
World-Class Fitness in 100 Words

Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.*Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast.*Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense.*Regularly learn and play new sports.—
Greg Glassman, founder of CrossFit "What is Fitness?"

Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday , 11302012

Day Before Comp

1. Back Squat (vary Tempo throughout)
*warmup for a while with 95/135
185x5. 225x5. 255x1. 275x1 275x1 275x1 275x1 275x1
^ superset 275 back squats with DB Thrusters (25) - warmup for tomorrow

2. Power Snatch / OHS work (75#)

3. KB Swings 35#. Few sets

4. :30 on :30 off Rower x 8 min
Maintaining 1:40 avg on pulls throughout

5. 1k Light Row

6. Mobility
^ work on hamstring and shoulder for tomorrow

7. Some Pullsups and box Jumps. 5/5 for few rounds. Nice easy pace

Thurs, 11292012

Off Day

Thai Yoga Massage

Rest hamstring and Should for Sat

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wed, 11282012

Early Session:

Back Squat: @20x1 (no belt no wraps) (light session, warming for tonight)
Warmups as usual : bar/95/135
185x5 (x2) 225x5 255x5 275x1 305x1
^ superset with DB Thrusters , sets of 10-13 with 35# DB's. - getting comfy for the weekend

Light Row + Mobility

Rest 5 hrs

Work light weight for a while. Good warmup.
Then singles
185-205-225-245-255-265-275(failed twice)
Wasn't happening tonight. Had no legs.

Rest 15 min

Power Snatch (95)
Bar Lateral Burpees
OHS (95)
^ played with these for Saturday

***legs are starting to feel the squatting. Off tomorrow with massage. Friday, some heavy weight on body and a nice row WOD break a sweat. Be ready for Saturday

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday, 11272012

12 noon:

Front Squats @20X1
Warmups 95-135
185x5 205x5
Start Pyramid
225x5 255x5 275x3 285x1 295x1

OHS Work for Sat - feeling out Shoulder
95# x 5 sets of 8-11 reps.
^shoulder feeling it instantly. Saturday could be rough.

Rest 4 hrs



8 Power Cleans (155)
12 Box Jumps (30)
16 AbMat Sit-ups
Score = 5 + 18
*did singles on power cleans to save grip for Saturday.

Rest 5 Min

200m Row
15 Burpee Jumps to touch Rig
Score: 5 + 100

Legs were fried on WOD 1. Quads on fire and hip flexors. Most likely from all the squatting as of late. Overall a good day. Wind felt good on second AMRAP, was happy with that score. Burpees never being a strength of mine, but feeling better.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday , 11262012

WoW - after yesterday, barely moving today.

AM Squat Session. 11a
Back Squat @20X1
Warmups - 95/135 for quite a few
185x5 225x5. 275x5. 315x3. 325x1. 335x1. 345x1. Stopped there today. Class coming in.

WOD this afternoon + squats tonight.

5 rds
10 thrusters (95)
10 T2B
Time : 4:49

*** 4 rds unbroken thruster. Had to break up last. Even toes 2 bar. Was dying which surprised me. Broke up 4&5. Just think was bit of a pussy. Happy with this considering the amount of squats been doing. Legs felt ok. Def tired but ok.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sun, 11252012

Legs are feeling the volume, but pushing through. No PR's today. I had that 275# for 3 below but just went for double. X3 would have been PR I believe. Overall feeling strong, but legs and hip flexors are tired. We will see how basketball goes tonight.

10a flag football. - 2 hrs

Rest 30 min

Front squats @20X1

Warnups (95x5x5) 135x5 155x5 185x5 215x5

Working Sets - pyramid'n. John Broz Method.
245x5. 265x3. 275x2
285x1. 295x1 307xF 307xF (not happening today)
Drop Downs ...
255x3 255x3 255x3

Cool Down:
OHS - Bar - easing shoulder in. Hang out in bottom position for 10 total min. With breaks.

Rest 4 hrs

Basketball - 2 hrs Full court.

