
World-Class Fitness in 100 Words

Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.*Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast.*Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense.*Regularly learn and play new sports.—
Greg Glassman, founder of CrossFit "What is Fitness?"

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sunday, 12302012

Team Chipper with Dylan
- AMRAP 12
50 T2B
75 DL (225)
100 Box Jumps

Score - 1 + 94
***tough one

Rest a while

2 x 500m Row - under 1:39

Rest 5

Row 500m
^ @ 2 min Pace

Snatch Technique. Barbell

Friday, December 28, 2012

Friday, 12282012

Feeling like shit today. Came down with cold yesterday. Feeling better today but weak and achy.

Stayed light but went through motions today.

Clean and Jerk

EMOM x 20 min
Odd: 10 Burpees
Even: 4-5 muscle Ups

Rest 5 min

Strict HSPU - volume training.
5x7 45's to AbMat - so small deficit

8p - 9p
Dodgeball @ SkyZone

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Wed, 12262012

Holy body.
Legs mainly, but all. After yest, have nothing today.

Clean & Jerk Ladder - Twice
All Squat Cleans 225-236-245-255 (missed jerk)
All Power Cleans 235-236-245-255 (missed jerk)

^ had zero legs today. Which I expected. Shoulder junk.

Rest 10 min

15 or so Min On Free Standing HSPU with Haley & Jordan - practicing.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Tuesday, 122252012


Worked on Snatch / Clean & Jerk.
Snatch (full) and Power. Triples
Clean & Jerk. Climbed. Played with grip a bit.
^ felt pretty shitty today honestly.
Knee / Hamstring bugging me daily. It's a mental block at this point.

***changed start position on clean. Arms locked. Chest up bit more. See if can keep this and what happens with heavy weight.


Snatch / Clean and Jerk m- technique doubles triples
Snatch - work to power 155. Clean and Jerk 225

Team WOD: with Rebecca
2 rds
Row 1k
50 Wall Balls
60 Abmat
70 KB Swings
80 Box jumps
Time : 22 something

Rest 10 or so contest with Erin. WOD OFF

1. AMRAP 3
10 Burpees
5 T2B
Score: 3+11 won

Rest 5

2. 3 rds
:30 Hs Hold
1:00 Wall Sit
Score: legs does on two. LOST

Rest 5

3. AMRAP 3
5 G to OH (45)
15 air Squats
Score: 4 +. LOST

4. 3 rds
10 DB Thrusters (35)
15 Box Jumps
20 Lunges (10 each)
Time: just over 8 min. WIN

Officially can barely walk. But was a fun night. Merry Christmas to me for the win ;-)

Monday, December 24, 2012

Monday, 12242012

Afternoon WOD:

Bench Press 5-3-2-1-1-1 Scheme
185x5 225x5 255x3 265x2 275x1 290x1
300x1 (PR)
^ ss with light bent over BB Rows and Rear Band squeezes.

Pendlay Row 5x3 (using hips)
185x5 225x5 255x3 275x3 275x3 275x3

1. "Freddy Kruger"
KB Swings (70)
Time : 3:59

Rest 12 min

2. For time:
50 Wall Balls (20)
50 AbMat
500m Row
25 WallBalls
25 AbMat
250m Row
Time: 8:59

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Sunday, 12232012


EMOM x 11 Power Cleans

Rest 5 min

10 Deadlift (225)
10 T2B
Score: 5 rds

Rest 2

5 Stone to Shoulder (95)
10 Box Jump (24)
Score: 5 + 4

Rest 2

4 DB Snatch (100#)
20 Air Squats
Score : 4 rds

Rest 2.

Double Unders
Score: 291

Rest 2

Free Standing HSPU Practice

Rest 45 to an hour.

:30 On : 30 Off x 10 Rower - Maintaining
First 5 at 1:45 Pace. Second 5 all 1:35-1:38

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Sat, 12222012

Knee swollen up again. :-(. So not doing all programmed.

Back Squat @21X1 (bounce hurts more so going 1 second pause)
185x5 225x5 275x5 295x3 315x1 315x1

Weighted Pull Up 5x2
26x5 35x3 53x2 70x2 75x2 80x2 82.5x2
Instant drop set of Strict Pull-ups - got 12

T2B 25-20-20 Unbroken
Rest few min at most between

Rest. Row :30 On :30 Off this afternoon.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Friday, 12212012

12 Noon Session:
7,5,3 - Thruster (165), Muscle Ups
Time : 3:29
Unbroken all except last set of 3 Mu. Went 2/1 Was a pussy. Thrusters harder today than Thurs. but MU easier. Prob cause skinny rings verse fat. We will see.

Lunch time!

Time : 7:55
^ not a PR. Shoulders were smoked from week and earlier today.

Rest 10 min

3 rds,
15 Front Squats (135)
15 T2B
^ resting between rounds. Make sure unbroken. And dead after today.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wed, 12192012


Clean (triples) - floor then two from hang
Then 245x1

Rest 10-15

Clean & Jerk

Tried 287#. Caught it twice. Couldn't stand up.

Rest 15 min

Front Squat
185x5 225x3 255x3 275x1 300x1 315xF 315xF

Zombie Squats
(No belt) 135x5 185x5 205x5 225x3
(Belt) 255x1(F on 2) 265x1 275x1
^ ps these things suck!!! Thanx JP for the introduction to them in my programming.

135 for reps. Burner

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tuesday, 12182012

Box Squats (speed)
X3 reps
185 for few sets
Then 225# x 7 sets

WOD: 7,5,3
Thruster (165)
Muscle Ups
Time: 4:12

*all unbroken Thrusters. MU broke up second and third! WoW. After this past week though, not surprised. All unbroken is key and will mid to low 3's.

Rest 15 min

For Time:
10 Goblet Squats (106)
400m Row
10 BJ (30)
15 Goblet Squats (88)
300m Row
10 BJ
20 Goblet (70)
200m Row
10 BJ

Time: 9:47
*had to break up second and third set goblet. Legs were junk. Still new to work on this threshold.

Rest til evening

Deadlift 5x4 no touch n go. But didn't lose slow down like suppose to.
315x4. 365x4 385x4 405x4
^ ran out of time

5 Power Cleans (185)
10 KB Swings (70)
15 Double Unders
20 Lunges (10 each leg)
Score: 3+5

Rest 4

7 t2B
9 Box Jump (24) *rebound all
12 Wall Ball (30) *unbroken
Score : 4+20

Rest 4

10 Burpee Touches (high bar)
10 AbMats
Score :: 4+5

WOW. Between this morning and tonight. HOLY Legs. Got nothing left. Hoping to recover for tomorrow night but right now, I'm dead!
Great day!!!

Monday, December 17, 2012


2:30p at 2A

Back Squat
185x5. 225x5 255x3 275x3 305x2 315x1 325x1 335x1 345x1. Instant Drop Set 225x20 (holy legs)

EMOM x 10 min - 2 Squat Cleans
Missed one minute, missed second attempt. Got back on track after.

WOD : 7 rds
7 Pull-ups
7 Pistols
Time: 7 something. Getting exact time after. Forgot

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sun, 12162012

Barbell TGU Practice

Both Arms. - up & Down
45 - 65 - 75 - 95
115 - only right arm and up. Shoulders hurting from week, didn't want to overdue.

Row 2k light

Clean Pulls. X 3 Reps

225x3. 255x3 275x3
305x3. 305x3 305x3

Sat, 12152012

Team WOD
Kellie & I

10 rds of Cindy (alt - 5 each)
2k - Swapping every 250m
40 t2b
50 front squats (185/115)
60 Pull-ups
70 Burpee box jump (up and over) (20")

Time: 31:26


Friday, December 14, 2012

Thurs, 12132012

Came down with nasty cold yesterday. Slept last night for a while after the meteor shower. Felt better today but still not great. Knee is still swollen also. Hoping this goes away ASAP.

Some strength today.... Then easy metcon.

Behind Neck Push Press
135x5. 185x5. 205x5. 225x1. 235x1. 240x1. 245xF
^shoulders were dead today. First time going PP behind neck. So believe these are PR's. PR From Front is 245x1.

Rest 5 min

10 SlamBall (30)
15 GHD Sit-ups
1 Rope Climb
Score = 7 rds
^rope climbs were killing shoulder. And after while tough to tuck legs to adjust to climb.

