
World-Class Fitness in 100 Words

Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.*Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast.*Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense.*Regularly learn and play new sports.—
Greg Glassman, founder of CrossFit "What is Fitness?"

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thursday, 103113

A.  Front squat;, rest 2 minutes
120x5, 125x5, 130x1, 135x1  * zero core/midline. Back has been bugging me a bit since Deadlifts. Other days CGDL didn't help. Surprised i got the 125 for 5...after that, had nothing in core ..collapse over and over. First rep was easy on each, then second, would lose going down.  B.  OHS positioning work - 8 minutes - did, but sucked =( 
For time:
30 db squat cleans @ 50#/h
60 cTB pull ups
30 db thrusters @ 50#/h
60 t2B
Time: 20:10 
wow, back was screaming at me  =( 
DB SqT Cleans - destroy my back. Not flexible that...reaching down to ground...what is this? Hamstrings? Back? 

Videos on Vimeo of the Squats, trying to upload the vid of the workout. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday, 102913

Climbed to 200kg x 3.  Went 220kg for 1. Failed. It pulled me fwd to much 
B. Mid Hang PC - tough triple 
100x3.  110x3. 115x3. 120x1 (failed second rep)
C. EMOM x 6
4 tnG PC @225
Failed very last rep , last minute lol. 
My back was toast at this point. Catching wide feet. Had nothing honestly. 
:30 AMRAP DL (bw) used 175#
:30 no push burpee box jump (20)
:20 row max meters 
X 3 ; rest 5 between 
Back was smoked from start but loosened up an felt better. Legs felt it come rower. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday 102813

A. Back Squat to heavy single in 12 min
100-120-130-140-150-155-160(fail). Bailed over head, got lazy went onto toes.  Head not in it today, lot going on and weekend sucked. 
B. skipped the 85%. Back was feeling that dumb bail
Amrap 10 
10 wall bAlls
10 pull-ups 
30 pull-ups 
Score: IdK
Did well but iPad was dead and I can't count. Unbroken wb and pull-ups whole time. DU been much unbroken few messups. Busy night tight corners.  But felt good 

Rest 5

10 R arm DB thruster 
10 al arm
500m row

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Sat, 102613


Headed to gym after masters competition for some work 

A. Push Press 5x3
* focus wasn't heavy as haven't in a while with wrist etc 
80 x 3 85x3 90x3 95x3 
:30 on Hard
:30 on Light
X 12 min on Row
*2915 meters 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Friday, 102513

A. Snatch High Pulls 
Climbed to 100kg
B. Deadlift 
Was some singles at 85%, but felt good and climbed. 
Went 200kg - 210kg - 220kg - 227kg (500lb).  PR!!!!!!

:15 Sprint on AD 
Rest 3 x 10
Felt good here. Recovered well between and continued to output the same 

PM Session:  pre Halloween party 
A. SqT Clean + Hang Squat Clean - Complex 
100-110-115-120 (missed hang)
^*had no grip and not much legs honestly on this 

Halloween Party - hour later 
Teams of 3 - 
Long row - pull-ups - box jumps. 
200m intervals rowing.  All in low to mid 20's.  
Pull-ups. Did 30 then sets of 15-20 for team. 

Nutrition today:

Good breakfast.  Good pre and post tody but lack of whole food middle of day. Good dinner and post dinner. Continued with aminos in between today though so feelings ok. 

Back: tight!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thursday, 102413

Programming: all videos below
1st session: 2nd session below
10 minute amrap @ 80% effort
20 cal on AD
10 UB wall balls
10 burpees
-rest 5 minutes-
10 minute amrap @ 90% effort
200m run
10 thrusters @ 95#
20 double unders
-rest 5 minutes-
10 minute amrap @ 95%
5 Hang squat cleans @ 115
10 T2B
40 double unders

wod 1
102413 AMRAP 10 #1 from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

wod 2 
102413 AMRAP 10 #2 from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

wod 3 
102413 AMRAP 10 #3 from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

