
World-Class Fitness in 100 Words

Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.*Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast.*Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense.*Regularly learn and play new sports.—
Greg Glassman, founder of CrossFit "What is Fitness?"

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Thursday , 062514

Am: 9a

Team of 2 
10 mile bike (each)
1 mile - 80# sandbag and 70# KB farmers carry. One does one. One does the other. Can swap as needed.  
100 burpees over sandbag 
10k row - swap every 250m
Time: 1 hr 29 min 

2nd: 1pm
Back squat Cycle @20X0
102 x 10
119 x 8
128 x 8
136 x 8

3rd : 4:30p - high aerobic efforts here 
AMRAP 10 w/ 20# vest 
15 cal AB
10 box jumps (24)
5 strict hspu. (Same height but pbars for wrist)
Score : 4+28
* hspu started not going UB at rd 4 and were slower. Was tough here 

Rest prob 10 for set up 

10 KB power cleans (53's)
20 double under 
3 tough power snatch - singles. (Performed at 165)
Score: 5+10

Done for day. Holy shit I'm dead. 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Tuesday , 062314

A. Muscle snatch - not tnG 
60x3 65x3 70x3 75x1PR 80x1 PR
B. row intervels 
500m x 8 rest 2:30 @1:45
4 rds at 1:44-1:45. 
5th rd 1:47.  Stopped there. Retry Thursday. Legs fried with these tempo squats 

Hour and half rest 

5 Strict Muscle ups
200m Run 
4 Strict Muscle Ups
200m Run 
3 Strict Muscle Ups
200m Run 
2 Strict Muscle Ups
200m Run 
1 Strict Muscle Up
200m Run 
3 Muscle Ups
200m Run 
5 Muscle Ups
200m Run
7 Muscle Ups
200m Run
9 Muscle Ups
200m run 
Time: 13:30 
all unbroken - winded on run- legs heavy 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Monday, 062314

A. :30 on easy :30 on hard x 5 min
5 min easy row 
B. Muscle snatch - working elbows high and proper turn. Straps so wrist doesn't turn over. 
40x3 50x3 60x3 65x1 70x1

A. Back squat cycle 
Week 2
Day 1 
Done at 20X0

Emom x 14  w/ 10# vest on
Odd: pbar hspu  - full depth
Even: :45 on AB @90%


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Thursday, 061914

A. Back SqT cycle week 1 day 2 

Performed @20X0 - 
Got all @20X0. Last two were tough!

B. Bit later 
MAP Training 
300m row 
20 abmat 
10 Burpee box jump over (30)
5 shoulder to oh (185) a rack 
Score: 3+300

Rest 4

10 ring Push-ups 
200m run 
40 double Unders 
12 KB swings (88)
Score: 3+250

Tuesday, 061714

15 c2b
15 box jumps (30) step down 
Score: 9+18


10 legless rope climbs AFAP - 15'
6 min. Grip was gone at like 7 prob from earlier. 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Monday, 061614

A. Warmup : 5 rds 400m row 400m run
Kept row high 40's. Some low 50's

B. Scap work

C. Back squat cycle week 1 day 1

D. Strict DB Press - sub hspu cause wrist 

E.  Emom x 20
Off: 12 cal AB
Even: 10 wall ball (30)

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Sat, 061414

A. Back squat 
120x5 130x1 140x1 150x1 155x1 160x1

50 GHD sit-ups 
40 double under 
30 box jumps 
20 cal row 
10 burpees 
Time: 5:19

Last few days

Back squat up to 360lbs

500m x 5 @1:45. Rest 3 

Few wods. Aerobic work mainly 

Core and ISO shoulders 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tuesday, 061014

A. CG DL with 3 position pause (2 sec) for a double 
B. Bounding work - triples 

A. AMRAP 10 
7 strict pullups 
10 KB swings (88)
15 box jumps (24) step down 
Score: 5 + 25

Monday, 060914

A. Bounding - triple work 
B. Pbar Hs Hold and swing through.  *best I can with wrist static
C. Back SquAt 
Build to heavy single 
225-275-315-335-345-360 * stopped there 
D. 500m x 8 rest 3 min between 

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Saturday , 060714

Team of 2 
400m (1)
400m (other)
100 WB 
50 t2b
50 Burpee (pass slam ball to each other over box)
100 WB
400m run (1)
400m run (2)

A. Back SqT - 
100x5 110x3 120x3 130x3 135x3 145x1 150x1 155x1. 160x1. 165x(f)
B. drop sets - @30X0
120kg x 5 
125 x 5
130 x 5
140 x 3

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Thursday, 060514

A. 250m Power Rows 
Rest 3 min between x 10
B. Fwd Bounding 
Worked up to 43.5-44".  Tried 45", kept missing second, few times third.  
C. Single Leg Squats 5-6 reps x 6 sets each leg.  Using 35 kb's each hand for 3 sets. Then using 53's for 3 sets 
D. 30 rebound box jumps - games standards  
:58 seconds 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tuesday 060314

A. Back SqT - nanos / no belt / no sleeves 
100x5 110x5 120x5 130x3 140x2 150x1 
B. AB 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Monday, 060214

Daily I will see this on the phone. Will be my motivation for rehab & Pt

Today : pre surgery building. 

15 x 500m Row @1:47-1:48 pace. : rest 2 min between