Rough day....

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wed, 12122012

Dying from yesterday, wow. So sore. Knees super achy once again from pistols :-(
SUPPOSED TO BE REST DAY, but was peer pressured :-)

Power Snatch Work
135x10 touch n go
155x3 touch n go
165x2 touch n go

185-205-215-225-235-245 (doubles)
^ taking it easy on knee.

Clean Pulls
295x3 reps. X 4 sets

Behind Neck Snatch Grip Jerks
135-185 for like triples and 5's
286x1 (was wobbly here for sure)
Have tough time it seems with the wide grip behind neck. Stabilizing is tough.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tuesday, 12112012

10a @ The Fort
Complex - Power Clean / Squat Clean
^hit all. No misses

Strict Press 5x4 / SS w/ KB (70#) Bent Over Rows (single arm 10 rep each)
145x4 155x4 155x4 155x4 160x4
* hit 4 on all. Was happy with this

Rest 5 min

WOD: 5 Rds - resting 1 min between rounds
3 Muscle Ups
10 Burpees
8 Pistols (4 each leg)
Score (each rd) : 1:20. 1:40. 1:52. 1:59. 2:10

Rest 15 min

Back Squat
185x5 225x5 275x3 305x1 315x1 326x1 335x1 345x1.
^stopped there today. After the stuff earlier, this was heavy. Pistols taxed me.

***PM - Worked Bar MU / Box Jumps (rebounding and high)

Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday, 12102012

EMOM x 22min - Power Snatch
First 7 min
135x3 touch n go
Next 5 min
145x3 touch n go
Next 5
155x2 touch n go
Next 3
Last 2

Rest 10 min

4x5 HSPU
11# vest
1 (45) to AbMat x 5
2 (45) to AbMat x 5
2 (45) to AbMat x 5

Rest til 6:30p class

EMOM x 10.
5 Power Cleans (155) - touch n go ALL
5 Ring Dips

Rest 5

350m Row
10 Wall Balls (30)
20 AbMat.
Score : 3 rds + row & 4 Wall Ball

Rest 10-15 min

800m Run
:45 sec Wall sit rest 2-3 min
800m Run

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sunday, 12092012

Rested all Day

11:30p Gym Session

Row :30 on / :30 off x 20 min
First 15 min maintain 1:50-1:52 pace
16-19 1:45 pace. 20th all out sprint versus Dylan. Maintained 1:24 ish. 175m in last :30

Warming Shoulders up:
HSPU 3x10 Kipping. speed was key.

Back Squat: @20X1 - unsure scheme going into this. Playing it out as go along see how legs feel.
WU 95/135
185x5 225x5 275x5 315x5 then immediately drop to 225x (x). I got 18. Could have got more legs wise but back was taking a beating. So stopped.

Rest 45 seconds

Wall Sits 5 x 1:00 Holds (knees over heals, parallel or slightly below)
Resting :30-:45 between

Glad to get going again. Def sore from Saturdays comp, but looking forward to this week. Jan 6th, right around the corner. And the 19th is on my mind!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Sat, 12082012

WoW. Holy Volume Day. Smoked right now. Leg is swollen up behind knee and killing me. Gotta get that fixed this week. Hoping just drained.

Row (cal)
KB Swing (53)
^ swap every minute. So each partner is at each station 3x
Score: I believe we for 124 calories. And 115 KB Swings. We both died on KB Swings. And leg acted up here pretty good.

WOD 2: 3RM Clean & Jerk.
Had 40 seconds to complete 3 reps. Hands couldn't leave bar.

I got 225 , then 245 and 255#. Was happy with this. Def a 3RM PR.

WOD 3: 21-15-9
Squat Clean Thruster (95)
Box Jump
^ partners trail each other. One goes 21. Other goes. Then box jump. Etc
Time: 9 something. We would have been low 7's and prob won this workout. Leg fell apart on me. Big disappointment here.

WOD 4: AMRAP 10. (Chipper)
10 squat Snatch (135)
20 C2B Pull-ups
40 S to OH (135)
80 Double Unders
^ Jordan had to do all the squat snatches as I couldn't squat anymore. I did all c2b and DU.
Score: 1 rd. plus almost finished second round. Got like 20 DU into second round.
C2b all unbroken which was a nice jump in the WOD for us.

Overall had a fun day.
Jordan and I came in 6th. That 3rd WOD killed us (me and the leg). Would have put us in 4th and into 6th and final WOD which was our WOD. Rope climbs. HSPU etc.
Fun event. Judging, a different story. But they were aware and goin to make changes for next year. Very proud of CFF for quality reps from everyone an holding themselves to a higher standard.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday, 12072012

"Game Day WOD"

Getting ready for Comp tomorrow

3 rds
5 Squat Clean & Jerks (95)
5 Box Jumps (step down)

3 rds
200m Row
5 Burpees

Back Squat
(Nanos, no belt)
135 sets reps
155 sets reps

^. Good day broke sweat. Kept everything slow, for moving, worked legs a little stayed nice and light. Feeling great for tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wed 12052012

1am: late night session on Tuesday.

Back Squat :
185x5 225x5 275x5. 305x2 315x1. 325x1 335x1. 345x1

Overhead Squat Work:
Pushing the shoulder. See what can handle. See if upcoming comps are realistic

Work with 95/135
Missed 225 twice.
Pain is left shoulder. And in the front. Sharp. Elbows and wrist seemed to take a beaten tonight.


Very sore today. Wow

High Hang Clean
135x5. 165x5 185x2
205x1. 215x1. 225x1. 235x1. 245x1. 255x(f) stopped at one fail.

Front Squat:
185x5 225x3 255x1 275x1 295x1 310x(f) 310x(f)

Rest 15 min

WOD : 4 rds
1 min row (cal)
:15 off
:45 KB Swings (70)
:15 off

Then rest 1 min
AMRAP 1 of T2B

Rest 1 min
Burpee plate Jumps

Score: 91,58, 25, 31

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tuesday, 12042012

11a Session:

5 min - Cal Row
Rest 2:30
4 min - DU
Rest 2
3 min - Box Jumps (42")
Rest 1:30
2 min - DB Snatch (90db)
Rest 1
1 min - HSPU (deficit, 2(45's high) to AbMat.

Score: 97,243,28,14(7each arm), 18

Rest 4.5 hrs

Bench Press (close grip, hand on nursing line)
185x5 225x5 245x2 255x2 275x1 275x1 285x1 255x2 225x5
^ didn't max on anything here. Just some volume.

Row :30 on :30 off x 11 min :
First 5 Intervals - 151-152m : 1:35 pace
Last 6 Intervals - 1:40-1:42 pace

Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday, 12032012

Still destroyed from Saturday. Easing my way back in .....

500m Row
Rest 45 seconds
:30 on :30 off - 7x
^ maintain same pace. Good consistent pace. Kept between 1:40-1:45.

Warmup clean and Jerk

*still recovering from Saturday
Keeping it light with volume today.

EMOM Clean & Jerk
185 x 2 reps x 5 min
Rest 1 min
205x1 x 5 min
Rest 1 min
215x1 x 5 min
Rest 1 min
225x1 x 5 min

***0 misses

Rest 10 min

High Bar Back Squat - climbing to 90%
185x5. 205x5. 225x5. 275x2 315x1 325x1 335x1. Stopping there today. Approx 90%.

Rest 10 min

AMRAP 3's x 3. Resting 1 min between
10 Squat clean thruster (115)
10 Box Jump

1st: 1+10
2nd: 1+5
3rd: 1

***took it very easy here. Was surprised. Legs were fine. But my back was still hurting from Sat so took rests throughout. Need back fresh ASAP.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sun, 12022012

Holy Sore!

Had a useless day.
Lots of business stuff. Quickbooks catch up, budgeting, finance and working on some new things.

Will mobilize a bit and row tonight.

Back at it tomorrow!

Sat , 12012012

CFCV Throwdown

WOD 1: 21-15-9
Deadlifts 225
KB Swings
Time : 5:53. Won my heat. But 8th in WOD. Going first heat sucks. I was way out front in heat, ha no gage and broke wen I shouldn't have. Lessened learned.

