rushing movement.

ALL this was generated from this article... This got me all pumped up to try these!

Note: Great movement. As i got heavier, form still felt good, but few questions on this. Grip was the toughest part. Holding the bar that wide, was tough holding the dam thing. Felt great, tough workout. Did not push the weight issue with these, being it was my first time with the movement. Will DEF incorporate these as well. Talk to Byers about these...when and how much, etc

Snatch Grip Deadlift - Starting Position w/ 4 inch rise.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Triple Press...Or Double Press with 1 Jerk :-)

WU: Some jumping around, few pullups, and some light over head press.

WOD: Shoulder Press + Push Press + Push Jerk

95x4 113x3 125x2*Failed for 3 115x3
95x5 95x5 105x4 *Failed for 5 100x5 100x5
PJ (Short rest Period on these. Approx 1-2 Min)
95x7 95x7 95x5 95x5 ***Last 2 sets of 5. I used a WIDE Snatch Grip.
***Back started to feel bit unstable, started to Arch. Knocked down to 5 Reps to finish up these.

10-15 Minutes in the Pool. Most time spent with arms holding float, and using legs back and forth, while jogging in shallow ends, leg swim through deep. Real tough on core and legs. Great FINISHER!

Note: Check on Form on Push Press , and Push Jerk. Back started to arch a bit towards end of PP, and with PJ. Work on these...
I was pretty week on my presses today. Haven't had a REST day in a bit, and shoulders were pretty tight and still sore from DB Snatches the other day, and all the rings work I have been doing lately.

Monday, July 27, 2009

WU: 5 Min Bike

(1) Squat 3x3
wu: 135x5 x 2 sets
185x3 225x3 225x2***Knee had enough...Time to get it checked =(

(2) Weighted Pullups
25lb Dumbell x 5
25 x 4

(3) 5 Rounds
Jump Rope - 1 Minute - As many DoubleUnders as I could
Ring Pushups - Feet up on Swiss Ball - Til Failure

(4) L-Sit Holds
5 Sets - As many seconds as i could each Set
(In between sets, some DB Side Raises)

(5) Core Work
-Leg Raises
-Swiss ball Roll Outs
-25lb Plate Twists

Note: Knee was very sore, and was swelling up quickly on Squats. Not sure what the deal is with this dam knee!!! Calories today be around 3500 or so...45/35/30 ratio...approx

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday Funday with some Snatch!

WU: Gooood Mornings 45lb for Warm up. 95lb x 10 x 3Sets
Machine Sit Up - Feet Eleveated

(1) DB Snatch- 1 Arm -4 x 5(Reps Each Side)
Warmup - 30lb
50x 5 60x5 70x5 70x4***Failed on the 5th on first said, so did 4 each side.

(2) 3 Rounds:
* Bent Over Barbell Row 135lb x 7 Reps
* Ring Row (To Failure) - feet elevated on box
* Ring Dips (To Failure)

(3) 3 Rounds:
* DB Twist Curls "Curls for the Girls" =)
* Ring Dips (To Failure)
Weight for Curls: 25x8 (each side) 30x6 35x6

(4) 3 Rounds:
* Pull Ups x 5 Reps (Kipping Style)
* Leg Raises - w/ 10lb DB in Feet x 10 reps

(5) Sprints on Treadmill. Incline at MAX (15%). 30-45 second Sprints. 1 Minute Rest

Notes: Snatch felt good. Tried to make sure back form stayed, and mid section was VERY tight. Lock arm out, and stabilize dumbell before returning to floor. Calories were low today up until workout, but should even out through the evening.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Basic + "Girls"

WU: 5 Min on Bike + little "Monkey-ing around" :-)

(1) Front Squats 5x5
95x8 115x5 125x5 145x5 155x5
***Legs were fine on these, and feel I could handle a lot more weight...Problem is arm position, and not use to tension on the elbows.
(2) "Lynne" - 5 Rounds - No Rest - Time/Max Reps
-BodyWeight Bench Press (used 155lb)
Time = 5 min 35 Sec
12 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 3 (BP)
10 - 4 - 4 - 3 - 3 (PU)
***Was absolutely dead right after first round. Muscles were dead, didnt have much in me.
(3) 3 Rounds: Lunges + Pushups - No rest
30 lb Dumbell Lunges x 10 reps (FAST switches between legs...Speed was focus)
Pushups x 10 reps

The Ending: Some Leg Raises and Planks (both sides, plus standard)

Notes: Front Squats felt good...I feel I could do a lot more weight, once the tension eases up in the elbows with the form on these. "Lynne" - I simply shut down. First set felt good, then just downhill. Not sure if maybe putting a small rest between rounds on this will be more beneficial or what...Will research this. Calories for the day were good. Carb % was up... PW was much higher carbs like yesterday, plus quick absorbing protein.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

WU: Some Core work + Some Ring Play + Some Jumping Around :-)

(1) Split Press 3x5
115x5 125x5 125x5 ***Felt wobbly and week on these. Body was pretty beat up from JJ last night.