Great recovery Day!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Sat, 11242012

Update blog

Yuck! Elbow issue. Died.
Unsure what time was. PR on "Grace" is 1:58. Going to go after this again next week.

Post Grace .....

185 C & J x 12 reps (singles)
Power Clean / Push Jerk

Back Squat @20X1
225x5. 255x5. 275x5. 315x7(pr for 5 and above)
325x3 PR
335x2 PR
355x1 PR (high bar)
365x1 PR (High bar. Tied low bar pr)

Rest a bit - 10-15 min

2 HSPU (pbars to 1 AbMat)
4 muscle Ups (alt rings / bar each rd)
8 Deadlifts (225)
Score : 5+9

Cool down :
Chin ups (strict) 5x5
Then 10 min of Stretching

Friday, November 23, 2012

Friday, 11232012

Session 1: 1p
Front squats @22X1 x 3 rep
185 - 205 - 225 - 245
275x1 285x1 !!!!!!!
^no bouncing out of bottom on any

Pumped about these squats. Have
to be PR's. Haven't done them so.

Rest up. Back Squat later this afternoon.

4p - Session 2
Back Squat @22X1 x 5
185 - 205 - 225 - 245 - 265

Back Squat @22X1 x 3
275 - 295

Back Squat @22X1 x 1

^no bouncing out of bottom.

Cool Down - 10 min light Row + Mobility

Thursday - Thanksgiving

Back Squats
185x5 225x5 255x5 275x5 300x5
315x4 pr (4th got ugly) 325x2 PR
335x1. 345x1 PR for high bar. Old was 340. (Low bar is 365#)
350x1. Another PR (highbar)


Great day! Good Tday with Kells family, finished up with squats. The PR's obviously helped :-)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wed, 11212012

10a Session:

"Awful Waffle"
40 Cal Row
35 DU
30 KB (53)
25 HR Push-ups
20 Deadlifts (225)
15 Hang Power Cleans (135)
10 Shoulder to OH (135)
Time : 7:59

^not pleased with this time at all. We all grip for me. Even going into it. Hands and grip felt week after the volume previously this week. Aggravate. I had a lot more in me than this. Might attempt to loosen up and do this again this afternoon. Annoyed!
Tonight, Weightlifting Wed - 1RM Clean & Front Squats

PM Session 8p

Clean and jerk
225-245-255-270 (failed on jerk). Tried twice. Missing jerk. Normally not a hard jerk, need to work that on side. Will ASAP.

Moved onto single cleans
280 make. PR
285 - failed. Cam crashing on me. Best the bar

Front Squat (doubles)
225-255-275-285 (pr)
Attempt at a single PR
305. Got it! PR. Fuck yeah!!!
Attempt at 310 failed but pumped with the 305!!!

What a for the gym. Holy shit. So many PR's at WLW tonight. Amazing night!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tuesday, 11202012

"Queezy Baby"
6 Burpee Box Jumps (up and over)
7 C2B Pull-ups
Score = 9+5
^ happy with this but had more in me. Too long rest between few. Got to be faster on the Burpees.

Rest 10 min approx

5 Rds of,
10 T2B
10 rear Band Squeezes
10 DB Good Morning Lunges
^not for time

Rest 15 min

AMRAP 8 - steady. Consistent.
200m Row
15 GHD Sit-ups
15 KB Swings (53)
Score = 3 + 200m

Rest 1 hr

30 minutes of 2 on 2 Bball

Good day. Stretching for a while tonight!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday, 11192012

First day back after 3 full days off.
Had an awesome weekend with Kell in NYC & CT.

Got a 1.5 hr Thai Yoga Massage at noon.
Fast forward, not a great thing to do hours before a workout. Legs had nothing!


2 Power Cleans, 2 Front Squats & 2 Jerks
- cant take hands off bar. From Garage Games at Southie

215-225-235(f). Tried 235 again. Got 1 jerk, missed second. Better day, def had the 235.

Back Squat 4x4 @20X1
^ stopping there. Legs weren't there today at all.