7 Burpee Lateral Jumps
9 Power Snatch (95)
11 OHS (95)
Score= 3+2

Not terribly upset with this being how my shoulder has been. It hurt like a bastard this WOD. Not sure i could have done crazy better but feel maybe finished that third round. Oh well, live and you learn.

WOD 3: one running clock
20 DB thrusters (35)
40 Double Under
Score: judge had me as 30 into 2nd roud complete on DU. But he messed up again as last work out. I finished two full rounds of this.
AMRAP 3 bench press
275x1. 285x1.
*was happy with the 285
12 Pull-ups
12 Box jumps (24)
Score: 3 complete rounds
AMRAP 3 Max Clean
225x1 255x1.
* was happy with the clean considering I had zero legs and or breathe.

Finished 7th overall. Unsure with correct scoring if would have pushed me into the the top 6 for final WOD. But prob not.
Next time. Rehab shoulder and hamstring. Keep working on weaknesses and moving forward.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday , 11302012

Day Before Comp

1. Back Squat (vary Tempo throughout)
*warmup for a while with 95/135
185x5. 225x5. 255x1. 275x1 275x1 275x1 275x1 275x1
^ superset 275 back squats with DB Thrusters (25) - warmup for tomorrow

2. Power Snatch / OHS work (75#)

3. KB Swings 35#. Few sets

4. :30 on :30 off Rower x 8 min
Maintaining 1:40 avg on pulls throughout

5. 1k Light Row

6. Mobility
^ work on hamstring and shoulder for tomorrow

7. Some Pullsups and box Jumps. 5/5 for few rounds. Nice easy pace

Thurs, 11292012

Off Day

Thai Yoga Massage

Rest hamstring and Should for Sat

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wed, 11282012

Early Session:

Back Squat: @20x1 (no belt no wraps) (light session, warming for tonight)
Warmups as usual : bar/95/135
185x5 (x2) 225x5 255x5 275x1 305x1
^ superset with DB Thrusters , sets of 10-13 with 35# DB's. - getting comfy for the weekend

Light Row + Mobility

Rest 5 hrs

Work light weight for a while. Good warmup.
Then singles
185-205-225-245-255-265-275(failed twice)
Wasn't happening tonight. Had no legs.

Rest 15 min

Power Snatch (95)
Bar Lateral Burpees
OHS (95)
^ played with these for Saturday

***legs are starting to feel the squatting. Off tomorrow with massage. Friday, some heavy weight on body and a nice row WOD break a sweat. Be ready for Saturday

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday, 11272012

12 noon:

Front Squats @20X1
Warmups 95-135
185x5 205x5
Start Pyramid
225x5 255x5 275x3 285x1 295x1

OHS Work for Sat - feeling out Shoulder
95# x 5 sets of 8-11 reps.
^shoulder feeling it instantly. Saturday could be rough.

Rest 4 hrs



8 Power Cleans (155)
12 Box Jumps (30)
16 AbMat Sit-ups
Score = 5 + 18
*did singles on power cleans to save grip for Saturday.

Rest 5 Min

200m Row
15 Burpee Jumps to touch Rig
Score: 5 + 100

Legs were fried on WOD 1. Quads on fire and hip flexors. Most likely from all the squatting as of late. Overall a good day. Wind felt good on second AMRAP, was happy with that score. Burpees never being a strength of mine, but feeling better.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday , 11262012

WoW - after yesterday, barely moving today.

AM Squat Session. 11a
Back Squat @20X1
Warmups - 95/135 for quite a few
185x5 225x5. 275x5. 315x3. 325x1. 335x1. 345x1. Stopped there today. Class coming in.

WOD this afternoon + squats tonight.

5 rds
10 thrusters (95)
10 T2B
Time : 4:49

*** 4 rds unbroken thruster. Had to break up last. Even toes 2 bar. Was dying which surprised me. Broke up 4&5. Just think was bit of a pussy. Happy with this considering the amount of squats been doing. Legs felt ok. Def tired but ok.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sun, 11252012

Legs are feeling the volume, but pushing through. No PR's today. I had that 275# for 3 below but just went for double. X3 would have been PR I believe. Overall feeling strong, but legs and hip flexors are tired. We will see how basketball goes tonight.

10a flag football. - 2 hrs

Rest 30 min

Front squats @20X1

Warnups (95x5x5) 135x5 155x5 185x5 215x5

Working Sets - pyramid'n. John Broz Method.
245x5. 265x3. 275x2
285x1. 295x1 307xF 307xF (not happening today)
Drop Downs ...
255x3 255x3 255x3

Cool Down:
OHS - Bar - easing shoulder in. Hang out in bottom position for 10 total min. With breaks.

Rest 4 hrs

Basketball - 2 hrs Full court.

Great recovery Day!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Sat, 11242012

Update blog

Yuck! Elbow issue. Died.
Unsure what time was. PR on "Grace" is 1:58. Going to go after this again next week.

Post Grace .....

185 C & J x 12 reps (singles)
Power Clean / Push Jerk

Back Squat @20X1
225x5. 255x5. 275x5. 315x7(pr for 5 and above)
325x3 PR
335x2 PR
355x1 PR (high bar)
365x1 PR (High bar. Tied low bar pr)

Rest a bit - 10-15 min

2 HSPU (pbars to 1 AbMat)
4 muscle Ups (alt rings / bar each rd)
8 Deadlifts (225)
Score : 5+9

Cool down :
Chin ups (strict) 5x5
Then 10 min of Stretching

Friday, November 23, 2012

Friday, 11232012

Session 1: 1p
Front squats @22X1 x 3 rep
185 - 205 - 225 - 245
275x1 285x1 !!!!!!!
^no bouncing out of bottom on any

Pumped about these squats. Have
to be PR's. Haven't done them so.

Rest up. Back Squat later this afternoon.

4p - Session 2
Back Squat @22X1 x 5
185 - 205 - 225 - 245 - 265

Back Squat @22X1 x 3
275 - 295

Back Squat @22X1 x 1

^no bouncing out of bottom.

Cool Down - 10 min light Row + Mobility

Thursday - Thanksgiving

Back Squats
185x5 225x5 255x5 275x5 300x5
315x4 pr (4th got ugly) 325x2 PR
335x1. 345x1 PR for high bar. Old was 340. (Low bar is 365#)
350x1. Another PR (highbar)


Great day! Good Tday with Kells family, finished up with squats. The PR's obviously helped :-)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wed, 11212012

10a Session:

"Awful Waffle"
40 Cal Row
35 DU
30 KB (53)
25 HR Push-ups
20 Deadlifts (225)
15 Hang Power Cleans (135)
10 Shoulder to OH (135)
Time : 7:59

^not pleased with this time at all. We all grip for me. Even going into it. Hands and grip felt week after the volume previously this week. Aggravate. I had a lot more in me than this. Might attempt to loosen up and do this again this afternoon. Annoyed!
Tonight, Weightlifting Wed - 1RM Clean & Front Squats

PM Session 8p

Clean and jerk
225-245-255-270 (failed on jerk). Tried twice. Missing jerk. Normally not a hard jerk, need to work that on side. Will ASAP.

Moved onto single cleans
280 make. PR
285 - failed. Cam crashing on me. Best the bar

Front Squat (doubles)
225-255-275-285 (pr)
Attempt at a single PR
305. Got it! PR. Fuck yeah!!!
Attempt at 310 failed but pumped with the 305!!!

What a for the gym. Holy shit. So many PR's at WLW tonight. Amazing night!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tuesday, 11202012

"Queezy Baby"
6 Burpee Box Jumps (up and over)
7 C2B Pull-ups
Score = 9+5
^ happy with this but had more in me. Too long rest between few. Got to be faster on the Burpees.

Rest 10 min approx

5 Rds of,
10 T2B
10 rear Band Squeezes
10 DB Good Morning Lunges
^not for time

Rest 15 min

AMRAP 8 - steady. Consistent.
200m Row
15 GHD Sit-ups
15 KB Swings (53)
Score = 3 + 200m

Rest 1 hr

30 minutes of 2 on 2 Bball

Good day. Stretching for a while tonight!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday, 11192012

First day back after 3 full days off.
Had an awesome weekend with Kell in NYC & CT.

Got a 1.5 hr Thai Yoga Massage at noon.
Fast forward, not a great thing to do hours before a workout. Legs had nothing!