2nd Session: 6:30 p
ladders, 1 db snatch each arm (80) , 1 muscle up..2 each arm, 2 muscle up etc...
Score:got 5 db snatches into the 5 on that ladder

rest few min

5 Goblet Squats (70)
5 Burpees
5 Box Jumps (24)
Score : unsure, was total leg burner 

rest few min

10-20-30-40-50-40-30-20-10 of Double Unders
Score: 3:33

Breakfast: eggs + english muffin with peanut butter + OJ w/ HMB

Pre: aminos + Creatine

post:  ultragen 2 scoops within 10 min....then sfh recovery + creatine following the ultragen....then like 15 min later, grilled chicken caesar wrap 

Snack: Endurance SFH with Black Coffee 

Post 2nd workout session:   continue drinking endurance sfh and coffee +  1 scoop of Ultragen

Snack: quest peanut butter cups 

Dinner:  steak tip Caesar wrap  (845pm)

Wed, 102313

Just worked Snatch & Clean & Jerk

light, footwork, positioning.

OHS positioning and hip stuff ONLY with bar.

Clean and Jerk technique with just 180#

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tuesday, 102213

30 minutes on the aD @ 70% effort
top of every 4 minutes hop off and do 5 t2B, 5 ghd sit ups, 10 air squats
didn't get to. Was in MASS looking at new locations. going to make up tomorrow, with some light OHS work, just positional stuff 
A. 5:30 of fuck you… (complete the following in 5:30)
21 pull ups
500m row
21 pull ups
500m row
21 pull ups
Score: got 5:55 
first row was high 30's...first two sets of pullups unbroken. Second Row, barely kept low 50's...third set of pullups was a pussy, was like 3 sets, could barely hold on.  Wanted all pullups unbroken and faster rows. No legs today. Didn't warmup well at all...think played big part here. 

B.  Squatted following the workout today
Back Squats - doubles 
i went around 300# for doubles for 4 sets. . . then hit 313 for 6 reps...went 325 for 1, 341 x 1... went up to 352, failed. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday, 102113

Body:  banged up. Right knee bugging a little, but can tell just ligaments around tight from shitty position on stuff this week I'm sure.  Shoulder is rough (maybe bicep more?)  wrist, just limited range right now, but swelling gone down and pain etc Feels good. Going to row today and loosen up.

Going to row to loosen up and mobilize; try to recover well for tomorrows programming.

Breakfast:   eggs + bacon + cranberry w/hmb + english muffin with peanut butter and jelly

Snack: endurance SFH in black coffee


Sat, 101813

Garage Games @ Milford

Will update this blog will full day recap soon

Thursday, 101613

A.  Back squat cluster, 1.1.1 x 4, rest 10 sec., rest 3 minutes @ 80%
performed all at 300 ish...completed, tough certain ones. missing bounce , timing etc B.  Deficit DL @ 60% + red bands x 3 fast reps x 8 minute EMOM (2-4" platform)
did at 305# with red bands +
20 sec. amrap DB thruster @ 45#/h
20 sec. am rap box jump - 24"
20 sec. AD sprint @ max effort
rest 5 minutes x 4 rounds
completed. stayed steady...12-13 thrusters each time.    box jumps 12-15 maybe..depending if messed up etc    AD, 10-13 calories maybe? screens suck..also wouldnt stay on so turn on late. Legs def DEAD come AD...recovered well though, was consistent throughout..AD just plain sucked. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Tuesday , 101413

A.  Deficit snatch pulls @ 105-110% x 3 x 3
Climbed to 105kg for sets 
B.  EMoM x 10 minutes = 1 power clean + 2 hang power cleans *75% of 1 RM
Used 100kg. Only 1 fail on hang clean and cause wrist ached, lost grip and couldn't re grip. 
C.  15 TnG clean grip Power snatch x 3 sets - rest 2 minutes *if it doesn't bother your wrist go back out to snatch grip.. other wise play with this positioning
Got 50kg x 15 & 55x15. 
Forearms burning legs etc. also position not great for with shoulder mobility. Was fun though
500m row @ 1:39/500 pace
rest 1 minute x 6 rounds *hit this pace.. go there
For 1:39 first. Then died. Third legs seized up. Able to keep going for 4th an 5th. Mentally week today an legs wee garbage. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Monday, 101413