Rest 20 minutes

Cash Out:
2k Row (light)
4 rds
25 DU's
25 AbMat Sit-ups

Rest 3-3.5 hrs

Back Squats (2nd session. - Volume
185x5 215x5 225x5 (5's warming up)
275x5 285x5 295x5 (5's not til X)
310x3 310x3

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thursday, 11152012

FS 3x5 @ 22X1
210-220-230(pr) - 235x3 failed on fourth

265-275-285-295-302 *pr attempt but failed
Moving on...

Snatch grip Deficit DL's (1.5 inch)
225x3 275x3
Then with straps
295x3 315x3

WOD: 4 rds
20 wall ball (20)
400m row
Time: 11:02
*all wall balls u broken. Happy with that. Quads were on fire!!

Rest 10-12 min

5rds for time:
10 Burpee Box Jumps (up and over =1)
15 T2Rings
Time : 8:59

Rest 30 minutes

Then Yoga

Great day!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wed, 11142012

Rest Day

But.... Played a little

95# x 10 x 3
Then 5x5

Just working position and speed down up

Clean & Jerk
- stayed light
Then 230x5

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday, 11132012


5 Burpees
10 Box Jumps (30)
15 AbMat Sit-ups
Score = 8 + 6

Rest 5 Min

200m Row
5 Strict Pull-ups
10 T2B
Score = 6 + 200m + 10
Rest 5 Min

35 Double Unders
1 Rope Climb
Score = 4 + 35

Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday, 11122012

1k warmup around 2 split

:30 on :30 off for 10 min
First 7 maintained 13 calories
8-10 min = 11-12 cal

Rest 5 min

Row @ light %. Like 90%. Not 100%
1/1 282m
2/2 526m (starting to die)
3/3 775m (back on fire, legs dead)
4/4 1010 (poor back)

^ was toast after all this. Holy legs.

Rest 3 hours

4p Session:

Hugh Bar Back Squat 4x6 @20X1
225x6. 255x6. 275x6. 295x6
^295 was my previous 5RM before quad injury so pumped about that.

Power Clean & Jerk (205)
Score= 8 reps completed

Rest 2 min

Power Clean & Jerk (155)
Score= 16 reps completed

Rest 2 min

Muscle Ups
Score= 16 Muscle Ups

Cash Out:
Some Core Work & Mobility
Light Long Row

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sun, 11112012

Attending the 20th Attitude Certification today at CrossFit Florian with Kell. She missed Jon & Jess when they came to our place as she was getting her level 1.

Great Day. Believe it was 32 people who attended. Kell did great! He got 120# on the Snatch and lost it whined which in my eyes is a PR.
She also cleaned 175# which is a PR. She missed 180# a few times, but I think her legs were just junk after the full day of drills an technique.

Jon and Jess did another great job. I know CF Florian was loving it and people set a bunch of Pr's!

I skipped the Snatch as I am still trying to heal the shoulder.

Clean & Jerk - AttitudeNation Seminar

205-215-225-245-255-260-270(missed jerk) - 275 (missed jerk)
275 = clean PR

I am happy with the Clean PR. The 270 & 275 took a lot out of me to stand up. Feel like that's why I lost the jerk. I had this though. Jess helped me remember a great que for me, where its pull those shoulders up first off ground. Habit of but rising and putting me over the bar too soon.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sat, 11102012

Rest Day!

Visited The Garage Games @ Southie today.

#AttitudeNation Seminar tomorrow at CF Florian.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday, 11092012

2p Session :

Snatch Technique. Still easy on shoulder

Front Squats 5x5 @22X1
135x5. 165x5. 185x5. 205x5
215x5 225x5 230x4 (f- on 5th)

5 Squat Cleans (165)
10 Burpee Bar Hops (lateral)
Score: 2+5

Rest 3 Min

200m Run
3 Bar Muscle Ups
Score = 4 rds

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thursday, 11082012

4:30p Session

Back Squat (Singles-not PR)
135-185 (warmup)
225x3 255x3
^ felt good about all singles

Push Jerk - climbing to heavy 2
155x2 185x2 205x2 225x2

Split Jerk (singles)
225x1. 245x1. 255x1. 265x(f)x2
^shoulders had nothing today.
Dip and drive was off for sure.