2 Power Cleans, 2 Front Squats & 2 Jerks
- cant take hands off bar. From Garage Games at Southie

215-225-235(f). Tried 235 again. Got 1 jerk, missed second. Better day, def had the 235.

Back Squat 4x4 @20X1
^ stopping there. Legs weren't there today at all.

Rest 20 minutes

Cash Out:
2k Row (light)
4 rds
25 DU's
25 AbMat Sit-ups

Rest 3-3.5 hrs

Back Squats (2nd session. - Volume
185x5 215x5 225x5 (5's warming up)
275x5 285x5 295x5 (5's not til X)
310x3 310x3

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thursday, 11152012

FS 3x5 @ 22X1
210-220-230(pr) - 235x3 failed on fourth

265-275-285-295-302 *pr attempt but failed
Moving on...

Snatch grip Deficit DL's (1.5 inch)
225x3 275x3
Then with straps
295x3 315x3

WOD: 4 rds
20 wall ball (20)
400m row
Time: 11:02
*all wall balls u broken. Happy with that. Quads were on fire!!

Rest 10-12 min

5rds for time:
10 Burpee Box Jumps (up and over =1)
15 T2Rings
Time : 8:59

Rest 30 minutes

Then Yoga

Great day!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wed, 11142012

Rest Day

But.... Played a little

95# x 10 x 3
Then 5x5

Just working position and speed down up

Clean & Jerk
- stayed light
Then 230x5

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday, 11132012


5 Burpees
10 Box Jumps (30)
15 AbMat Sit-ups
Score = 8 + 6

Rest 5 Min

200m Row
5 Strict Pull-ups
10 T2B
Score = 6 + 200m + 10
Rest 5 Min

35 Double Unders
1 Rope Climb
Score = 4 + 35

Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday, 11122012

1k warmup around 2 split

:30 on :30 off for 10 min
First 7 maintained 13 calories
8-10 min = 11-12 cal

Rest 5 min

Row @ light %. Like 90%. Not 100%
1/1 282m
2/2 526m (starting to die)
3/3 775m (back on fire, legs dead)
4/4 1010 (poor back)

^ was toast after all this. Holy legs.

Rest 3 hours

4p Session:

Hugh Bar Back Squat 4x6 @20X1
225x6. 255x6. 275x6. 295x6
^295 was my previous 5RM before quad injury so pumped about that.

Power Clean & Jerk (205)
Score= 8 reps completed

Rest 2 min

Power Clean & Jerk (155)
Score= 16 reps completed

Rest 2 min

Muscle Ups
Score= 16 Muscle Ups

Cash Out:
Some Core Work & Mobility
Light Long Row

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sun, 11112012

Attending the 20th Attitude Certification today at CrossFit Florian with Kell. She missed Jon & Jess when they came to our place as she was getting her level 1.

Great Day. Believe it was 32 people who attended. Kell did great! He got 120# on the Snatch and lost it whined which in my eyes is a PR.
She also cleaned 175# which is a PR. She missed 180# a few times, but I think her legs were just junk after the full day of drills an technique.

Jon and Jess did another great job. I know CF Florian was loving it and people set a bunch of Pr's!

I skipped the Snatch as I am still trying to heal the shoulder.

Clean & Jerk - AttitudeNation Seminar

205-215-225-245-255-260-270(missed jerk) - 275 (missed jerk)
275 = clean PR

I am happy with the Clean PR. The 270 & 275 took a lot out of me to stand up. Feel like that's why I lost the jerk. I had this though. Jess helped me remember a great que for me, where its pull those shoulders up first off ground. Habit of but rising and putting me over the bar too soon.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sat, 11102012

Rest Day!

Visited The Garage Games @ Southie today.

#AttitudeNation Seminar tomorrow at CF Florian.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday, 11092012

2p Session :

Snatch Technique. Still easy on shoulder

Front Squats 5x5 @22X1
135x5. 165x5. 185x5. 205x5
215x5 225x5 230x4 (f- on 5th)

5 Squat Cleans (165)
10 Burpee Bar Hops (lateral)
Score: 2+5

Rest 3 Min

200m Run
3 Bar Muscle Ups
Score = 4 rds

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thursday, 11082012

4:30p Session

Back Squat (Singles-not PR)
135-185 (warmup)
225x3 255x3
^ felt good about all singles

Push Jerk - climbing to heavy 2
155x2 185x2 205x2 225x2

Split Jerk (singles)
225x1. 245x1. 255x1. 265x(f)x2
^shoulders had nothing today.
Dip and drive was off for sure.

Rest for Few. WOD @ 6:30
4 rds of,
300m Row
3 Wall Walks
12 Rings Dips (15#db)
Time - 9:38

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wed, 11072012

Rest Day..... Technically.

But, Weightlifting Wed came so... :-)

Just Clean and Jerk Tonight

135 for tons. Working push Jerk

155-185-205-215-225-245-256-263-270(f). <----- failed 3x on 270 Clean

Son of a bitch!

Next week!

Cool Down:
Front Squats 183# x 5 x 5 sets

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tuesday 11062012

AM Session: 9a @ CFNH

Hang Squat Cleans
155x3 185x3 205x3 215x3

Box squat to 4 (45's) (below parallel)
185x3. 205x3. 225x3 245x3 275x2. 295x2. 305x2. 315x2

20 pull-ups
30 thrusters (95)
40 GHD sit-ups
50 air squats
Time: 5:37
^ Lynn beat me haha. Son of a bitch!

Session 2: 4:30p

Hang squat clean
155x3 185x3. 205x3 225x3 235x3
240x1(f). 245x1(f)
*got one on each. Failed on 2nd

185x8. 225x8. 255x8 275x8

Session 3 : 8pm
Team WOD
Team of 3

AMRAP 2 (each station)
Power clean (185)
Box jumps (24)
Goblet Squats (70)
*rest one minute between stations.

Rest 4 min

^ 1 person working.
^^1 in handstand hold with other holding feet. Can only do Burpees while someone is up in handstand.

Rest 3

Max calories Rowed
^swap out between 3

Team was Dylan, Pete and myself. Fun times. I am absolutely pooped after today. Can't wait to get home an eat 3 meals.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday, 11052012

Between "CF Total" and yesterday's front squat, holy shit, I'm hurting. But, gotta keep pushing forward. Today was MAP Training day, so felt would help body loosen up.


Row 250m
10 Wall Balls (30#)
10 T2B
10 Close Grip Push-ups
Score : 3 + 250m + 6

Rest 4 min (short rest cause had to start late last one)

Run 200m
5 Deficit HSPU (45's to AbMat)
20 AbMat Sit-ups
Score : 4 + 200 + 5 + 13

Cash Out: 7 min Light Row

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sunday, 10042012

Day after "CF Total Yesterday" (which I PR'd all my lifts). So today, wasn't feeling very strong lol
Back super sore. Legs. All of the above.
But, time is valuable and going to take advantage of the time I have.

Front Squat
135x10. 155x5. 185x3 225x1 245x1 255x1. 265x1 275x1 285x1 290xF. 290xF. :-(

Drop sets
225x4 235x4 245x4 *think near died

Drop again
135x12. 155x12

5 strict pull-ups
10 WallBalls
15 t2 Rings
Score = 6+5 (maybe 7, we lost track)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Saturday, 10032012

"CrossFit Total" Throwdown

Blog name = main goal
Been a while. Finally, hit over 1000. Same day, in the CFT Total Throwdown today at CrossFit Free.

Back Squat (low) 365# PR
Strict Press 180# PR
Deadlift 470# PR
Total of 1015lbs.

Super pumped to finally have accomplished this.
Especially with great friends around from CFF and elsewhere.

Great day!

Friday, Nov 2nd

Warmup for tomorrow, plus Team WOD for our Halloween Party

Low Bar Back Squat:
Knee killing me and wanted to be able to participate tomorrow. SO, playing with the silly low bar bs.
Climbed with Lynn from 95#, up to 315. 315, no belt and Nanos felt very easy. Bar position is so awkward though. But will play with it tomorrow.

PM :Strict Press 165x1 - cold. Cause, why not lol.

Team WOD
2k Row
+ 200 AbMat Sit-ups
Score = time it takes - the DU's. = time. Each DU = a second

Thurs, Nov 1st

Rest day

Yoga in the evening.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wed, 10312012

AM Session:

BS. 185x5 225x5 255x3 275x3
Light. Warming up. Just some light volume.