A. Back Squat - hanging around 90%
130x2 135x2 140x2 145x1 150x1 155x1 
B. Front Squat - 2 second. Pause in hole
110x2 120x1 (almost passed out) 120x2 120x2 - stopped 
5 UB C2B Pullups
5 Burpees
101413 AMRAP 5 PU/Burpees from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

rest 5 min

10 Wall Balls
20 Double Unders
Untitled from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

Sat, 101213

GG Training 

Friday, 101113

30 db manmakers for time @ 50#/h
-rest 10 minutes-
10 rounds For time: 90% effort
500m row
10 burpees

Did the Manmakers. Holy shit they sucked!
Did 5 rds of wod. Only cause where was suppose to be off sat, I knew was doing team training. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Thursday, 101013

A. Back Squat 10 x 1 @90%
went 150kg on this...330lbs. . which is 90% of my best of BS 370..but have hit nothing close to that since so.  Got all 10, but NOT easy. My back is very achy from the Deads the other day. I was going down slow and not much bounce, just drive out of hole. So happy was even able to stand up. 
B. EMOM x 20
Odd: 10 CTB Pullups
Even: :40 of Hard Rowing (calories)
got all sets of 10 c2B unbroken. (hands tender)   The Row, i didn't go crazy, again, back not feeling GREAT> it had some 20 calories, but i didn't seem to be able to get that even fresh so. .  maybe i messed something up. 
5 Wall Balls (30)
5 KB Swings (70)
got 11 rounds on this. . did some extra wall balls, cause i can't count ; always do that. 
Was real gas'd for some reason on this wod. Back def not feeling great, so just setting it for the wall ball was tough. Position wasnt great...babie'd it a bit on the Swings.  
101013 AMRAP 7 from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Tuesday, 100813

A. Deadlift - 5 sets of 2-3 reps 
Climbed to 210kg (462) x 2 : PR for tnG double. 
Prior was 200 x 2 , 190x3 , 180x3 170x3
Second on 210kg taxed me an back so skipped snatch pulls heavy. Only hot 155# for some double. Positioning etc
100813 210kg x 2 rep DL from Brandon Petersen on Vimeo.

B. EMOM x 15
Odd: :15 sec of DB Power Cleans (50# Db's)
Even: 150m Row
C. Didn't do normal DL as back wasn't feeling great. 
Did 10-15 min of T2Rings, Ring Push-ups, HS Holds (freestanding) and banded rear scap squeezes 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday, 100713

Body: more sore as days go on. Calves ankles etc. shoulder feeling bad. Back tight. 

:40 on HARD
:20 on LIGHT
X 12 on AD
Score: 218 calories 
*did this with big group. Mine was :30 on :20 off I think. But did the above just to do with big group. Needed little push as was dragging ass this am. 

A. Front Squat - worked up to like 155-185 lbs...working wrist in
B. Back Squat Single - 115-120-125-130-135-140-145-150-155-160(missed)
Front Squat - Rack - 205lbs
Pullups (x2)
GHD Situps
Time: 14:01   
* Front Squats sucked. Wrist wasn't great, but honestly legs just had nothing after the back squats and this weekend. All Pullups unbroken and GHD situps. 

Recap of the weekend and CF Earned Comp

Week prior, didn't feel great. Wrist not a ton better, but hoped for the best.

250m Row
25 Pbar HSPU (position, but normal height)
35 C2B
350m Row

Score: 3:50 - went all unbroken on the HSPU and C2B. Took first in this workout by about a minute. Chase was 2nd behind me on this workout in the comp. Row's were in the mid 1:40's. First one, like 1:48...figured just pace; as goal was unbroken workout, not worrying about my time. Went into this weekend, focused on just PUSHING, not gaming anything. All worked, but 2nd row was row. I could barely hold the handle. Legs were fried for some reason, but kept it in the high 1:40's. . . also didn't have a ton to push for honestly, as had this on by a long shot; believe i got a bit lazy final row. 

10 min max clean and jerk
:45 max ad calories. Had rest between based on where you placed in your heat on the clean and jerk. 
warmed up prior to 245. Power clean and fast  into the split jerk cause the wrist. Didn't feel great. So, when go time, i went 255 then 275. Both easy!  After using comp plates always now, bumpers just feel light. Wrist was very tender. Caught power clean and instead of standing up re dipping etc, just went straight into jerk overhead to save time on the wrist. This worked. At this point, another guy got 285, so i said screw it; jumped to 290. Power Cleaned which was a 10lb power clean (granted was with normal rogue bumpers), but i missed the jerk. I cleaned the 290 3x total, missing each jerk. Wrist was feeling it as caught the 290 with bit lower elbows and my confidence from there went out the window for the jerk. BUT< happy with the Power Clean PR. 
On the AD , got 36 calories in :45 seconds.  Legs were fillled up following. Dam that machine!