Rest for Few. WOD @ 6:30
4 rds of,
300m Row
3 Wall Walks
12 Rings Dips (15#db)
Time - 9:38

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wed, 11072012

Rest Day..... Technically.

But, Weightlifting Wed came so... :-)

Just Clean and Jerk Tonight

135 for tons. Working push Jerk

155-185-205-215-225-245-256-263-270(f). <----- failed 3x on 270 Clean

Son of a bitch!

Next week!

Cool Down:
Front Squats 183# x 5 x 5 sets

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tuesday 11062012

AM Session: 9a @ CFNH

Hang Squat Cleans
155x3 185x3 205x3 215x3

Box squat to 4 (45's) (below parallel)
185x3. 205x3. 225x3 245x3 275x2. 295x2. 305x2. 315x2

20 pull-ups
30 thrusters (95)
40 GHD sit-ups
50 air squats
Time: 5:37
^ Lynn beat me haha. Son of a bitch!

Session 2: 4:30p

Hang squat clean
155x3 185x3. 205x3 225x3 235x3
240x1(f). 245x1(f)
*got one on each. Failed on 2nd

185x8. 225x8. 255x8 275x8

Session 3 : 8pm
Team WOD
Team of 3

AMRAP 2 (each station)
Power clean (185)
Box jumps (24)
Goblet Squats (70)
*rest one minute between stations.

Rest 4 min

^ 1 person working.
^^1 in handstand hold with other holding feet. Can only do Burpees while someone is up in handstand.

Rest 3

Max calories Rowed
^swap out between 3

Team was Dylan, Pete and myself. Fun times. I am absolutely pooped after today. Can't wait to get home an eat 3 meals.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday, 11052012

Between "CF Total" and yesterday's front squat, holy shit, I'm hurting. But, gotta keep pushing forward. Today was MAP Training day, so felt would help body loosen up.


Row 250m
10 Wall Balls (30#)
10 T2B
10 Close Grip Push-ups
Score : 3 + 250m + 6

Rest 4 min (short rest cause had to start late last one)

Run 200m
5 Deficit HSPU (45's to AbMat)
20 AbMat Sit-ups
Score : 4 + 200 + 5 + 13

Cash Out: 7 min Light Row

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sunday, 10042012

Day after "CF Total Yesterday" (which I PR'd all my lifts). So today, wasn't feeling very strong lol
Back super sore. Legs. All of the above.
But, time is valuable and going to take advantage of the time I have.

Front Squat
135x10. 155x5. 185x3 225x1 245x1 255x1. 265x1 275x1 285x1 290xF. 290xF. :-(

Drop sets
225x4 235x4 245x4 *think near died

Drop again
135x12. 155x12

5 strict pull-ups
10 WallBalls
15 t2 Rings
Score = 6+5 (maybe 7, we lost track)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Saturday, 10032012

"CrossFit Total" Throwdown

Blog name = main goal
Been a while. Finally, hit over 1000. Same day, in the CFT Total Throwdown today at CrossFit Free.

Back Squat (low) 365# PR
Strict Press 180# PR
Deadlift 470# PR
Total of 1015lbs.

Super pumped to finally have accomplished this.
Especially with great friends around from CFF and elsewhere.

Great day!

Friday, Nov 2nd

Warmup for tomorrow, plus Team WOD for our Halloween Party

Low Bar Back Squat:
Knee killing me and wanted to be able to participate tomorrow. SO, playing with the silly low bar bs.
Climbed with Lynn from 95#, up to 315. 315, no belt and Nanos felt very easy. Bar position is so awkward though. But will play with it tomorrow.

PM :Strict Press 165x1 - cold. Cause, why not lol.

Team WOD
2k Row
+ 200 AbMat Sit-ups
Score = time it takes - the DU's. = time. Each DU = a second

Thurs, Nov 1st

Rest day

Yoga in the evening.