Team WOD with Lynn @ CFNH
75 cal row (partner holds in Hs hold)
50 Burpee wall balls
50 Slam balls (partner catches)
Flight Simulator (alt partners)
12-9-6 HSPU (before each set, 50m walk with KB oh)
Time 31 min

Rest 10 min

Clean Warmup for tonight.
135x5 x 3.
185 - triples for few sets

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tuesday, 10302012

F U Shoulder :-(

Blog update

High Bar Back Squat - Singles
*30-45 seconds rest between set. Maybe minute max. Quick volume.

5 Burpees
7 t2B
9 Pull-ups
Score = 7+5

Rest 4 min

7 KB (70)
7 Ring Push-ups
7 Box Jumps (30)
Score = 7 Rds

Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday, 10292012

Monday at the gym. Hurricane Sandy can't stop us at CFF.

Clean - 2RM for day
185-205-215-225-235-245x1-245x1 - 245x1. Kept failing on second one. Legs had nothing today :-(

Drop Sets. Drop, grip and go
185x5. 185x5. 205x3

Power Elizabeth
Power Cleans (135)
Ring Dips
Time- 4:16

Unbroken Wall balls
35-25-15. Using 20#

Mobility today and keeping water iu of gym. Will be here overnight so maybe some more workouts as night goes on. :-)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Saturday, 10272012

Today's WOD. See picture

Time = 34:30

Rough One

Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday, 10262012

Hitting two Regional WODs today. Got a good group of people coming to play.

11:30a. First WOD.
#2 from this years Regionals
2k Row
50 Pistols
30 HPC (225)
Time Cap : 17 min
Score: Completed 17 HPC

^ was pretty happy with this. Still feeling like shit with cold. Pistols felt better than ever. Coming along. Believe I got to the HPC at like 12:30 or so. HPC felt super heavy today. Could be from this weeks training or just feeling like crap, idk.

2nd workout
100# DB Snatch x 10 (alt)
50m Sprint
90 DB S x 10
50 m
80 DB Snatch x 10
70 DB Snatch x 10
Time: 7:20

Rest 15 minutes

Back Squat: High Bar. Just getting some volume in.

* after wods above weights felt heavy today.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Wed, 10242012

Holy Christ, is it a rest day yet?
The Fort Monsters came by tonight for Weightlifting Wed. So of course, had to at least play with a barbell for a bit.

Describing "sore" is at an all time new level this week. But very much looking forward to some basketball tomorrow and no lifting!


165-185x2 - 205-225-245-252-260 - 270 x 5 fAils. Caught bottom. Couldn't get up today. Had no legs. What a shame.

Front squat
225x5 235x5 245x4 255x3 265x2 275xF.
225x5. 235x5

Rower. Cool down - 1000m

With that. I need a dam rest day!

Friday = 2 regionals wods from this year. #2 & 3. We got a crew coming down. First ones at 11a. Second WOD at 1p. We will hit some strength lifts prior to WOD 1. Going to be fun day!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tuesday, 10232012

Holy Shit I'm Sore!
So, going into today, I was curious how I would even move some weight. But, after a nice warmup, things didn't feel bad. Shoulder were super taxed from weekend, "Diane" and the volume yesterday.

Split Jerk (behind neck) normal jerk width:
185x2. 225x2. 245x1. 255x1. 265x1
^ failed on the 265 few times also. Stayed there. Shoulders didn't have much left.

WOD: 5 Min - Ladder
Hang Power Clean (155)
Muscle Up
Score : 6 + 7

Rest 3 min

9 T2B
12 Box Jumps (30)
Score: 6+3

*muscle ups got tough. Also the 6/7 HPC got heavy but all unbroken. Surprised how difficult MU's got late in the ladder.
**was happy with the 2nd AMRAP, not on T2B (feel like have lost those a bit) but for the box jumps. Rebounded these (most) and felt great. Def quick little gas'r

Cash Out:
400m @70% or so
^rest :30 between

Monday, October 22, 2012

Mon, 10222012

Great day today.
Met with Kevin of Vagabond CrossFit for an hour of program discussion. (OPT's way). Very informative.

This past weekend, was Garage Games at Milford. Awesome weekend, super fun and very exhausting.

So wasn't expecting to much from today's number.

Front Squat: 5x2
225x3. 245x2. 255x2. 265x2. 275x1

WOD: "Diane"
Deadlift (225)
TIME: 3:59 PR
***ps, our gyms standards are head through on HSPU also. None of that regionals Bs standards.

Rest 10 min (approx)

5 rds, resting 45-1m between rds
5 FS (185)
10 Burpees

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Wed, 10172012

Headed to the Fort tonight for Weightlifting Wed. Didn't think was going to do much with the shoulder, but that lasted all of 15 minutes.

Split Jerks (front)
135x3. 155x3. 185x2. 205x2. 225x2. 245x1. 255x1. 265x1. 275xF. 275x1

Felt pretty good. First 275, left out front. Second was piece of cake. Stopped here to not overdue shoulders for weekend. But felt like ha a lot more in me today. Also not fan of heal in shoe on the split jerks. Hopefully that changes.

Wanes up nicely climbing slowly.
Then hit ,
Went 270 and missed. Said screw it, put 275 on bar, felt good but missed. Best the bar to the bottom so crashed on me a bit.

Played with some levers following weightlifting, felt good.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tuesday, 10162012

F U Shoulder!!!

Strength: 3RM OHS
Went 95-115-135-165-185
Got 185x2 x2. Couldn't get third each time.
Shoulder is worse than been in a while. Shows each OH. As bar isn't even. Gotta fight through it for Saturday then some time off.

WOD: Team of 2 - Jordan and I
50 Thrusters (95)
50 Box Jumps (30')
50 KB Swings (70)
75 Cal Row
100 AbMat Sit-ups

Score - 1 complete round + through to box jumps again and we got 24 of th.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday, 10152012

Saturday Update:
Clean & Jerk for In House Comp
Hit all. All felt good today. Had a lot more in me hit ran out of time. Happy with the 265 today since haven't been squatting much with quad.

Snatch (worked split snatch). As shoulder still feels terrible :-(
In case see it this weekend.

135-155-165-175. Hit these for few reps each. Felt ok, but shoulders shot.

Front Squat:
185x5. 225x3. 255x3. 265x1. 275x1. 295x1(f).
Dropped to 265x2.

300m Run
3x (1 squat clean + 2 front squats) (185)
150m Run
10x (Burpee Pull-up + 1 pull-up)
150m Run

Time: 5:16

Rest 5 min

Front Squats:
5x5 with 185# (no olys)
^ huge break through. Realize Lats engaged tighter make front squat so easy. Was forgetting this little que so focused on elbows. Huge que for me.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Wed, 10102012

We hit a workout at CFN this afternoon.

Behind Neck Snatch Grip Push Press:
* stayed light with these as was an off day and workout was all shoulders

135x3 155x3. 175x3 185x3. 205x3

WOD : 50-40-30-20-10
Double Unders
Time: 8:36

Going to feel this one over next few days.

Cash Out: Band Rear Squeezes - 4x10-15 reps

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tuesday, 10092012

Holy sore!!! Legs / Hips are shot from squatting, but I will continue on :-)

Snatch Work in afternoon.
Something is off. Super annoyed but will figure out.

Back Squat
* not shooting for 5RM. Simply trying to squat today lol
225x5. 255x5. 275x5 300x3

WOD: "Gwen"
15-12-9 Unbroken C&J. Rest between sets. Finished workout at 16:30.

Went for 160 at CFNE and failed.
Went for 155# today. Little debacle in set 1 with count. Got the 12-9. Felt good about this. Will go again at 160# soon for sure.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday, 10082012

Very sore today, still from last weeks training...but going after it. From Jon North and Don McCauley this past week; "Squat more"

1 Mile Run
50 Pullups
200 Double Unders
Time: 11:27
Ran the 1 mile (our 1 mile, which is longer) in 7:05. Back was on fire, but felt fine. Was good pace to go through the other stuff quickly.

