
World-Class Fitness in 100 Words

Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.*Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast.*Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense.*Regularly learn and play new sports.—
Greg Glassman, founder of CrossFit "What is Fitness?"

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tuesday, 072914

Sleep night prior : 1a - 9:30a

Body: biceps still junk. But slowly feeling better 

Breakfast : eggs + bacon + sweet potato home fries + OJ

Snack : 1 hr before - FFF 

Post wod: Ultragen + aminos 
Post: aminos 

Snack shortly after : FFF

Lunch :

1st session:  1p
40 wall ball 
200m sandbag run (80)
10 Burpee squat clean thrusters w/ sandbag 
100m shuttle run + 5 muscle ups (do this 5x)
10 Burpee squat clean thrusters w/ sandbag 
200m sandbag run 
40 wall balls 

 Rest 20 min

Stone to shoulder 
Muscle ups 
W/ 10# weighted best 
After each set, 40' yoke walk also with 120kg added to yolk 
Time: 12 min

2nd session
A. 3 position power clean (floor, below knee, above knee)
90-100-110-120-125 missed below knee. Was fried 
B. Heavy triple Deadlift with band 
100-120-140-150-165 + blue band 
C. Gymnastics Playtime 
Did pbar hs hold 
D. Aerobic recovery - light row 

Monday, July 28, 2014

Monday, 072814

Sleep night prior : 3a - 9:30a

Body: can't move arms from Saturday. Biceps fried lol 
One ass cheek killing cause had to do lunges on one leg cause knee bugging me. 

Breakfast : eggs + bacon + oj + gluten free England muffin with pb&j

Pre: electrolytes 

Mid: some aminos 

Post: protein + 60-90 dextrose 

Within 1 hr :   Tuna + FFF + grapes + pita chips 

Dinner: ground beef egg omelette ... With home made sweet potato home fries. 


A. Front SqT.  4x9 @70% +
Did 103kg
B. Behind neck snatch grip push press 
80x5, 90x5, 100x5 110x2. Had no legs for third 
C. Strict press - 5RM for day 
60x5, 70x5 73x5 
D. Emom x 20 
Odd: 5 cal AB + 5 burpees 
Even: 2 SqT Cleans at 100kg 
* did in nanos : work on some flexibility. 

Sat , 072614

A. FS - up to heavy single 
Climbed to 140kg
75 pullups 
150' OH axle walking lunge (155)
Time : 8:50
Pullups went 70/5
OH were rough. Wrist was killing position was bad etc. 
C. Teams of 2 
400m run relay. One partner then the other 
80 DU relay. One does 80 then other 
40 S to OH (135) axle 
40 muscle ups 
Performed with Jon. Forget time but we were fastest. 

Friday, July 25, 2014

Friday, 072514

Sleep night prior : 2:30a -9a

Body: super sore 
Back shoulder recovery 

Wake up feeling: tired 

Breakfast- 2x FFF

Snack: tuna + balls + grapes + snack bar.  Coconut lemon something bar. Only 1 piece. 

Programming :   

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Thursday, 072414

sleep night prior:


wake up feeling:


Bfest - eggs bacon OJ
Snack: FFF
Pre- amino energy 
Post: amino
Pre: water 
Post : protein + Ultragen 
Dinner : tuna 
Post dinner : FFF + electrolytes 
Last meal at gym:  meatballs + bread 
Dinner at home : 10p - some mac and cheese. ; was around 
Snack: earlier - balls and small glass of milk 

A. EMOM x 20 min x 2 reps of  - sqT Clean + Push Jerk ; x @70-80% ascending 
Hard.  Started at 95kg. Up to 105 for single on last min. Some singles mixed in. Was legs for me. 
B. Bench - 1RM with 2 second pause on chest ; build in 12-15 min 
Did only 3 sets cause shoulder can't handle. 
C. FS Cycle 
7x5 @110kg

4 rds 
25 Wall Balls (20/14)
20 box jumps (24/20)
25 GHD Situps
200m Row 
25 Double Unders 
rest 5 min btwn rds 
Ended at 28:30
Breakdown below 

Wed 072314

Took today completely off, cause i can barely walk.

