
World-Class Fitness in 100 Words

Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.*Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast.*Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense.*Regularly learn and play new sports.—
Greg Glassman, founder of CrossFit "What is Fitness?"

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wed , 043014

40 sec. AD sprint @ max effort
rest 2:30 x 4
rest 7 minutes x 2

16 minute EmOM
odd = 5 TnG DL 
even =  strict HSPU
*completed DL @275
Hspu - 10/8/6/7/8/7/6/6
16 minute EmOM
odd = 12 calories on rower
even = 15 wall balls, 20#
16 minute EmOM
odd = 4 cal on Assault Bike
even = 6 no push up burpee box jump, 30


Later that night:
1 —>6
PC @ 225
Muscle ups 
Time : 5:30
All mu UB.  Cleans. 1-4 UB.  5&6 were singles. 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesday, 042914

A. Hang SqT snatch 
60-65-70-75-80-85-90 miss x 5. *still dead from Sunday 
B. hS walk practice. Maxed our gym distance few times. 90+ ft
C. For time:
50 pistols 
40 box jump (24)
30 hang power cleans 185
20 muscle ups 
Time: 10:24
Pistols done in 2:05
Box jumps consistent 
Hang power cleans 10/5/5/5/5
Muscle ups  5/5/5/4/1

A. Split jerk 
100x3. 105x3. 115x1 120x1 125x1 295x1 300x1
B. 20 min @Z1 on AB


Reebok sprint cup 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday, 042514

A. 10Rm TnG Snatch 
climbed to 135 x 10....went 155 x 6..shoulders bugging me with the snatch'n lately  rest
B. 3RM Thrusters, from the floor (those who hadn't done; those who have, just bar work)
didnt do. Shoulders are hurting. Tendinitis maybe, but both very achy and bugging me. 
think the hspu, axle shoudler to overhead, muscle ups etc....just did me in. 
C.  3rds 
25 alternating weighted pistols (35# KB)
7 Muscle ups 
10 Clean and Jerks (135/93)
time: 13:40 
pistols were hardest for me. Was slow, back on fire!  muscle ups unbroken each time and fast singles on clean and jerk. 

Wed, 042314

A. 15 min
:30 hard
:30 easy on Rower
B. High Hang Clean + Below Knee Clean
climbed to 125k with no misses.  went 130, missed the below the knee clean...went 131 for the win against another guy, got the high hang clean 3x, but missed the below knee each time. 288# is hip hang clean PR. 

12 minute EMOM
odd = 4 PC *not TnG
even = 6 burpee up and over box jumps, 24”
12 minute EmOM
odd = 4 PS *not TnG
even = 12 barbell facing burpees
12 minute EmOM
odd = 30 sec. am rap double unders
even = 6 calories on AB

completed all.  Did the Power Cleans @185 to save back. Power Snatch's @135-145
rest 10-12 minutes
strict HSPU
250m row bt. each set
completed. unbroken, but not fast.   believe was like 12 minutes. have to double check 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tuesday, 042214

Every 3 min running clock. Run 400m @1:20 pace. 

A. Front Squat (instead of back, becsuE of back)
110x5 120x5 125x3 130x1 135x1
B. Emom x 5 
3 tng FS @100-110
C. 5 rds
10 axle front rack lunges (135)
10 s to OH ^ same 
5 muscle ups 
Time: 10:38
Unbroken all til last set of s to oh. Went 5/5. Was destroyed. Shoulders were fried. 

Sun, 042014

A. Clean and jerk up to 120kg
B. Clean - got all way to 140kg. Cleaned 5x. Racked it. Couldn't stand up. Bastard!!!!
1k row
25 alt pistols 
15 HPC (225)
Time: 7:30
Rowed 1:50-1:52 
Pistols are slow as usual but got em. Def better than ever that's for sure. Flexibility coming in. 
HPC was 8/4/3. Grip was going today. Prob all weightlifting last few days 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Sat, 041914

A. 3 rep OHS from floor - 7 min
1 minute rest
7 min of muscle ups; teams of 3.
climbed to 100kg for the 3 rep from floor. Was happy with that. Tried 110kg for 1, couldnt stabilize on way down. but some progress 
B. Event 6 from 2013  Lynn and I partners
time: mid 12's believe it was. Decent score in comparison to people who competed last year. but I'm sure all have progressed as we did.  Shoulders were toast. HSPU not good. did 20 to start, then could barely hold up it seemed. 

A. Snatch!
Had Don in town for weekend.
Worked SqT Snatch
went. . . 60-65-70-75-80-85-90 with no misses!  surprised myself a bit.  then hit 95 and 96kg sqT Snatch...def progress made here. All position for me and what i can handle that day on body. 


Friday, 041814

A. emom - every :90; perform one snatch  starting at 155/103; climbing by 10 
*perform 20 double unders before each Snatch 
1k Row 
100 Double Unders
1k Row
50 Box jumps (24/20)
500m Row 
50 Clean & jerks (95/63) 

snatch' climbed to 90kg, Power. missed 95kg power 

workout: 17:50
*grip was gone, but overall wasn't bad. Just aerobic wod. First day back from another cold...super annoyed with getting sick. 