Strict Pullups
5 Sets of 5-7 Strict Pullups

Pendlay Rows   x 5 Reps

about an hour later. . .
 Box Squats
(just below parallel. 4 plates and 1 piece of Wood)
225x5   245x5   275x3  295x3  325x1  335x1   345xF  345x1

Sunday, 10072012

Today was a day of Squatting. . and more squatting  =)

Pause Squats (Back)
5 Second Pause at Bottom, NO bouncing out.

Back Squat (Singles)
*Stopped there, was losing position

Front Squats (Pause)
5 Seconds, CAN bounce out

Front Squat (Singles)

GHD Back Ext w/ 25#
3 X 10-12reps

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Saturday, 10062012


Yesterday was an amazing day.
We got into Charlotte Nc late (Thurs) and stayed in a phenomenal hotel.

Slept in on Friday. Explored Charlotte a bit an then headed to MDUSA. We spent the afternoon watching the guys train and chatting with Don McCauley.

We visited the MDUSA store and picked up some goodies
Everyone was super cool. Look forward to visiting again soon.
The next hour was spent with Jon, Jess and Don, chatting about everything weightlifting. We were beyond lucky to be there at this time. The info that was shared was priceless (and inside secrets :-) ).

Following training. Headed to Jon & Jess's to clean up. Great conversation, constantly learning. We hit a great steak house nearby and were there most of the night. The night was a phenomenal way to finish off our trip. Great company, weightlifting talk and great food. Jess & Jon are so passionate about their careers, you simply can't help but be instantly motivated and want more of yourself.

Saturday Training :
We hit a Golds Gym since no CF gyms are open for afternoon stuff on weekends. Couldn't miss our squat Session.

Back squat - pause bounce out of bottom. 135-185-225-255

Back squat
275x2. 295x1. 305x1. 315x1 320x1 325x1 (ugly but got it)
305x2 (second was ugly)

Front squat
225x5. 185x5. 185x5. 185x5.
185x X (got 12)

Now heading north. 8 hrs til home. We hope to get one more training session on.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

PM to this Thursday

We visited Colonial CrossFit. Great gym! Real cool set up, good coaching/instruction and a beast of an athlete in Jake. You will see this kid in the Games for sure.

WOD: "Chipper"
60 Box Jumps
50 push-ups
40 OH Walking Lunge (45)
400m Run
30 Squat Jumps
20 t2b
250m row

Time: 10:36

Cool chipper. Rough on quads but a good WOD. Not as bad as it looked upon entering.

Great gym. Cool athletes and dogs!

Thursday, 10042012

We visited CrossFit Rosslyn today for their noon class. It's a smaller box located within Verve Fitness, but great place. Coaches are super cool. Well run class and well structured.

1. 3RM Strict Press
135x3. 145x3. 155x3. 165x3. 170x1
* had nothing left. We are feeling destroyed our 4th day in this far.

2. Back Squat 5RM
225x5. 245x5. 275x5. 285x5.
^ happy with the 285#. Still below PR but leg strength coming back and knee/quad feeling good.

We are heading towards SC. Will hit a gym tonight, then finish drive into SC tonight.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

PM to the 3rd

We hit Patriot CrossFit this evening.
Great set up. Very professional and well instructed.

I physically don't think I could be anymore sore at this point. Lower back just won't recover, haha

Fun WOD but back felt it

S : Push Press 3RM
155x5. 185x3. 205x3. 215x3
* stopped there. Out of time. Feel like I had some more in me though.

WOD: 5 Rds,
5 Front Squats (185)
10 Burpee Bar Hops

Time: 7:43

* front squats killed me. Back was on fire. And the lack of squatting past month with knee/quad issue didn't help today. But, great workout. Going to give this one a go again sometime

Another great day. Some awesome nice today. Staying in DC tonight, make our way South tomorrow.

Wed, 10032012

Heading out of PA today, we hit CrossFit 717, just a few minutes from Rachel and Lys's house.

Holy Shit, am I sore. Slept great but body is feeling these last few days.

CrossFit 717
Nice place! Tons of equipment, lots of space and all the toys.
Trainers were very nice and run a tight ship. Community was friendly also.

3RM Weighted Push-up
45x5. 90x3 135x3. Went to 180# , 4 plates on back, got 3 but felt a little wormy. Still felt good.

1RM Weighted Pull-up
53x2. 70x1. 75x1. 88x1. 90.5x1. 93x1 PR

WOD: "the Chief"
AMRAP 3 , x 5 with 1 min rest between each 3 minute AMRAP
3 Power Cleans (135)
6 push-ups
9 squats
Between all 5, 3 min amraps - I completed 20 rounds and 2 Power Cleans.

Great workout. Hopefully helps loosen up body a bit, but we will see.

We are hitting the road now, off to Virginia area most likely. Hitting a PM WOD tonight. Will update following...

PM to Tuesday

We hit up "Om My Yoga" here is Harrisburg PA this evening following dinner. Rachel and Lys's place. Awesome studio!
Some fancy S&M equipment (I mean Pilates equipment), awesome set, new expansion added recently; great stuff.

We practiced Handstands, Scorpions, S&M stuff on crazy machines, some vertical holds etc. Had a blast and learned a thing or two about Yoga/Pilates.

The light work this evening was 100% needed. My back is toasted from the past few days.

It off to CrossFit 717 in the am, before making our way South.

Stay tuned....

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tuesday, 10022012

Noon Class at CrossFit 5th Ave - New York City

Arriving at this place is pretty bad ass. It's underground first off and you walk down the stairs into a sweet set up.

Gym is a good size and some awesome equipment. Rig is huge!!! Prob 3-4 of ours in length. The company they use for equipment we've never heard of, but nice stuff.

WOD Today:
4 Rds
400m Run
21 Sit-ups (45# plate)
21 KB High Pulls (70)
Time : 22:28

Running 400's is definitely more adventurous through the streets of NYC. It was raining like crazy, so this made for some interesting runs. Dodging puddles and the umbrellas of those walking made for an interesting 400 each time.

After yesterday's two workouts, our backs and forearms did not enjoy today either. Ouch!

Next step is a Phenomenal Yoga studio is Harrisburg PA.
Will update afterwards.

Monday, October 1, 2012

2nd Session on this Monday

Our 2nd session of the day was at CrossFit Virtuosity. What an amazing gym!

Show up, place is packed. It's off set in Brooklyn and is basically its own compound. Phenomenal gym and great coaches.

Workout of the Day
For time:
30 Pull-ups
20 Handstand Push-ups
10 Deadlifts, 275/185lbs
20 Handstand Push-ups
30 Pull-ups

My time was 5:39 RX

Felt good. Got all unbroken up until second set of HSPU. Had to wait here and there Cause wall was cluttered. Second set of pull-ups also was tough. After this am, I had no grip tonight forearm and shoulders are shot, but a great day today!!!!

Monday, 10012012

Day 1 of our road trip

12 noon, Session at CFNE

S: Back Squat
*first day back to squatting since quad. Felt good, but didn't push anything crazy.
205x5. 225x5. 245x5. 275x5
* my 5 rep PR was 295. I feel like I can high bar more than this. But wa happy with the 275 today. First time squatting heavy in almost a month.

WOD: "Gwen"
Failed miserably. Went for #160 on this. Got 13 reps out of first 15. Dropped. Sucked! I want this one again soon! I'm coming for you "Gwen".

15-12-9 Unbroken Clean & Jerks
Went for 160#. Got 13 out of 15.
Lowered weight after, but was dead. Maybe 150-155 was number for today. Lesson learned. Grip was shot!!!!!

Now, we are off to CF Virtuosity in Brooklyn. Our workout is either 7:30p or 8:30p. Will blog WOD after!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Saturday, 09282012

EMOM x 7 min x 3 reps
HSPU - w/ 10# vest
Using 45# plates, head to floor - so deficit- completed all

Rest 2 min

EMOM - 7 min x 3 reps
Muscle ups w/ 10# Vest
Completed all.

20 ring dips
100 double under
15 ring dips
75 du
10 ring dips
50 du
5 ring dips
25 du
time 5:44

Cash Out: 4x10-15 Rear Band Squeezes

Friday, September 28, 2012



I BELIEVE in CrossFit. I love CrossFit. I am an advocate for CrossFit and share my love for it with everyone who comes through our doors. Do I agree with all CrossFit does? No. Hell, I probably disagree with more than I agree with. This blog is not about CrossFit, what I believe in or don’t believe in; but more about people and their own beliefs, passions, hobbies etc.  I still fight for the CrossFit I first fell in love with several years ago.  That’s the beauty of CrossFit; that the individual gyms are run their own way. Despite a lot of other gyms doing things ass backwards (in my opinion), that’s not us…and that’s not OUR CrossFit.