100 Double Unders
50 Wall Balls
75 Double Unders
30 Box Jumps (30')
50 Double Unders
10 Deadlift (275)
25 Double Unders
Time: 7:44   took 2nd on this wod. Hayden beat me on this one. So, my entire thing going in, again being just push it was to get the 100 du unbroken and go into the wall balls and get those 50 unbroken. I did this and was pumped, BUT, it killed me for time. Going back to the 75 DU, i was VERY winded and shoulders on fire. I was first to the wall balls, first off the wall, but Dan passed me on the 75 DU and i was chasing there after. He got 7 min flat on this workout.  Box Jumps, i did well. Not SUPER fast, but i rebounded all 30 with few mess ups in between. Not fast, but was happy to be able to even rebound at all. (achilles stayed together, thank some sort of higher power). Deadlifts unbroken. It was the 75 DU that really got me here.  I think breaking the first DU and WB up, would have in fact got me a faster time, BUT, i didn't care. . . was really happy to get that 50 wall balls in a row. So much happier with wall balls now and my ability to not be a pussy and drop the ball. 

Was 1st place oging into finals wod, and even if came in last, i still would have had 1st in the comp.
Final WOD:
40 Lunges (95)
20 Push Press (95)
10 T2B
30 Lunges (115)
15 Push Press (115)
15 T2B
20 Lunges (135)
10 Push Press (135)
20 T2B
600m Run
Time:13:38.. .. came in 4th out of the 5 on this one. this one fn killed me. Stupid mistake though. You had to walk down and back within like (x) amount of feet. I kept stopping early and had WAY more turn around than everyone else; stupid mistake. You were allowed back rack or front on everything. I had to go back rack even on Push Press cause wrist. This was not easy. Coming down while breathing heavy like that was just awkward. Made for very difficult time stringing together. was very winded. Back feeling it. t2B i really struggled, which others did not; kinda was baffled by that. Possibly just taxed from the rest. Haven't competed in a long time and not this many workouts in one day etc; maybe just taxed. Was last out the door. I ran VERY well. Was very happy with my 600. Was heavily breathing but kept pushing. happy with that. 

Overall, was happy with the day. Some pretty good guys. obviously the first one lined up with me well which gave me a great start to the day; but i'll take it.  Today, was VERY sore. My ass, legs, hips and as day went on, only got worse. wrist is VERY tender, but ok. Tender, but actually feeling much better. I'm excited to light squat clean this week and get ready for Milford. Need to clean up diet though, that's for sure. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Thurs, 100313

Knee still shitty but better. 

Rowed 2k x 2

Some misc stuff. Staying loose.  Will warm up tomorrow also 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Wed, 100213

Recovery / Prep For Sat

3 rds, Rest couple min in between. Did with Chase, so waited for other to move on etc. runs became a race as usual with us. 

40 Double Unders
15 Wall balls 
10 box Jumps
200m Run


Jerk Work from rack. Test wrist. 
Worked up to 245. With brace and false grip on bar. Was ok. Will make do Saturday. Prob power clean push jerk an move on. 

Last night after everything, spent some time stretching. Mobilizing. Ankles hips etc.  again today, right Achilles now bugging me and my right knee last night, could barely flex extend. Better this am but self tweaked. I'm nce stretching or mobilizing again. This sucks!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tuesday, 100113

A. Snatch Grip Deadlifts 
3-4 reps x 5 sets 
225x4. 275x4. 295x4. 305x3. 315x3 325x3
B. EMOM x 18
1: 4 Deficite HSPU (used pbars)
2: 10 KB Swings (106)
3. 15 cal Row 

Later that evening....
A. DB Strict press work *climbed up to 60lb dumbells each hand x 5 x few sets
T2B some sets of 20, then sets of 10 each time, not til failure, just getting some work in