
World-Class Fitness in 100 Words

Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.*Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast.*Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense.*Regularly learn and play new sports.—
Greg Glassman, founder of CrossFit "What is Fitness?"

Monday, October 7, 2013

Recap of the weekend and CF Earned Comp

Week prior, didn't feel great. Wrist not a ton better, but hoped for the best.

250m Row
25 Pbar HSPU (position, but normal height)
35 C2B
350m Row

Score: 3:50 - went all unbroken on the HSPU and C2B. Took first in this workout by about a minute. Chase was 2nd behind me on this workout in the comp. Row's were in the mid 1:40's. First one, like 1:48...figured just pace; as goal was unbroken workout, not worrying about my time. Went into this weekend, focused on just PUSHING, not gaming anything. All worked, but 2nd row was row. I could barely hold the handle. Legs were fried for some reason, but kept it in the high 1:40's. . . also didn't have a ton to push for honestly, as had this on by a long shot; believe i got a bit lazy final row. 

10 min max clean and jerk
:45 max ad calories. Had rest between based on where you placed in your heat on the clean and jerk. 
warmed up prior to 245. Power clean and fast  into the split jerk cause the wrist. Didn't feel great. So, when go time, i went 255 then 275. Both easy!  After using comp plates always now, bumpers just feel light. Wrist was very tender. Caught power clean and instead of standing up re dipping etc, just went straight into jerk overhead to save time on the wrist. This worked. At this point, another guy got 285, so i said screw it; jumped to 290. Power Cleaned which was a 10lb power clean (granted was with normal rogue bumpers), but i missed the jerk. I cleaned the 290 3x total, missing each jerk. Wrist was feeling it as caught the 290 with bit lower elbows and my confidence from there went out the window for the jerk. BUT< happy with the Power Clean PR. 
On the AD , got 36 calories in :45 seconds.  Legs were fillled up following. Dam that machine!

100 Double Unders
50 Wall Balls
75 Double Unders
30 Box Jumps (30')
50 Double Unders
10 Deadlift (275)
25 Double Unders
Time: 7:44   took 2nd on this wod. Hayden beat me on this one. So, my entire thing going in, again being just push it was to get the 100 du unbroken and go into the wall balls and get those 50 unbroken. I did this and was pumped, BUT, it killed me for time. Going back to the 75 DU, i was VERY winded and shoulders on fire. I was first to the wall balls, first off the wall, but Dan passed me on the 75 DU and i was chasing there after. He got 7 min flat on this workout.  Box Jumps, i did well. Not SUPER fast, but i rebounded all 30 with few mess ups in between. Not fast, but was happy to be able to even rebound at all. (achilles stayed together, thank some sort of higher power). Deadlifts unbroken. It was the 75 DU that really got me here.  I think breaking the first DU and WB up, would have in fact got me a faster time, BUT, i didn't care. . . was really happy to get that 50 wall balls in a row. So much happier with wall balls now and my ability to not be a pussy and drop the ball. 

Was 1st place oging into finals wod, and even if came in last, i still would have had 1st in the comp.
Final WOD:
40 Lunges (95)
20 Push Press (95)
10 T2B
30 Lunges (115)
15 Push Press (115)
15 T2B
20 Lunges (135)
10 Push Press (135)
20 T2B
600m Run
Time:13:38.. .. came in 4th out of the 5 on this one. this one fn killed me. Stupid mistake though. You had to walk down and back within like (x) amount of feet. I kept stopping early and had WAY more turn around than everyone else; stupid mistake. You were allowed back rack or front on everything. I had to go back rack even on Push Press cause wrist. This was not easy. Coming down while breathing heavy like that was just awkward. Made for very difficult time stringing together. was very winded. Back feeling it. t2B i really struggled, which others did not; kinda was baffled by that. Possibly just taxed from the rest. Haven't competed in a long time and not this many workouts in one day etc; maybe just taxed. Was last out the door. I ran VERY well. Was very happy with my 600. Was heavily breathing but kept pushing. happy with that. 

Overall, was happy with the day. Some pretty good guys. obviously the first one lined up with me well which gave me a great start to the day; but i'll take it.  Today, was VERY sore. My ass, legs, hips and as day went on, only got worse. wrist is VERY tender, but ok. Tender, but actually feeling much better. I'm excited to light squat clean this week and get ready for Milford. Need to clean up diet though, that's for sure. 

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