(2) 3 Rounds NO REST
-Hang Power Clean (135lb) x 5 Reps
-Rings Dips (Max) Reps per Round- 10, 8 , 8

(3) 5 Rounds NO REST
-Ring Rows (feet elevated, so body pretty straight)
-Hand Stand Push Ups
Reps Per Round for Each:
12 8 8 7 7 (RR)
5 5 4 4 2 (HSPU)

(4) 3 Rounds
-Weight Leg Raises - 15lb x 10 reps
-Machine Weight Sit Ups x 10 Reps

(5) Stair Climber - Sprints
30 Second Sprints - 1 Minute Rest (Totaled 5 Minutes of Actual Sprint, NOT inc Rest)

***Was LOW on my carbs up until workout today. Fat was good, so not sure how it affected my workout. I felt week on the LIFTS today. PW was about 70g of Protein, approx. 75g Carbs

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

D-E-A-D Lifts

5 Min Bike
Good Mornings 45lb x 10 R x 3-4 Sets
Pullups 5 Reps x 3 Sets

WOD: Deadlift 5x5
Warm-up 135lb x 5 reps x 2 Sets
185x5 - 205x5 - 225x5 - 235x5 - 245x5 PR
*** Granted it's only a PR because I haven't done a Heavy 5RM...but still :-)

***#I was pretty sore today...whether it be from the modified Angie the other night, or Jiu Jitsu last night...My shoulders and upper back were sore/tight. Form felt good on the Deadlifts. Back didn't round. My only concern at this point would be the downward motion. I want to have this re-looked at and critiqued. Will video soon and send to Byers.

Melissa Byers
The Deadlift

My FitDay Totals for Today

Fat=46% Protein=37% Carbs=17%
Total Calories= 3,505

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Modified "Angie" w/ Run

WU: Jumbo Bucket of Balls - Drive Range :-)

WOD: Modified "Angie" with 2.5 Mile Run - For Time

***Have to complete each exercise reps, before moving onto the next
50 Pull Ups (Had to stop at 50, because my at home pull-up contraption failed me)
100 Push Ups
100 Sit Ups
50 Squats (Cut this to 50 because the run followed)

Run 2.5 Mile (Outside) (Time for run was 20:44) ***Little over 8 min mile AVG. Wind was good, I can blow this time away, just getting use to dodging people running through downtown.

100 Push Ups
100 Sit Ups

Total Time: 39 Minutes 39 Seconds

***Pull Ups slowed me down today...

Is Your Workout Getting You Results Or Just Making You Tired?


Great article posting on Jay Cohen's site (which i believe he reference from Fitness Spotlight)
***Posted for my reference

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I'm 26 today...Time to start building on the 5x5


"Cindy" 3 Rounds (Light)
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats

Back Squat 5x5
185x5 185x 5 195x5 195x5 205x5

Overhead Press (No Movement in Lower Body)
95x5 95x5 105x5 115x4 115x3
***I failed on the 115lb x 5.

Notes: Knee is still sore, so didn't go crazy with the squats. Ratio for the day was good prior to workout, 50/30/20...On pace to do just over 4000 calories today. It's my birthday, so that's totally acceptable :-)

This is how the end of my day looked on FitDay =)

^ Pie Chart = Fat (51%) Protein (33%) Carb (17%)
Calories = 4,104 Carb=175.6 Fat= 226.8 Protein= 323.8
This is a PR in itself for me :-)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Here we go. . .

This blog is to...
1. Keep track of my workouts
2. Keep track of my progress
3. An attempt to keep myself motivated
4. ***HIT MY GOALS (Listed to your right)


There are numerous links on the right hand side of the page. There is a section for sites I visit regularly, and sites to use for Resources/Information.

My FitDay account can be viewed HERE

Let the Fun began !!!