Sleep night prior: 4-5 hours; bad night

body; destroyed

breakfast: FFF
***no appetite lately and feeling like shit. Mental aspect to a lot of stuff going on I'm sure

snack: fried dough

lunch: grapes + FFF + balls + aminos

dinner: large chipotle bowl, double everything

snack: balls + glass of milk

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tuesday, 072214

Sleep night prior : 2a-9a

Body: sore from yesterday. Shoulder not happy 

Breakfast - eggs bacon gluten free English muffin with peanut butter, + OJ

Snack : FFF

post: ultragen + FFF + Aminos

Lunch: graphes, protein, FFF

pre: aminos

post: ultragen

dinner: chicken caesar

Programming :
A. Snatch Grip DL w/ Intent - 5RM +1x5@95 + 1x5@90
140 x 5. NOT TnG. 160x3; was losing back so just stopped B. Weighted Ring Grip Pullups - 5RM + 2 drop sets  
didnt do cause shoulder  C. 
200m Run @ 90%
400m Run @ 60%
100m Shuttle (50 down 50 back) @100%
rest 9 min x 3 
did this in am, and twice in the pm, to pace some girls. Easier pace later on.  D. 10 min of Dynamic & Static Stretching 
E. 10 min of Core Work 
A. 5RM CG Deadlift 
425 x 5. NOT TnG ; used straps though, cause couldn't feel hands 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Monday, 072114

Sleep night prior :  2-10a 

Body: tight and sore. Been off since last Tuesday 



A. Power Snatch Triple 
60-65-70-75-80.  85x1 and stopped. No failures just did one single 
Dropped to 60kg work feet 
B. 10RM PP - 
80x10 ting reps- 85x9. Missed 10th
C. Front SqT 4x9 @100kg
Parallel height no bounce 
*these were horrible 
Emom x 12
Odd: 5 Burpee + 5 muscle ups 
Even :30 high effort AB
Emom x 12
Odd: 5 strict hspu 
Even: 15 cal row 


Wed - Sunday - OFF. 

Terrible eating. 
No supplements etc
And horrible sleep 

Well, no better time than tomorrow to start clean. 

Update surgery ; insurance issues. Looks like might have to wait til Sept for surgery if I want any insurance help; as out plan changes 9/1.  

With that, have considered making run at American Opens with all power movements.  Going to chat with few and see what's feasible

As 77kg for American opens, looks like 250 qualifying total.  
Power snatch 105
Clean and jerk 145

Or 110/140

Unsure 110 Ps would be attainable or shoulder could handle. 

Will start being super on top of blog and updating diet etc

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wed, 071614

Sleep night prior: 1:30-8a

Wake up feeling: good. 

Body condition:  wrist, good wrist, all jacked up. Hoping didn't break but very painful. 

Nutrition :
Breakfast: eggs , bacon, apple , OJ, peanut butter. 

Snack: coffee

Lunch : collatta + wake up wraps + meatballs + FFF 



Tuesday, 071514

Sleep night prior: 8 hrs 

Wake up feeling: pretty good

Body condition:  tired / sore 

Nutrition :

A. 400m row x 10 rest 1:30 between. 1:42-1:44 pace - completed 
B. power Clean + push Jerk :
100x3 tng
105x3 tng
110x2 tng; missed third push jerk trying to force tng 
C. Bounding 
Competed - had fun with this 
D. Stretch 

A. Clean and Jerk - single 
110,115,120,125,130,135(miss jerk), 
Went to clean 
140, 142, 145(miss)
Thruster 135
Bar muscle ups
Unbroken : 6 min or so 
Was slow between, hurt wrist on clean 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Monday , 071414

Sleep night prior:
1:30a - 8a. 9a -11a 
Wasn't feeling well. Laid back down 

Wake up feeling:

Body condition: 
Sore! Tight. Need to stretch a lot 

Nutrition :
Breakfast: eggs. Bacon. Balls. FFF. OJ

Pre: amino energy + electrolytes + blonyx

Post : ultra gen scop and half + electrolytes + CFF + balls + grapes 

Dinner; Meatballs + balls + veggie chips

late night snack: 

Programming :
A. FS - heavy single 
100x3 120x2 130x1 140x1 145x1 PR 150xF
B. hang Powerf Snatch triple 
70x3 80x3 85x2 
C. EMOM x 20
Odd: 20 double under + 2-4 burpee muscle ups 
Even - 10-15 cal AB