Wed, 041614

12 minute EmOM
odd = 3 PC + 3 PJ
even = 3 MU
completed. weights; 155-155-175-175-185-185 +
12 minute emOM
odd = 3  PS
even = 30 sec. aB sprint @ 90% AE
completed. weights - 135-135-145-145-155-55 +
12 minute emOM
odd = 10 calories on the erg
even = 10 burpees over the erg

added in some weightlifting as i didnt get to swim in the AM. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tuesday, 041514

A. Front Squat - no nano - no belt 
100x5 - 110x5 - 120x3 - 125x1 - 130x1 137x1
B. EMOM x 12 
Odd: 5x SqT cleans - hang - with pause below knee  155 for 4 of sets. 176 for 1. 
Even: 5 strict hspu + 5 kipping 
3 complete sets. 1 all kip. 1 with 4 strict. Rest kipping.  Shoulders died :-( 

Rest 20 min 
C. AMRAP 10 
15 C2B 
15 Burpee box jump (30)
Score: 4 rds + 16
* all UB C2B. Burpee box jumps sucked   Was very winded. First workout since sick, sure didn't help.  

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sunday, 041314

Team went to mountain and hill.
lots of DB Burpees, thrusters and farmers carries.
hill Sprints, with DB Thrusters and Snatch's. . .different weights and rep ranges.

I did some hill sprints, longer rests and some hill buddy carries....db thrusters, db snatch's.
Winded quick, still very congested and lots of coughing.
Took easy this am, first day back...didnt want to stress body to much and not get over this flu.

A. Strict Press
70x5  72x4  74x3  76x2  78x1 80x1 82x(f)
B. Front Squat
* worked SPEED, especially out of whole. Trying to get more explosive out of the hole.
80x5 90x5 100x5 105x5  120x1 130x1 135x1 140x1 *no misses stopped there.

Thursday - Saturday

Terribly Sick. . . took it easy every day. Friday, i did 5 x 500m Rows at 1:48-1:49 pace. To break a sweat and loosen up. Saturday was our comp; so ran that all day.

Hoping Sunday to feel a bit better.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Wed. 040914

Sick today 

Two nights ago started. After wormout yesterday, runny nose started and congestion. Last night was bad and today. So taking day off not adding stress.  Will hit today's stuff tomorrow. Hoping some meds kick in and speed this along. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tuesday , 040814

5 block breakfast. - come on abs!  :-)

1st session: 
A. Back Squat - first time since back. Taking it easy. No belt. No sleeves and nanos 
100x8 110x8 120x8 125x8 135x5
B. Single Leg SqTs
53# kb's each hand. 5 sets if 8 reps each side.  Right side substantially weaker than left. 
C. EMOM x 10
Odd: (-2) muscle ups 16/5/4/4/5
Even: 10 burpees  completed
Muscle ups = dip got hard. Shoulder was killing me between burpees and dips. 

Pm: 5p 

A. "Big clean complex" - CFNE - Bergeron complex 
70kg. 85kg. Went to 91kg - lost core and breathing overhead on push jerk. Was dead 
B. Complex.  - Hip SqT Clean + high hang clean + tng SqT clean + jerk 
100kg-105-110.  * stopped there 
C. 12 min clock 
1/2 mile on AB 
30 T2B
40 DB Jump SqTs (30's)
50 cal row
Total hspu - 44
*first few sets good. Then shoulders died out. They aren't improving on hspu. Which sucks. 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Sunday, 040614

A. Emom x 20
Odd: power cleans x 3 tnG reps *started at 185 - progressed to 216. We had one random minute I called 5 tng.  Then final minute, max singles in the minute. I had 225. Got 9 reps. 
Even: 5 strict T2B - (for me)

Rest 5 min

2 rds @80%
20 cal AB
200 double Unders 
200m run

Rest 10-15 min 

60 min row  - recovery 
Hold 2:05-2:10 pace 

Saturday, 040514

Team Day 

A. Complete 
B. 70-75-80-85-90-95-100-105-110-115(failed) *had no triceps or shoulders from prior days. 
C. Complete

Team : our team won this. I did thrusters. One set of 15, then sets of 10. 
Second 750 sucked!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday , 040413

W / Justin 
Time : 31:00 

Time : 15:20
Unbroken each 
*toughest was that fn ball and up and over.  Hate those 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wed, 040214

17 min for this one 
Pistols killed me. I'm slow. But got me, so was happy. 

A. Clean work 
80-85-90-95-100-110-115-125-130 no misses.  Made silly jump 140, feet did weird thing. Missed. 
:40 sprint on as tough effort. X 10; rest 2:30 ish 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tuesday, 040114

Team wod / w/ Lynn
Time : 31 min 
HPC took us longest as Lynn could only do 3 with this. But we did ok. 


Monday, 033114

Did 14.5

12:52 - time 

Couksnt bounce at bottom of thruster. Couksnt drop on Burpee (the arch in back flat hurt so had to lower hollowed out)

Back is same. The pressure is the annoyance. First PT is tomorrow. Will be 2-3x per week. MRI very soon.