It baffles me (and I see/hear it daily, especially with social media being so prevalent these days) when people don’t stand up or hold their ground for what they believe in. These people seem to be so easily influenced, that when confronted regarding their own beliefs, products, choices…They quickly cower and take flight.  What?! Maybe it’s just me and my argumentative personality, but *uck that! Many, probably most, don’t agree with me on numerous things, but I will stand behind my beliefs, thoughts and passions until I can’t speak anymore (or I get deleted on Facebook). The majority of what I do and the information I attempt to relay, stems from my passion for those individual things; whether it be CrossFit, business stuff or the color of the shirt of the person who just drove by (joking). Am I saying everyone should be argumentative over everything? Absolutely not. BUT COME ON, have a damn backbone and fight for what you believe! Have some passion, follow it, don’t back down and be ready to battle for what you believe.  If you’re not willing to fight, why are you doing it? Quick buck? Self Image?  If that’s the case, you don’t have an argument, so keep jumping trend to trend and good luck in life.

If you preach a product, sell a system or a belief, have your own “way” about something; whatever!… you better believe in it 100%! You better know everything about that damn product/way/system etc,  and be able to defend it when questioned. That’s my main issue with the “fads” of the world. They come they go, but even in between, there is a very small percentage of the people involved that truly believe in what they are preaching. They simply jump on the band wagon for whatever selfish reason they have, or because some were sold into “The Dream”.  The same could be said for CrossFit.  A lot of gyms open up these days from a per business stand point; not from the passion of CrossFit. They then hope to learn and grow from it once opened; this in itself is a problem in my opinion, but, that’s not what this post is about.  Stand up, speak up, and NEVER back down… to no one!

A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her.”  ~David Brinkley

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wed, 09262012

Push Press:
185 - 195 - 205 - 215 - 225 - 235 - 245 (pr). Failed on first two, got on third attempt.

Strict Press:
Dropped after push press
155x5. I think this is a PR also.

Worked technique. Shoulder not doing well. Knee/ quad on other hand feeling better.

Clean & Jerk:
155-185-205-215-225-235- failed on 245. Knee was getting achy and from not squatting in a while was rough. Glad to be back on the barbell though.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday, 09252012

Weighted Strict Muscle Ups
15#x2. 20#x2. 20#x2. 25#x2. 25#x2
*used DB between legs

Weighted Strict Pull-ups
15# x 10 x 2 sets
^ used DB between legs

5 Burpees
10 KB (70)
20 Abmat Sit-ups

8rds + 5 reps

Today was a gas'r. Definitely Gould have warmed up prior ; more so.

Was happy with the Strict Muscle Ups. Strict Pull-ups, I think I could have done more but just got lazy.

Workout was rough. Happy with score but was really gas'd and slowing down.
With how little have been doing wods, I am happy with the results.

Will hopefully Row later tonight, my 500 intervals.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday, 09242012

Today's Training

Box Squat:
(4x45's, 1 piece of wood)
Picture below.

185x5 225x5. 275x3. 315x3. 335x2 355x1

Safety Bar Good Mornings: 5x5
70x5. 120x5 160x5. 210x5.
* wow, these are tough. Holy Crap.

WOD: 3 rounds
15 T2B
25 Wall Balls (20)
400m Run
Time : 10:12
* unbroken all sets except last wall ball. Was a baby. Missed catch and slowed down.

***knee/quad felt ok today. See how they feel tomorrow after everything

4x15 - rear band squeezes (red band)

Most Box Squatted prior was 355x2 and 365x1 - but this was a higher height. I below right at parallel, versus tiny below.

Good day of training. Excited to get back into it an start putting some weight on the bar.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday, 09232012

Back at it today. Finally back under a barbell. Quad still feels like shit, tons of pressure. But, stuck light today, get things moving.

AM Session
1. Front Squat:
135# x 12 Sets of 5-7 Reps
*some pauses at bottom, small bounces, feeling knee / quad out.

2. 15 Minutes
:30 On / :30 on Rower. Trying to keep total Meters each :30 above 150m

3. Split Jerk (behind neck) - Doubles
155x2. 185x2. 205x2. 215x2. 225x2. 235x2. 255x1. 255xF
* still not very comfortable jerking from behind the neck. But know once comfortable with shoulder again I will be much stronger behind neck. Positioning feels nice.

New Shirt coming to CFF


What happened to caring about your people?
I can’t seem to not write and delete, when writing this. Which direction to go, hhhhmmmmmm.  Let’s just run with it and hope it somehow comes together by the end.
Hey you, “coach”, yeah you. . . get your head out of your ass and start caring about your Athletes, Members, whatever you want to call them.  It baffles me how many people come into our place, with quite a bit of time under their belt, knowing absolute dog $hit and a few sessions away from hurting themselves! Hell, they are lucky they haven’t already.  And don’t give me that bs about certain people, I know those certain people, who simply take it upon themselves to be assholes, not learn, not listen and do as they please; these are NOT the people I am referring to, so save it.
I am not directing this to ONLY the CrossFit community here either. While it’s a shame a lot these guys/girls are 3 weeks out of their level 1, 50+ Journal Articles deep and think because they have the “CrossFit” name on their business card and building, that they are the shit in the coaching world. . . I am directing this at coaches everywhere. From CrossFit, to Strength & Conditioning facilities, Weightlifting Clubs, Bootcamps, Sports Teams etc.  
I question why people get into the “coaching” field anymore.  It seems these days, it’s all business for most; especially the newer coaches. I am not saying all, so let me be clear on that. There are far more great people out there than there are not; I will continue to believe this. The issue is the ones who simply get into it for the business and truly do not care. In some cases, they only hurt their own name. In others, they can tarnish the reputation of a community. More importantly, they aren’t bettering people at all, the community which has grown for them is the one bettering people day to day…while these coaches from within their own facility just sit back, take the credit and continue in a lot of cases lead people in the wrong direction. Flip this, in a lot of cases the coaches are in fact knowledgeable, but simply don’t give a shit about their people. They just sit back, collect the monthly dues and continue on.  This is ridiculous.  Granted, I don’t believe there is a fix to this. I guess it will just take its toll. The strong will survive, while others will dig their own hole.
Your athletes deserve more. They deserve your attention. They deserve your actual *ucking heart!  Our members, from the competitors all the way down to the newly graduated on-rampers, CARE. And I can whole heartedly say we care in return!  For those who know me or sometimes even know of me, I’m not always the best with words. Sometimes, the “no filter” or “blunt” approach doesn’t settle well. I understand that. But I believe our athletes know I care about them, in and outside our gym. Do we want to be competitive? Absolutely! Do we want to push our athletes to be the best they possibly can be? Absolutely!  But I would rather tell someone they are being an a$$hole by not listening to us, versus letting them continue on with their butterfly pullups 3 weeks into the program, because they saw that shit on ESPN over the weekend. Want to get coddled and your ass kissed, told to race the clock and go faster your 2nd week out of On-Ramp? Well then, my apologies, you probably won’t view me as a good “coach”. But no worries, there will be a gym popping up near you in no time, just awaiting your athletic ability and ready to shove you into the deep end with fingers crossed and a new 30 min sweat fest awaiting you daily.
We have made a ton of friends in the CrossFit community and others fitness communities here in New England.  There are so many doing things right. They wake up in the morning and ask themselves, “how can I better my community today”.  They care about each and every person who comes through their doors daily.  The make their facility and members a priority, sometimes even over their own family and friends; simply because they understand that is their duty! They signed on for this shit and they are going to do it right and make sure the longevity of their athletes is always the #1 priority.  To those who still care and continue to learn, evolve and grow the community (whichever community that is you are a part of), thank you! You motivate us daily, continue to help us grow and learn; while always fueling our fire whenever we need a kick start through some of the tough times.  

Current #'s Update

Some Current Figures
*Somethings haven't been attempted in a while, but will track from here on out and update.