Saturday 071224

A. Clean complex 
Power clean + hang power clean + below knee hang power clean
Climbed to to 120kg


Thursday, July 10, 2014

Thursday, 071014

Sleep night prior:   2:30a - 8:30a

A. Split Jerk 3.2.1 waves 
Worked through... Missed 135 on single. Legs weren't there today. 
15 muscle up
150 double Unders 
20 SqT cleans (225)
150 double Unders 
15 muscle ups 
Time: 14 something .... Was slow on SqT cleans. Legs back dead 

A. Back squat - heavy single 
Jumped to 175, failed 
10 pbar hspu
30 cal AB
8 pbar hspu
6 pbar 
4 pbar
2 pbar 
10 cal AB
1 pbar hspu 
5 AB cal 
Time: 12:40


Mobility & recovery 

Nutrition :

Eggs bacon OJ


Pre: amino energy 

Post : Ultragen 

Pre: amino 

Post: Ultragen 

Lunch / dinner:

Tuesday, 070814

A. Track
100m x 20; walk back as your rest 
B. Suicide Relay; perform as team for those who can. 5-10-15- etc. 1/1 ratio with partner for those who are performing as a team 
C. 20-30 of Static Stretching

A. 3 Positional Clean Pull; build to heavy Double; 2nd time around bar can’t touch the ground; go inch off floor for step 3
Up to 150kg
B. Bounding Work ; vary the heights and lengths in course today
Not done 
C. 5 rds 
15 Wall Balls (30/20 to 10’)
15/12 C2B
12 TnG Box Jumps (24/20)
12 T2B
9 burpee touch’s 
9 Strict Ring Dips
Rest 3 min between rds 
Done. 26 something. Horid come round 4. All UB movements other than strict ring dips come rd 3-5. 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Sat, 070514

Comp Training 

A. Power Clean + PP + PJ
Hit 110. Missed 115 on PP
B. teams of 2 guy girl
400m run - alt 2x each 
20 rds (10 each alt)
5 Burpee box jump over (20)
10 c2b
14 OH KB Lunge - alt legs (1kb oh either arm)
Rest 2 min
2 min max AB calories (2 each)
Rest 2 min
3k Row (swap every 300m)
Completed with Lynn forget time. Long. But fun one 

Rest hour

Max out back squat 
Hit 171 for Pr
Max push press 
Hot 116 for Pr
Max behind neck split jerk 
Hot 135, missed 140. No legs left 

Friday, 070414

30 rds 
5 wall ball
3 hspu
1 power clean (up'd weight here, to 255)
Time: 32 min of so 


Max out back squat 
Hit 165 again failed 171

Thursday, 070314

A. back squat
1x10 @60
1x10 @65
1x8 @70
1x8 @75
Didn't do % maxed out to 165kg today 
B. Clean + Hang Clean x 2 + Front Squat + Jerk ; build 
Hit 120. Missed 125. Legs were dead 
C. 350m Row x 7; @:16 slower than max 500; rest 2 min
Didn't get to
D. 3 rds ; scale appropriately; think UB Sets through
10 Strict HSPU
10/7 Muscle Ups (UB here is more important than more reps) If the number is to low, switch to c2b for the pull here)
20 KB Swings (70)
200m Row
rest 5 min between
First two UB
Then like 7-8 MU, not 10
E. 20 min of Team type activity. Can be individual focus, but get together and have some fun. Make an obstacle course, make a race. SOMETHING! 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tuesday, 070114

A. 400m - TT.  
Score - 1:01
B. 800m Run @80% x 4 ; rest 1 min between 
Back killing me 

A. Deficit power clean Complex 
Power clean + lower to inch off floor power clean x 2: 
Score: was rushing so did 100kg, 120kg, 125kg.  
Then singles at 130 and 137 off deficit 
B. 5 rds 
200m Run
10 hang Power Clean (135)
40 DU
10 S to OH
12 T2B
15 TnG Box jumps (24)
Rest 5 min between rds
End time : 36:33
*4th rd died and almost fell off t2b. Was rough one 
Times looked like 

Monday, 063014

A. Muscle snatch 

B. back squat cycle  @20X0
110 x 8
136 x 6
145 x 6
^worst week by far 
Almost died on last 6 hahaha 

C: Emom x 20
Odd: 5 burpees + 5 KB SqT cleans (70)
Even: 3-5 deficit strict hspu