Back Squat 
1RM   340#
3RM   320#
5RM   295#

20 Rep Max Back Squat 
*need to redo @ 245-255#

Box Squat
1RM 365#
2RM 355#

Front Squat
1RM   300#
2RM   285#

Strict Press 
1RM   175#
3RM   165#

Push Press
1RM 235#

Bench Press
1RM  295#

1RM   465#
2RM   435# (no touch  n go)

Sumo Deadlift
2RM  425# (no touch n go)

1RM 235#

1RM   185#

1RM  265# 

Clean & Jerk 
1RM 260#

1RM 285#

Muscle Ups


Max Pullups

2 Min Double Under Test

Shankle Complex 

Fresh Start

This blog has been on/off for a while now.
Going to revamp it, spice it up and be posting daily. All of my personal training will be on here, each and everyday. Along with my personal posts and blurbs etc.  

I will be hitting that 1000 goal very soon!  It started as my main goal and I've come along way since the beginning. . .BUT, my goals have changed quite a bit over time, focused more on Weightlifting currently, some of these lifts have been put to the back burner.   No worries though, I will continue to work the Strength as that is always our main priority and I will hit the 1000 Total!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Jon North Seminar

Worked lots of Technique.

Caught 165 at bottom of snatch. Still working above pubic bone.

Clean and Jerk. Wasn't going for Mac clean with knee but Ended attempting a 260# C & J. Missed the jerk but had locked.

Will get it soon

Thursday, August 30, 2012


WoDs Completed

Been babying injuries and pissing blood. Need to heal up quick.

Back Squat 320x3 new PR
Deadlift - 465 PR
Bench Press 295x1

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tuesday, 08212013

1k Row
400m Run
30 Power cleans (155)
40 Box Jumps
50 AbMat
Time: 12:23

Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday, 08202012

Afternoon Session:
HB Back Squat : 225x5. 275x3. 295x3. 305x3. 320x3(pr)

Team WOD - Justin and I
40 Power Cleans (185)
80 Slam Ball (30)
120 Box Jump (24)
800m Sandbag Run (80)
Time: 13:36

Sunday , 08202012

135 and climbing by 10. X doubles
At 225 x 1. 245x1. 255(missed catch). Went to 270 which would be PR. Missed it twice. Plenty high enough. Got it next time.

Moved onto Doubles, Hang- sliding below knee 185#

rowing Intervels 250m on / :30 off

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Split Jerk
185x2. 205x2. 225x2. 245x1. 265x(F)x2
275x (F)

Clean Complex
Squat Clean / Front Squat x 2 / Jerk

Wod - team of 2
150 wall balls
100 pullups
50 deads 245#
25 muscle ups

Pm session:
Back Squat - heavy singles. Worked up to 330#. Did two singles there.

Oly Night

Oly Night

Easing shoulder back in.
High Hang Snatch doubles (straps)
95 - 115 - 135 - 145 -155(f)

Clean & Jerk
185 - 205 - 225 - 235 - 245 - 255

Ended with Back Squats

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tuesday, 08142012

AM Session:
1. Weighted Chins 53x3. 71x3. 79x3. 88x3. 106x2

2. High Hang Power Clean OTM 7x2
*235 is PR for HPC x2

3. WOD:
400m Run
20 Box Jumps (24)
10 t2b
300m run
30 BJ
15 t2b
200m run
40 BJ
20 t2b
100m run
50 box jump
25 t2b
15:35 RX

PR Updates from prior days / weeks
High Bar Back Squat 340x1 , 325x2. 315x3.
Squat Clean 265#
Jerk 275#

Box Squat 355x2. 365x1

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Front Squat
Failed on 305

Back Squat
Failed on 350, 345

"Track Triplet"
10 something. . unbroken, need to speed up

Push Press
225 x 2

Shankle Complex 225#

Monday, March 26, 2012

Back Squat
225x5   245 x 5   255x6

Worked Pose Running

15 Min after Back Squat

WOD; 4 Rounds
350m Row
25 Air Squats
15 T2B
Time: 11:03

waited 10 min
then Tabata HS Holds on Parallettes

getting caught up

Opens Wod 12. 1
105 burpees

Opens Wod 12.2

Opens Wod 12.3

Opens Wod 12.4.

Opens Wod 12.5

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Back Squat
225. 245. 265. 275 PR

Dark and Stormy
7 Min ish

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Opens WOD 12.2 WOD

Snatch fest
10 min of snatching
75x 30

Got 60 total reps, didnt give 165lb a go. Probably could have time for a few attempts, didnt go for it.
maybe do this again sat or sun, depending on how i feel

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


New PR

Monday, February 27, 2012


7 Minute of Jumping Burpees
target 6" above and
Total Reps  = 105  on 3rd attempt
2attempts at 101
Did this last week, last attempt on Sunday

Front Squats:  5x2
185x2   225x2  235x2  245x2  250x2 PR

"20's Up"
3 rds
20 pullups
20 wall balls
20 abmat situps
 = 5:32

Friday, February 17, 2012


Clean & Jerk

WOD1:   Front Squat 5x5    up to 235x4, missed on 5th
then sleds and weighted Pullups, 4 rds

WOD: "Purple Drank"

Monday, February 13, 2012

Push Press
155x3 165x3 175x3 185x3 195x3

10 C2B
10 Wall Ball
10 Box Jump 30"

Completed. 7rds + 18 reps

Cash Out : tabata squared
Hollow rocks
Superman Rocks

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Front Squat 1RM
245 PR
265 PR
270 PR!!!

ended with 185 x 5 x 2
then 135 x 8 x 2  (metcon with Double Unders and Parallel Bar Dips)

End with GHD Sit ups   with 20# Vest x 20 x 2

Saturday, February 11, 2012


13 + 2.. (no kipping on HSPU)

"Hold on Tight"

355 x 5   Touch n Go

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday - Active Rest Day

Work Planche, MU, Mushroom, Handstands etc
Skill Set

Deadlift 3x5
315x5. 335x5. 355x5

30 DU
15 Power Cleans (115)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Catching Up

Since Last Post

Back Squat - 305# x 1 WOOHOOO
225# x 10

Strict Press 155# 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2

Barbara - 26:15
JT -  8:07
Hang Power Clean - 235
Clean & Jerk - 235
Push Press - 205x 2
Annie - 5:40

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Over Past Week
Power Clean 225x1
OHS 155x1
C&J 205 x a few singles



Thursday, January 19, 2012

Wed, at REEBOK

Push Press

Power Clean 
*Worked up to 205# x 2

Cash Out: SLEDS

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Monday, 1/16


21 +13

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sunday, Jan 15th


Wendler , Week 1 DL
used 425 as max DL

Cash Out:
30 Minutes or so of Cone Drills (numerous ones)

Friday, Jan 13th

CF Total

BS 290
SP 165
DL 405

Cash Out:
5 Rds with 20# Vest
10 pbar dips
10 ghd situps

Friday, January 13, 2012

Wed, 1/11

AM:  "Car Bomb"
*had to step down from box jumps each time, with leg

PM: "Randy"
Time was 4:30, or close. forget exact time.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Monday, Jan 9th

20 Rep Max Back Squat
205#   PR.
can barely walk next day

"Tens - the Poll"
10 Wall Ball
10 KB High Pull (70)
10 Deficit Pushups
*Hands and feet on 45#'s to abmat

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Wed, Thurs, Fri Sat  Sun...

PR 1:58

Team WOD

Sun - Row

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

AM Session:
5k Row   did in 21:56
Front Squats - work up to Heavy Single
Worked up to 215#...prior i did, 205, 210..ended with 215.

Monday, January 2, 2012

in 12 min cap, finished 4 Rounds.
Took 15 something to finish 5 rounds.
Did at 155#, was heavy today. Strength still not back  =(

AM day of DT....2k Row warmup
Box Squats
up to 195x3

prior days.

AMRAP 10, 2010 Games WOD 1
5 rds + 34reps
wod  30 du, 15 power snatches at 75#

New Years WOD. was HELL!
team of 2
50 pullups
100 ohs (bar)
50 pushups
4 sled pushes
50 kb swings
100 dl (95)
50 rings dips
4 sled pushes
50 t2b
75 cleans (95)
50 pushups
4 sled pushes
200 abmat situps

Sunday, January 1, 2012

